
CHINA> Regional
Netizens comment gov't handling of Urumqi riots
Updated: 2009-07-10 15:16

The following are some selected posts submitted by China Daily website readers on their thinkings about the government handling of the Urumqi riots:

Tony TT

The Chinese government has been admirable in the handling of this crisis - proportionate, calm, and even-handed (fair) response to the riots.

Next, there are several steps the Chinese government must take in the short-term to address the grievances of the Uyghurs and vengeful feelings of the Han Chinese - these steps must be seen to be firm but fair, especially in the Uyghurs' eyes; if necessary, err on the side in favour of the Uyghurs.

BUT the actions must also signal the intention of the Chinese government that further rioting will not be tolerated.

1. INVESTIGATE as quickly as possible the root cause of the problem (the alleged sexual assault) and bring the criminals to justice - the Han Chinese who made the false allegation and the murderers of the two Uyghur co-workers in the Xuri toy factory.

2. RELEASE the majority of the not-so-guilty Uyghurs and Han Chinese detained in the subsequent arrests as soon as possible to defuse this issue from becoming the fuse for further riots and protests.

3. PENALISE the hardcore of the Uyghurs and Han Chinese rioters fairly but firmly. Any one proven to have killed, caused grievous injury, or destroyed property must be severely dealt with.

4. Form PEACE COMMITTEES that include prominent Uyghurs and Han Chinese (and other ethnic groups if desired) to speak with one voice to ALL the people:

a. To communicate the message that rioting, killing, burning, destroying property, or any violent criminal activity will NOT BE TOLERATED by any ethnic group and they support the government in applying the full force of the law for any criminal acts.

b. To organize social activities that allow Uyghurs and Han Chinese to get to know each other better and, hopefully, foster better relationships among all ethnic groups.

c. To address any issues and friction between ethnic groups, and to bring grievances to the attention of the Chinese government.

d. To educate all ethnic groups that they belong to the same family, and problems must be solved in discussions and not through violence. 


I think President Hu has made the right and wise decision to quit the G8 meeting to return to China during this critical moment of the separatist-motivated rioting, arson, killings of innocents by these uighurs terrorists in Xinjiang. I strongly believe that President Hu will show his fine leadership of an evenhanded approach to resolving this violence and clashes. One big question remains is that the Chinese leadership should examine the role of the US government providing for a safe haven for these terrorists to operate from within the American soil under the terrorist chief, Rebiya Kadeer. She's no ordinary woman or 'refugee'! A golden opportunity for China to find the truth of this daedly riots orchestrated and instigated by these Western-backed terrorists!

Ho Sai Yuen

Kudos to the government and PLA for restoring order in Xinjiang Province. The rioters must be dealt with firmly so that this disturbance will not happen again.I blame the foreign powers for interfering in China's internal affairs in which this riot has shown.