
  Full Coverages>China>2006 NPC & CPPCC>Taiwan Question

Taiwan parties call on all to join in demonstration
Updated: 2006-03-08 09:38

BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- A number of political parties and organizations in Taiwan Province are planning to participate in a demonstration on March 12 to protest Chen Shui-bian's decision to stop the operation of the "National Unification Council" and the application of the "National Unification Guidelines."

According to the Taiwan-based "China Unification Alliance," the organization and some other parties have issued a joint statement to call on people of different circles to join in the proposed street march next Sunday.

The statement said the sovereign rights of China's mainland and Taiwan have belonged to the people living on the two banks of the Taiwan Straits ever since Taiwan's return to the motherland in 1945.

The 1992 cross-Straits consensus between the two sides, which is based on the one-China principle, is the basis for cross-Straits peace, it says.

It criticizes Chen's recent move as separatist, threatening to peace and stability, and running against the aspirations of the people of the two sides as they pursue national peace, reconciliation, harmony and cooperation.

The cessation of Taiwan's "unification council" and "unification guidelines" rebuffs the One-China Principle, challenges all Chinese people, and represents the abduction of and fraudulence against Taiwan people, the statement continues, warning it could end Chen's political credibility and dignity.

The protest groups will call on Taiwan people and all organizations opposing separatism and supporting reunification to join in the anti-Chen camp, said Wang Jinping, chairman of the alliance.

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