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打點 offer a bribe; 打游擊 work at no fixed place

湊份子 to bother somebody; 醋壇子 a metaphor for a jealous person

出局 be knocked or eliminated in a competition; 穿幫 to let the cat out of the bag

炒冷飯 a repeat performance; 成氣候 be in power

不感冒 show disinterest;長舌婦 gossip monger 

煲電話粥 a metaphor for talking on the phone for a long time; 爆料 inside information

矮半截 be inferior to others; 擺龍門陣 chat

吃豆腐 taking advantage of women; 吃不了兜著走 land oneself in serious trouble

扯淡 talk nonsense; 扯平 get even with somebody

菜鳥 fool,blockhead,simpleton; 炒魷魚 dismiss or fire

蹩腳 inferior; 波霸 women with big breasts

背過氣 to stop breathing; 崩 shoot to death

爆料 to provide news; 背 be unluckly

沒心沒肺 refers to one who is tolerant,broad-minded and doesn't fuss; 面 slow

膽兒顫 be terrified 夠勁兒 heavy

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