
China / Politics

Xi's trip to Sochi to promote China-Russia ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-01-26 16:07

MOSCOW - Chinese President Xi Jinping's attendance at the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games will inject impetus into China-Russia relations, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui has said.

Xi's visit demonstrates the "high level and uniqueness" of China-Russia ties, and good working relationship and friendship between leaders of the two countries, Li told Moscow-based Chinese press.

It also shows mutual support of the two nations over issues of major concern, Li said.

In 2013, Xi chose Russia as the first stop of his maiden foreign trip as president. This year, Russia will again become the first country of Xi's foreign visit, Li said, adding it underscores the importance China has attached to China-Russia ties.

As a "good neighbor, friend and partner of Russia," China sincerely wishes Chinese, Russian as well as other delegations participating in the Sochi Games excellent achievements, he said.

The ambassador reviewed China-Russia relations in the past year, saying it has been advancing at a high level. Besides frequent contacts between leaders of the two countries, the two sides also held joint military drills and anti-terror exercises, he said.

Meanwhile, China and Russia kept close contacts and efficient coordination over global and regional issues last year and made great efforts to facilitate political solutions to the Syria crisis and the Iran nuclear issue, Li said.

During his stay in Sochi, Xi will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, making a good start for the strategic partnership in 2014, Li said.

The China-Russia Youth Year of Friendship Exchanges in 2014-2015, following previous theme year programs, will further promote youth exchanges between the two countries and advance the friendly relations from one generation to another, he said.

China-Russia relations have become a model of harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation between neighboring countries, major powers as well as emerging economies, Li said, adding the ties played a key role in ensuring global and regional peace and security.

Further enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia is in line with the fundamental interests of the two nations and peoples, and will help safeguard world peace, stability and prosperity, Li concluded.

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