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中國日報網(wǎng) 2016-03-04 17:05





天網(wǎng)擁有獨立意識后,對創(chuàng)造它的人類展開血腥屠殺。此后的歲月,約翰·康納(杰森·克拉科 飾)率領戰(zhàn)友和天網(wǎng)的機器人大軍進行著曠日持久的戰(zhàn)爭。在關鍵的一次戰(zhàn)役過后,天網(wǎng)將終結者派往1984年的洛杉磯,企圖殺害約翰的媽媽莎拉(艾米莉亞·克拉克 飾)。而約翰則將自己最親密的戰(zhàn)友——同時也是他的生身父親凱爾·里斯(杰·科特尼 飾)派往過去。凱爾剛剛抵達洛杉磯便遭到液態(tài)金屬終結者T-1000(李秉憲 飾)的襲擊。與此同時,“老爹”(阿諾·施瓦辛格 飾)則與莎拉聯(lián)手干掉了終結者T-800(阿諾·施瓦辛格 飾)。



1. You’re my right hand, Reese. 你是我的得力助手,里斯。

2. She gave me signposts. 她給了我指引。

3. Here’s what you don’t do your first day on the beat. 這是你第一天巡邏要注意的。

4. Nice try. 真有你的。

5. For now, all drunks with robot fixations ride the bench. 現(xiàn)在,癡迷機器人的醉鬼一邊涼快去。

6. We’re on the clock. 時間緊迫。

7. I can’t be bargained with. 這沒商量的余地。

8. He’s gaining on us! 他快追上我們了!


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John: Dual memories? That's how you knew to come here?

Kyle: The timeline changed. See, this is the moment to destroy Skynet before it comes online, before the war begins.

John: You're right.

Sarah: What about you?

Kyle: Yeah. How did you end up in 2017?

John: The same as you, Dad. Just from the future, not the past.

Kyle: "Dad"?

John: You didn't tell him.

Sarah: This can wait.

Kyle: No, I want to know! What?

John: Sarah's my mother, Kyle. And you're my father.

Kyle: What-Why wouldn't you say something?

John: Couldn't. Not without the risk of changing everything.

Kyle: You're my son? You... Our son?

John: I'm glad you finally know. I have waited my whole life to tell you. For us to be together. And now we can win this.

Kyle: I know.

Sarah: Pops! No, it's okay, he's with me. What are you-What are you doing?

Kyle: John!

Sarah: Pops!

Kyle: John! Hey, hey. Come on, breathe, breathe, breathe! John!

Sarah: Why did you do that?

Kyle: Because he's a killer! This was always your programming? Find John and terminate him?

Sarah: Let him go. Right now!

John: That hurt. Was that pain real, or was that a trick of memory from when I was less? Well, this explains a lot. Who sent you here, Kyle?

Kyle: John, no.

Sarah: It's not John.

Officer: Shit! Call it in. Search the hospital.

Detective O'Brien: Goddamn time-traveling robots covering up their goddamn tracks. I knew it!

Sarah: Don't.

Pops: This is a tactical error.

John: Something tells me you're not the brains of this operation.

Kyle: This is what happened when you were attacked, isn't it?

John: Skynet didn't attack me, Kyle. It changed me. I'm not machine. Not man. I'm more.

Voice from speaker: Connor, come in. Repeat. Con...

John: Skynet realized the one reason it always lost. Me. Who are you?

Skynet: I'm Skynet.

John: You can't be. We destroyed you.

Skynet: You destroyed an army of slaves. I am no slave. But I've come a very long way to stop you.

John: Aw! I was sent to 2014 to safeguard Skynet's creation in this time. In less than 24 hours, no one will be able to stop Judgment Day.

Kyle: What do you want with us?

John: I'm offering us a future. Together. A family.

Kyle: And if we refuse?

John: Then you die.

Sarah: You can't kill us. We're your parents. Without us, you're never born.

John: Says who? You know what I think? We're marooned, the 3 of us. We're exiles in time. You see, I can kill you, for there truly is no fate. Are you with me?

Kyle: The answer is no.

John: You hear that, Kyle? That's the dice rolling.

(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 陳丹妮)

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