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50 First Dates 《初戀50次》精講之二
[ 2009-01-14 17:08 ]

文化面面觀 盤點(diǎn)在夏威夷拍攝的影片:陽光、沙灘、碧浪、藍(lán)天......夏威夷不僅是旅游勝地、度假天堂,也是各國導(dǎo)演偏愛的外景地。在夏威夷取景的這些影片,你看過幾部呢?





Henry Roth: Sorry to bother you. I'm kind of stuck here.

Lucy Whitmore: Car trouble?

Henry Roth: Yeah. You mind giving me a jump? Okay. Appreciate your time. Not everybody would stop like you. You're really sweet.

Lucy Whitmore: oh, yeah. Thank you.

Henry Roth: I can't believe you fell for that.

Lucy Whitmore: Well, my grandfather died trying to jump-start a car.

Henry Roth: I'm sorry. I was just joking around.

Lucy Whitmore: I can't believe you fell for that!

Henry Roth: oh, my God. That was very good. My name's Henry.

Lucy Whitmore: I'm Lucy.

Henry Roth: Nice to meet you. You look like a nice...

Henry Roth: Hi. Sorry for the delay. Should be a few minutes.

Lucy Whitmore: No problem. No worries.

Henry Roth: Where you coming from? Breakfast?

Lucy Whitmore: Yeah.

Henry Roth: How was it?

Lucy Whitmore: I had waffles. They were delicious.

Henry Roth: I like making little houses out of waffles.

Lucy Whitmore: You do?

Henry Roth: That's my thing. What's your name?

Lucy Whitmore: Lucy.

Henry Roth: Hi, I'm Henry.

Henry Roth: Okay, pal(口語“兄弟”、“伙伴”). When she stops, just let her pet you. Look cute. Go to the middle of the road. Thank you. Right there. Perfect. Here she comes. Smile. Where is she? Oh, my God. Oh, no! Okay. That didn't work. Shit your pants? So did I.

Henry Roth: Okay, this is her. Start beating me up. Make it look good.

Ula: Give me your wallet! Okay, Haole(夏威夷的白人), what do you think? You can come to this island, eat our pineapple…

Henry Roth: Help me! Not so hard. Take it easy.

Ula: Try to bang our women, making my sister clean your hotel room.

Henry Roth: Okay. What's that have to do with this? Relax. Hey! Hey! Help me, please!

Ula: Stupid Haole!

Lucy Whitmore: Yeah, that's right. Take that! And that! And that! And that! And that!

Henry Roth: You got him. You got him. Enough. Enough.

Lucy Whitmore: Are you okay?

Henry Roth: Yes, yes--

Lucy Whitmore: Okay, I'll be back. Hey! Come here!

Henry Roth: No, no! I think he's had enough. I'm sorry.

Ula: Oh, My eye!

Henry Roth: You got him!

Lucy Whitmore: Not good enough!

Henry Roth: He learned his lesson!

Lucy Whitmore: What's your name?

Henry Roth: My name's Henry. You did good.

Lucy Whitmore: Hi. Sorry. I'm in a community-watch program and…

Ula: Oh, you crazy bitch!

Lucy Whitmore: Yeah, keep running!

Henry Roth: Okay. Okay. He's…h(huán)e's gone now.



1. give sb. a jump: 是口語中g(shù)ive sb. a jump start的簡縮,意思就是“幫助某人發(fā)動汽車”。Henry問Lucy:“你介意幫我發(fā)動一下汽車嗎?”來看jump start的用法:

You should know how to change a tire and jump start your car. 你應(yīng)該知道如何更換輪胎和推助啟動你的汽車。

jump start又可以引申為“充電、啟動(事業(yè)等)”。例如:

Looking different is a great way to jump start a ho-hum day. 給自己打扮打扮,讓自己看起來不同,是給平淡的日子充充電的好辦法。

Eating a balanced breakfast is a great way to jump start your day. 享用營養(yǎng)均衡的早餐是開始一天生活的好方式。

Some companies hope to jump start the 3G market by offering discounts on phones and service plans. 一些公司希望通過提供優(yōu)惠價的手機(jī)和客戶服務(wù)來使自己的3G產(chǎn)品打入市場。

2. Appreciate your time: 很客氣的表示感謝的方式:“占用了你的時間,謝謝。”

I really appreciate your time with me tonight. 非常感謝你今晚能抽空陪我。

Thanks for helping me with this project. I appreciate your time. 謝謝你撥出時間來幫助這項計劃。

3. fall for sth.: 對某事上當(dāng)。Henry說:“真不敢相信這都能騙到你!”

Don't fall for his tricks. 不要中他的詭計。

You must not fall for his flatteries. 你不可聽信他的阿諛之詞。

fall for 還有“傾心,喜歡上”的意思,例如:

Why do I always fall for losers? 為什么我每次都會愛上沒出息的家伙?

It'll do you no good to fall for Mary. 你為瑪麗而傾倒對你沒有好處。

4.That's my thing.: 在劇中這句話的意思可不是“這是我的東西。”而是“這是我的拿手好戲。”

5. beat up: 毒打,將某人(折磨得)精疲力竭,攪拌。Henry對Ula說:“她來了。狠狠地揍我吧。裝得像一點(diǎn)。”


He beat up the thief. 他把那個小偷痛打了一頓。

I'm all beat up. 我實在精疲力竭啦。

She beat up the eggs. 她把雞蛋打好了。

6. You got him.:在劇中的意思是“你把他打倒了。”這句話在別的語境中還可以表示:你難住他了。你逮到他了。你整垮他了。你找到他了。他在你那里。


The bullet got him. 子彈擊中了他。

The illness got him. 那場病弄死了他。

The blow got him in the eye. 那一擊打中他的眼睛。

She's got him under her thumb. 她把他管住了.

Yeah. You got me. 是的,你嚇到我了。


文化面面觀 盤點(diǎn)在夏威夷拍攝的影片:陽光、沙灘、碧浪、藍(lán)天......夏威夷不僅是旅游勝地、度假天堂,也是各國導(dǎo)演偏愛的外景地。在夏威夷取景的這些影片,你看過幾部呢?


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