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Young living Buddha's growth

Xinjiang recovering with difficulty

Tibet celebrates Serfs Emancipation Day

Beijing-based foreign journalists visit Tibet exhibition
Publishers urged to promote culture
Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) leader Li Changchun has urged the nation's publishers to make greater efforts to promote the country's culture worldwide.
President urges to work for ethnic unity
President Hu Jintao made his first trip to the Xinjiang since last month's deadly riot.
Exhibition of region development
An exhibition about the achievements in five autonomous regions opened in Beijing.
Resettlement on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
The government aimes to protect the environment of a well-known nature reserve.
6.8m RMB fund established for ethnic minority culture in Hunan
The government of centralChina’sHunanprovince has allocated 6.8 million Yuan ($1 million) for a cultural development fund specifically for ethnic minorities, Zhou Qiang, Governor of the province, said during a press conference on August 10.
House program to highlight Yi identity
The government should speed up a house renovation program for Yi ethnic groups in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in southwestChina’sSichuanprovince, said Yang Jianqiang, vice minister of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission.
Xinjiang gears up coal mine production
The coal-rich region plans to launch 139 large and medium-sized coal mines by 2010.
Reparation of Tibet palaces finished
China officially concluded the reparation of the Potala Palace and Norbu Lingka.
Tibet seeing a record number of travelers
Tibet for the first time received more than 1 million tourists from home and abroad in a single month, setting a new record.
Festival shows Mongolia's ethnic culture
Cultural ministers from 17 Asian countries vowed to boost cultural development.
Hu meets Taiwan ethnic minorities
Hu Jintao expressed his condolences to the Taiwan people for the victims of Morakot.
A tale of a woman and her village
Ma Su'e, a woman from a village of Dong ethnic people, harvests happy life from environmental friendly tourism in Enshi, Hubei province.
31 cities' police deployed to Xinjiang
The police units took 37 charted planes and arrived 11 hours after receiving the order.
Charming Yamdrok Tso in Tibet
The lake, famed for its turquoise waters, lies about 100 kilometers southwest of Lhasa.[
Fake invoices in railway construction
The Qinghai Taxation Bureau discovered 1,154 fake invoices worth 128 million RMB.

Female Mosques, Imams and School
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  Lost horizons: Nagqu prefecture in Tibet