
Opinion / Thought Leaders

Is pornography driving men crazy?

[2011-07-04 11:06]

Could the widespread availability and consumption of pornography in recent years actually be rewiring the male brain, affecting men's judgment about sex and causing them to have more difficulty controlling their impulses?

Turning privacy "threats" into opportunities

[2011-06-23 17:09]

Most companies regard online privacy warily, seeing only expensive disclosure requirements, constraints on their ability to collect information about their customers, and a potential source of legal liabilities.

Asia after the Afghan war

[2011-06-21 15:14]

July will mark two milestones in America’s relations with Asia: the first US troop withdrawals from Afghanistan, and the 40th anniversary of Henry Kissinger’s secret mission to Beijing. Will the Obama administration’s apparent lack of any explicit Asia strategy mean a general US retreat from Asia?

A post-crisis world of risk

[2011-06-16 17:21]

The post-crisis period has produced a multi-speed world, as the major advanced economies – with the notable exception of Germany – struggle with low growth and high unemployment, while the main emerging-market economies have restored growth to pre-crisis levels.

How to set goals

[2011-06-15 15:32]

Overall, the Millennium Development Goals improved the planet. But when we set new goals in 2015, we will need to be much more honest about focusing on areas where we can achieve the most good.

Will Greece make it?

[2011-06-13 16:03]

Greece has bought some time with a new package of financial support, but the country is not out of the woods yet.

How to kill a dollar

[2011-06-10 13:11]

The dollar has had its ups and downs, but the downs have clearly dominated of late. The greenback has lost more than a quarter of its value against other currencies, adjusted for inflation, over the last decade.

Has economic power replaced military might?

[2011-06-07 15:30]

Some say China's economic rise is signifying a fundamental shift in the balance of global power, but without considering military power. They argue that a dominant economic power soon becomes a dominant military power, forgetting that the United States was the world's largest economy for 70 years before it became a military superpower.

The Euro's PIG-headed masters

[2011-06-07 15:13]

Europe is in constitutional crisis. No one seems to have the power to impose a sensible resolution of its peripheral countries' debt crisis.

Asia's new growth model

[2011-06-04 14:32]

For the countries of Asia - especially its rising giants, China and India - sustainable growth is no longer part of a global challenge. Instead, it has become a national growth-strategy issue.

Illusions of democracy

[2011-06-03 16:56]

Generally, the Internet is a tool for people whose basic needs are already being met. Members of the upper middle class in any country often seem to forget that for most people, the value created on the Internet cannot feed, clothe, and house their families.

Food for revolution

[2011-06-03 16:28]

This year, the G-8ers are talking about interesting but peripheral issues, such as the economic impact of the Internet. Worse, they are talking about important issues, like food security, in a peripheral way.

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