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Friends 1 《老友記》1(精講之十)
[ 2006-11-20 10:41 ]

影片對(duì)白  ...But a man can change.


3. lose track of time 忘記時(shí)間

Sorry- sorry we're late, we, uh, kinda just, y'know, lost track of time.

Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the tendency to miss lunch.

4. throw in 外加,附帶

You just start with half a dozen European cities, throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia, and bam! You have got yourself a book.

You need to throw in another thousand dollars for the tip.

5. kill off 消除,滅絕

C'mon, the guy's a secondary character, just a, y'know, complication you eventually kill off.

Readers joined some authors in a plea to JK Rowling not to kill off Harry Potter in the seventh and final book.


Euphemism 委婉語

A euphemism is an expression intended by the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing, or troubling to the listener than the word or phrase it replaces, or in the case of doublespeak to make it less troublesome for the speaker. When a phrase is used as a euphemism, it often becomes a metaphor whose literal meaning is dropped. Euphemisms are often used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas, even when the literal term for them is not necessarily offensive. This type of euphemism is used in public relations and politics, where it is sometimes disparagingly called doublespeak. There are also superstitious euphemisms, based (consciously or subconsciously) on the idea that words have the power to bring bad fortune and religious euphemisms, based on the idea that some words are sacred, or that some words are spiritually imperiling.

Some examples:
Restroom --- toilet room
acting like rabbits, making love to, getting it on, doing it, or sleeping with --- for having sexual intercourse with
motion discomfort bag, air-sickness bag--- vomit bag, sick bag or barf bag
sanitary landfill --- garbage dump
ill-advised --- very poor or bad
pre-owned vehicles --- used cars
correctional facility --- prison
the big C --- cancer
the crab --- cancer
bathroom tissue, t.p., or bath tissue --- toilet paper
caretaker --- janitor
sanitation worker --- "garbage man"
Where can I wash my hands? or Where can I powder my nose? --- Where can I find a toilet?
percussive maintenance --- fixing by hitting



1. 湯姆以前很沉悶,但是自從蘇姍對(duì)他有好感之后他開朗多了。
2. 失去幾個(gè)老朋友,花掉你所有的空閑時(shí)間,你才能做好主席的工作。
3. 很多宏偉計(jì)劃都是由于資金不足而泡湯的。
4. 也許日常瑣事使我失去了時(shí)間概念。

Friends 1 《老友記》1(精講之九)考考你 參考答案

1. 他所有的親戚都湊錢給他交高昂的學(xué)費(fèi)。
All his relatives chipped in for his exorbitant tuition.

2. 先發(fā)制人,羅伯特說,不是美國(guó)的風(fēng)格--那將是“第二個(gè)珍珠港”。
Striking first, Robert said, was un-American-it would be "a Pearl Harbor in reverse."

3. 有些時(shí)候你需要放松放松,享受生活。
Sometimes you need to lay back and smell the roses.

4. - 你是我見過的最漂亮的女生。
   - 胡說。我沒那么好啦。
- You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met.
- Get out. I am not that good. 

點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入: 精彩電影回顧



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