

DPRK 'has no plan for second nuke test'

By Qin Jize (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-10-25 06:24

China, US closing ranks over N.Korea issue

NADI, Fiji - The US and China "have never been closer" in the wake of North Korea's nuclear test earlier this month, US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said.

Hill, who has responsibility for East Asia and the Pacific, has been travelling recently with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in East Asia to try to ensure a united front on the application of UN sanctions against North Korea after its nuclear test on October 9.

"In China we felt we were speaking with one voice on this issue," Hill told journalists on the sidelines of a meeting of Pacific Island Forum leaders.

"At no time have we felt closer together than we have felt in the wake of these North Korean provocations."

"I think the Chinese understand that the North Korean provocations, the decision to proceed with a nuclear weapons programme is really something quite beyond the pale and something we need to all speak with one voice about," Hill said.

"It always used to be that the Chinese would ask for more patience and we'd ask the Chinese for less patience but I think today we are really working better together."

"Ultimately the proof of the pudding will be if we can get North Korea back to the negotiating table and out of these programmes."

The Chinese foreign ministry said Tuesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il had told Chinese envoy Tang Jiaxuan last week that a second nuclear test was not currently planned.

However, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman added that increased international pressure could trigger more action.
