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Just My Luck 《倒霉愛神》精講之三
[ 2009-07-27 17:46 ]

嘉年華 carnival

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Dana:How you feeling? 

Ashley: Nervous.

Dana: She's gonna love it.

Ashley: Okay. How about right here?

Dana: Yeah.

Miss Braden: This place is amazing!

Dana: Quick. She's ready.

Ashley: Hi, Miss Braden. Sorry. Peggy. So, are you ready to be impressed?

Miss Braden: I'm ready to have questions.

Ashley: Of course. I would hope so. Okay, so we're going for a carnival-like atmosphere. We'll have an upscale mixture of V.I.P.'s, celebs...and record industry insiders. Only, everyone will wear masks.

Miss Braden: Interesting.

Ashley: We'll have a deejay, circus performers...fortune-tellers, atmosphere smoke and neon. Over here will be the V.I.P. Area. We'll have champagne... only the best. Dom Perignon served by waiters on stilts. And then a stage with Masquerade's latest videos and professional dancers. And over there, little alcoves...with couches and with drapes to give people privacy. Overhead, sky dancers. You know, I want people to feel like anything can happen here. It's gonna be a magical night.

Miss Braden: The hired dancers?

Ashley:Are doing their thing.

Miss Braden:And Phillips?

Ashley: Is happy and is going up in five. Peggy, I've got it covered.

Miss Braden: See that you do, my dear.

Ashley: Oh, thank God. Thank you so much. I owe you big time.

Antonio: So, which one is she?

Ashley: Oh, she's the tall blonde one, near the fortune-teller.

Antonio: Ah, very nice. - Yeah, she's a little high-strung.

Antonio: No problem. It is gonna cost you extra.

Ashley: You're terrible. But a doll. Now go. I have work to do.

Antonio: So do I.

Man On Earpiece: Got another freeloader.

Ashley: What? No, no, no. If they're not on the list, they cannot get in. No exceptions.

The freeloader: I'm on the list. "Plus one." I'm on the list. It's the jacket!


1. carnival-like: 像嘉年華一樣的。Ashley計劃把這個masquerade(化妝舞會)辦成類似于嘉年華的飲宴狂歡。

2. upscale: 高端的,高消費階層的。這類upscale(迎合高層次消費者的)商品針對的顧客通常住在upscale neighborhood(高檔社區(qū)),在upscale market(高檔商品市場)購買upscale fashions(高級時裝)。

3. deejay: 播放音樂的人,通常簡稱為DJ

4. fortune-teller: 算命者。Teller作為后綴,用來表示“……的人”,例如:story-teller(講故事的人)。而teller單獨使用,則還可以用來指“出納”。

5. on stilts: 踩著高蹺。在Ashley設(shè)計的這場masquerade(化妝舞會)中,waiters都是踩著高蹺(on stilts)來為人們服務(wù)的。而如果說一個人talk on stilts,可不是說他在踩著高蹺講話,而是說他“夸夸其談,夸張做作”。

6. alcove: 單間,在這里指舞會上為人們約會提供的私密隔間。家里裝修的時候,還常隔出一件coat alcove(衣帽間)。

7. I owe you big time: 我欠你一個大人情。owe someone a big time的意思就是“欠某人情,十分感激某人”,而big time單獨使用,則是指“愉快的時光”。比如,在這次the big time(成功的商業(yè)演出)過后,Jim和他的同伴外出度假,They had a big time there.

8. high-strung: 高度緊張的, 容易興奮的.He is a high-strung artist.(他是個容易激動的藝術(shù)家。)有時候我們也用這個詞來形容某人“十分敏感”。

9. doll: 美男子。美國俚語。如果我們稱某個美女為doll,則是說她漂亮但沒有頭腦。

10. freeloader: 不速之客,揩油的人。也就是我們口語中常說的“吃白食”。

嘉年華 carnival

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