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Updated: 2005-11-11 08:59

Hong Kong Disneyland cuts ticket prices for local residents

 香港迪斯尼降價了 本地居民可享受優(yōu)惠

Hong Kong Disneyland cuts ticket prices for local residents
Visitors to the Tokyo Disneyland focus their mobile and digital cameras on Mickey Mouse float, depicting Mickey Mouse Santa Claus on a snowboard, at the grand finale of the Disney Jumbo Christmas parade as the popular amusement park kicks off Christmas attraction in Urayasu, east of Tokyo, Monday, Nov. 7, 2005. (AP)

Hong Kong Disneyland said Tuesday it will offer ticket discounts for one month to local residents to thank them for their support, but denied the move was prompted by low attendance at the park, which opened two months ago.

"The discount has absolutely no relation to attendance numbers,'' park spokeswoman Ms. Wong said.

"We are thanking locals for giving us good support since we opened.''

Starting Tuesday, prices for Hong Kong residents will be slashed by HK$50 (US$6.40) per ticket - a reduction of about 20 percent.

A peak time ticket for an adult will cost HK$300 (US$38.60), instead of HK$350 (US$45).

The discount, given to those with a Hong Kong ID card, will last until Dec. 8.

Although Hong Kong Disneyland said the discount was unrelated to attendance, the park has repeatedly refused to disclose how many people have been visiting

Many local media reports have said that attendance has been disappointing.

On Tuesday, Wong said the park has no plans to disclose attendance numbers because they are confidential commercial information.

This has angered some lawmakers who argue that the public should be privy to the information since the Hong Kong government is the biggest investor in the park.

The government paid US$2.4 billion for the park's construction, while Disney paid over US$314 million, according to official figures.
















discount: a reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or debt(折扣)

slash : to reduce or curtail drastically(削減)

privy: made a participant in knowledge of something private or secret(私下知情的)



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