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[ 2009-02-02 18:42 ]





(演員Antonio Banderas扮演一個述者Ché,用拉丁風味極濃的歌聲穿插始終。)


Oh what a circus!

Oh what a show!

Argentina has gone to town over the death of an actress called Eva Peron.

We've all gone crazy mourning all day and mourning all night, falling over ourselves to get all of the misery right.

Oh what an exit!

That's how to go when they're ringing your curtain down: Demand to be buried like Eva Peron.

It's quite a sunset and good for the country in a roundabout way.

We've made the front page of all the world's papers today.

But who is this Santa Evita?

Why all this howling, hysterical sorrow?

What kind of goddess has lived among us?

How will we ever get by without her?

She had her moments.

She had some style.

The best show in town was the crowd outside the Casa Rosada crying "Eva Peron".

But that's all gone now.

As soon as the smoke from the funeral clears, we're all gonna see and how she did nothing for years!

You let down your people, Evita.

You were supposed to have been immortal.

That's all they wanted, not much to ask for.

But in the end you could not deliver.

Sing you fools, but you got it wrong.

Enjoy your prayers because you have not got long.

Your queen is dead.

Your king is through.

And she's not coming back to you.

Show business kept us all alive since seventeen October 1945.

But the star has gone.

The glamour's worn thin.

That's a pretty bad state for a state to be in.

Instead of government, we had a stage.

Instead of ideas, a primadonna's rage.

Instead of help, we were given a crowd.

She didn't say much, but she said it loud.

Sing you fools, but you got it wrong.

Enjoy your prayers because you haven't got long.

Your queen is dead.

Your king is through.

She's not coming back to you.


1. ring down the curtain: 響鈴落幕。例如 ring down the curtain on the first act(第一幕結(jié)束時響鈴落幕)

I'll give you a signal to ring down the curtain when the scene is over. 等這一場演完,我會給你發(fā)出鳴鈴落幕的信號。

這個短語也可以引申為“收場、結(jié)局”,臺詞中“when they're ringing your curtain down”指的就是“當人們走到生命盡頭的時候”。

與此相對的是ring up the curtain 響鈴升幕,亦可表示開始做某事。例如:

The government intends to ring up the curtain on a whole new range of plans to bring down the unemployment rate. 政府打算開始實行一系列全新的計劃來降低失業(yè)率。

2. roundabout: 委婉的、曲折的、間接的、轉(zhuǎn)彎抹角的。Ché唱道:“全國也間接得益,因為今日全球的報紙都用頭版刊登這件大事

來看一些常見表達法:take a roundabout route(繞遠道),A roundabout expression(迂回的表述),mild and roundabout(委婉的)


She made a suggestion in a very roundabout way. 她很婉轉(zhuǎn)地提出了一個建議。

What you lose on the swing you gain on the roundabout. 哪里丟失,哪里尋覓。

He always asks me favors in a roundabout way. 他總是拐彎抹角地求我辦事。

3. get by: 通過,經(jīng)過,做到,熬過難關(guān)。歌詞里采用的是最后一種說法:“她玉隕香消,而我們?nèi)绾螖[脫困境?”來看例句:

She can not get by without him. 沒有他,她無法生活。

Haw can he get by on such low wages? 以如此低微的工資,他如何度日?

He should just about get by in the exam. 他這次考試應(yīng)該能勉強及格。

4. let down: 放下,降低,使失望,掉以輕心。Ché唱道:“Evita,你讓你的人民失望了。”

I was let down by his indifference. 他的漠不關(guān)心使我感到失望。

Don't let down even if the going is good. 即使在順利的情況下也不要松勁。

Better be let down by others than to let others down. 寧人負我,我莫負人。 

let down one's hair除了表示“放下頭發(fā)”,還有“放輕松、無拘無束”的意思。來看例句:

She finally let her hair down in front of us. 她終于在我們面前變得無拘無束了。

With a good friend, you get to let down your hair. 有一個好朋友,你便可以坦率直言。

5. deliver: “遞送, 陳述, 釋放, 發(fā)表”都是這個單詞最常見的意思,可是在臺詞中,表達的卻是“實現(xiàn)預先的計劃,履行先前的承諾”的意思。例如:deliver the goods (交貨,履行諾言, 不負眾望,說話兌現(xiàn))

We have to deliver on those promises. 我們必須履行這些承諾。

He had almost talked big and had almost always delivered. 他老是說大話,而又幾乎總能實現(xiàn)。



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