
Opinion / Li Xing

Long road to human rights in the US

[2011-05-13 07:58]

China and the US should stop the finger pointing and promote programs to improve both of our societies.

Bridges between cultures not built in a day

[2011-05-06 07:19]

Rome was not built in a day. China and the US will not learn to understand each other overnight. Still, it is heartening to see how much time and effort is spent trying.

Diplomacy can ease Japan's disaster pain

[2011-04-07 08:00]

Japan issued its annual blue book on diplomacy on schedule - on April 1 - even though the country is still struggling to emerge from the devastating effects of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and the threat of nuclear radiation they created.

Urbanization a difficult balancing act

[2011-03-25 07:40]

The 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) approved early this month at the annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC), sets the growth rate for urbanization at a moderate 4 percent by 2015. The goal is to enable 51.5 percent of the Chinese population to make their homes in cities by that time.

Reaching out to others in times of crisis

[2011-03-18 07:52]

The loss of life and enormous suffering are heart wrenching, but people around the world have also marveled at the discipline with which ordinary Japanese have dealt with the disaster.

Top officials open up to the foreign media

[2011-03-15 07:55]

I don't think journalists attending Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's press conference on Monday should complain about lacking a fair opportunity to ask a question.

Officials' candor a pleasant surprise

[2011-03-11 08:00]

The annual sessions of China's legislature and advisory body have traditionally been opportunities for journalists to glean the views of officials on major issues of public concern.

Call for grassroots democracy

[2011-03-10 07:58]

In 1972, about 300 villagers elected Liu Zhihua to head the fifth group (later called Jinghua) in Dongjie village, Xinxiang county of Henan province. Liu and six other women as her deputies were the only nominees. Their job was to stop infighting among villagers and start farming in earnest so that they could grow enough food and earn enough cash to feed and clothe themselves. All the seemingly capable men had tried it but failed.

Great expectations from two sessions

[2011-03-04 07:45]

On Saturday morning in the Great Hall of the People, Premier Wen Jiabao will present an extensive plan for China's social and economic development in the coming five years.

Set, meet targets to go green

[2011-03-03 07:44]

In its proposals for the 12th Five-Year Plan, the Central Committee of the CPC has said that the country should lower its energy consumption and carbon emission per unit of GDP drastically, reduce pollution level dramatically and improve the environment.

Inquisitiveness the mother of innovation

[2011-02-25 07:55]

During a meeting of China's top leadership on continuing educational reforms on Monday, President Hu Jintao highlighted the importance of fostering initiative and innovation.

GDP not true measure of well-being

[2011-02-18 08:17]

Soon after the global financial meltdown, several leading economists called on world leaders to learn from the crisis and rethink one of the conventional indicators of economic development: gross domestic product (GDP).

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