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Changeling 《換子疑云》精講之三
[ 2009-08-21 17:41 ]

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考考你 小試牛刀


Captain J.J. Jones: Mrs. Collins. You can leave the boy. She'll take care of him. Sit. Oh, you've caused us quite a bit of trouble, Mrs. Collins. This situation has become an embarrassment for the entire police department.

Mrs. Collins: It wasn't my intention to embarrass anyone.

Captain J.J. Jones: Oh, no, of course not. You just told the papers we couldn't tell one boy from another as a compliment for the months we spent working on your case. You trying to make fools out of us? Is that it? You enjoy this?

Mrs. Collins: Of course not. I want you to find my son.

Captain J.J. Jones: You know what your problem is, Mrs. Collins?  You're trying to shirk your responsibilities as a mother.

Mrs. Collins: What?

Captain J.J. Jones: You enjoyed being a free woman, didn't you? You enjoyed not having to worry about a young son. You could go where you wanted, do whatever you wanted, see anyone you wanted. But then we found your son, and we brought him back. And now he's an inconvenience to you. And that's why you cooked up this scheme, to throw him to the state and get the state to raise him for you. Isn't that true?

Mrs. Collins: That is not true!

Changeling 《換子疑云》精講之三

Captain J.J. Jones: No? Well, even the boy says he's your son. Why would he say that? How would he know to do that?

Mrs. Collins: I don't know. I just know he's lying.

Captain J.J. Jones: Oh, maybe so. Maybe he is a liar. But that's how he's been trained, isn't it? Lying was born in both of you. You're a liar and a troublemaker and, if you ask me, you got no business walking the streets of Los Angeles.

Mrs. Collins: Now wait a minute.

Captain J.J. Jones: Because either you know you're lying, or you're not capable of knowing if you're lying or telling the truth. So, which is it? You a derelict mother? Or just plain nuts? 'Cause from where I sit, those are the only options.

Mrs. Collins: I'm not gonna sit here and take this.

Captain J.J. Jones: You want experts? You want doctors? I have a few of my own. Matron. Mrs. Collins, you still insist that the boy out there is not your son?

Mrs. Collins: Yes, I do.

Matron: Please, don't struggle.

Mrs. Collins: What? No!

Matron: You'll only hurt yourself. What are you doing? Hold still.

Mrs. Collins: You can't just do this. No, you can't.

Captain J.J. Jones: You are to convey the prisoner to the Los Angeles County General Hospital Psychopathic Ward.

Mrs. Collins: What?

Captain J.J. Jones: You are to make the following entry. Defendant states she's been deceived by police and others, and that we have given her a boy and tried to make her think it is her son when she says it is not. Take her away.

Changeling 《換子疑云》精講之三

Mrs. Collins: No. No, no. Please. Please.

Matron: Come on, Mrs. Collins.

Mrs. Collins: No. No.

Man: This way.

Captain J.J. Jones: Mrs. Collins has been known to us since about March 10th, 1928 when she reported her nine-year-old son, Walter, missing. The boy was gone until August 1928. Since his return, she has complained that he is still missing and has made repeated requests that he be found. She suffers from paranoia, delusions of persecution and dislocation from reality. She may be a threat to herself or others. We recommend that she be conveyed to the psychopathic ward until her senses can be restored.

Matron: Got another code 12.

Doctor: Name?

Matron: Collins. Christine.

Mrs. Collins: No, no, no, listen, this is a mistake.

Doctor: Certifying officer?

Matron: Captain J.J. Jones, Lincoln Heights Division.

Mrs. Collins: No, no, please! Please! The police are trying to punish me...

Doctor: If you keep it up, I'm gonna have to put you in a straitjacket. Do you want that?

Mrs. Collins: No, ma'am.

Doctor: Then behave yourself. Code 12.

Woman: I'm not mad! Please.


1. make fools out of someone: trying to fool someone, also: make a fool out of someone. 愚弄某人,耍某人。在這里,Jones警官是在質(zhì)問(wèn)Mrs. Collins“你是在耍我們嗎?”

2. shirk one's responsibilities: 逃避責(zé)任,推卸責(zé)任。Shirk單獨(dú)做名詞用,還可以表示“逃避者、偷懶者”,這些人在工作時(shí)經(jīng)常shirk work(逃避工作),shirk difficulty(逃避困難)。

3. inconvenience: 麻煩的事,為難之處。Jones警官的意思是,他們把兒子帶回來(lái),反而妨礙了Mrs. Collins的自由,成了她的“絆腳石”。平時(shí)我們給別人帶來(lái)不便,就可以說(shuō)Sorry to cause the inconvenience.(很抱歉給您帶來(lái)不便),或者I hope it won't inconvenience you.(我希望它沒(méi)給你添麻煩)。

4. cook up: 偽造,虛構(gòu),或者想出。Jim今天遲到了,他cook up an excuse(編造了一個(gè)借口),謊稱生病去了醫(yī)院。今天是他妻子的生日,He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife.(他想出了一個(gè)很棒的主意來(lái)給妻子一個(gè)驚喜)。

5. be born in: 天賦,生而享有。Jones警官的意思是,“你們這對(duì)天生的騙子”。此外,be born in還可以表示“出生于”,例如:He was born in a poor family.(他出生在一個(gè)貧苦的家庭)。

6. troublemaker: person who causes difficulties, distress, worry, etc., for others, esp. one who does so habitually as a matter of malice.(惹麻煩的人,搗亂者)

7. get no business doing: 無(wú)權(quán)做某事,also: have no business doing,例如:You have no business saying that.(你沒(méi)有權(quán)利那樣說(shuō))。

8. Hold still: 站著別動(dòng)。我們想給別人拍照時(shí),常會(huì)說(shuō),Hold still, I'll take a picture for you.(別動(dòng),我來(lái)給你照張相)。

9. paranoia: 妄想癥,偏執(zhí)狂,pathological obsession with one idea or subject(對(duì)某一想法或事物的病態(tài)著迷)。

10.straitjacket: 緊身衣(有時(shí)用以束縛精神病患者),此外,還可以指“阻礙自由發(fā)展的事物”,例如:The new playwrights broke out of the old conventional straitjacket.(新的劇作家們沖破了老傳統(tǒng)的束縛)。

11.behave yourself: 行為規(guī)矩些。Did you behave yourself at the party?(你在聚會(huì)上舉止得體嗎?)If you don't behave yourself, you'll be sued.(如果你舉止不文明,你會(huì)吃官司的)。

文化面面觀 美國(guó)party大全

考考你 小試牛刀


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