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Summit: 峰會,首腦會議


俄羅斯總統(tǒng)普京14日會晤日本前首相森喜郎時表示,他計劃在今年11月APEC峰會前后訪問日本,與日本商討“北方四島”領(lǐng)土爭端問題。外電報道如下:Russian President Vladimir Putin has told a former Japanese prime minister he wants to visit Japan in November for talks on a formal treaty to end a land dispute from World War II, reports said.

The neighbouring countries have been debating a date for the visit for months after Putin agreed to come here this year to mark the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between them.

Putin told former Japanese prime minister Yoshiro Mori in Saint Petersburg Tuesday that he wanted the visit to be around the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC) forum summit in South Korea on November 18-19, major Japanese media reported.

Summit作為名詞表示“山峰;頂峰;絕頂”,例如:a mountain summit(山頂);上文中體現(xiàn)是summit的另外一個含義,即“峰會,首腦會議”。此外,summit作為形容詞還有“政府首腦級的, 最高級的”之意,例如:a summit conference(最高級會議)。



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