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Reddish cypress trees set Jiading ablaze in late Dec

( english.jiading.gov.cn ) 2021-12-22

Reddish cypress trees set Jiading ablaze in late Dec

The towering bald cypress trees light up the cold streets with their ember-like glow in Jiading district. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

In the late December, the reddish brown color of the bald cypress trees set the cold streets in Jiading district on fire, illuminating the eyes of passersby.

The bald cypress trees' leaves are like peacock feathers, turning from a yellowish color to cyan in autumn and then gradually get darker.

The trees can reach 25 to 50 meters. As a relict plant, the trees are often seen in the plains, and near lakes and riversides.

Reddish cypress trees set Jiading ablaze in late Dec

The bald cypress trees' leaves appear as if they have peacock feathers hanging off their branches. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

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