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What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang


Updated: 2016-03-15 11:57:10


Pieter Bottelier, Senior adjunct professor of China studies at the School of Advanced International Studies, the Johns Hopkins University, United States.

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

If I had the chance to meet with Premier Li, I would tell him the highest priority is to restore confidence. I think domestic markets in China are a little nervous.

My number one recommendation would be to put more emphasis on the structural reform, particularly in the State-owned sector.

Many of the longer term indicators (of the Chinese economy) are actually quite good. We should not forget that in spite of all the problems, China continues to be the best performing large economy in the world today. Don't overlook that.

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

Don Davis, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Kingsway

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

I would want to ask him how long-range planning works in China and what suggestions he would have for a country like Canada in this regard.




What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

 Iris Jin, Senior Program Manager

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

I would want to ask him how China is going to deal with land rights in the rural areas.

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

Sarah Boumphrey, Head of Strategic, Economic and Consumer Insight, Euromonitor International

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

What are the government's three main policy priorities for boosting private consumption in China in the next 5 years?




What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King's College London.

What overseas academics would ask Premier Li Keqiang

Does he feel that equity and efficiency are improving in the Chinese economy?