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Updated : 2015-06-10

Administration of employment license and employment permit

According to relevant laws and regulations, the following provisions shall be complied with in handling and using employment license and employment permit:

(1) If the foreigner is to be employed outside the area designated by the Certificate Office or switch employer within original designated area while taking up jobs of a different nature,he must go through formalities for a new Employment License.

(2) When the foreigner switches employers within the area designated by the Certificate Office but stays in a job of the same nature,the change must be approved by the original Certificate Office and recorded in his Employment Permit.

(3) The employment permit shall be given an annual inspection. The employer of the employed foreigners shall go through formalities of the annual inspection at the Certificate Office of the employment permit within thirty days prior the end of every year of employment of the foreigner. The employment permit shall automatically cease to be effective when the deadline is passed.

(4) For foreigner whose residence status is revoked by public security organs due to his violation of Chinese law, his labor contract should be terminated by his employer and his employment permit be withdrawn by the labor administrative authorities.

(5) In case of loss or damage of the employment permit during the term of his employment in China,the foreigner should promptly report it to the original Certificate Office and go through formalities for the issuance of the employment permit.
