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BRICS ministers tighten cooperation on industry


Ministers from the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa agreed to deepen cooperation on industry and innovation at the Second Meeting of BRICS Industry Ministers

BRICS finds commerce consensus


Trade ministers of BRICS countries have reached eight major consensuses, including establishing stronger digital networks at ports to ease trade and approving a service trade cooperation road map to boost economic complementarities and diversification, China's commerce minister announced on Wednesday.

China and Brazil to upgrade ties


China and Brazil signed a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday to diversify service trade to upgrade their commerce structure from commodity and goods exchanges.

Traditional art show welcomes BRICS Summit


Xiamen’s famous art museum C.Z Collection organized an art exhibition featuring traditional art forms from July 29 to 31 to welcome the forthcoming 9th BRICS Summit.

Trade with BRICS nations registers remarkable growth


Trade between Fujian and four BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa – reached 49.4 billion yuan in the first half of the year

China's Xiamen city awaits BRICS summit in September


China's Xiamen city awaits BRICS summit in September

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