
REGIONAL> Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Looking back over XTBG's tumultuous but steadfast development Longing for a greater adventure with a harmonious and unified effort

Updated: 2009-07-10 14:11

While increasing the number of collected plant species, XTBG attaches importance to landscape optimization. Prof. Sun Xiaoxiang from Beijing Forestry University was invited to accomplish a new master planning and design two new collections. According to the Master Plan, the Garden is divided into two functional areas, i.e. the eastern area is centered on scientific research, experiment and plant species preservation, focusing on the integrity, science and sustainability; the western area is centered on public science education and living collections display, featuring with the creativity and specialty of gardening art, tourism and cultural connotation. With implementation of the Master Plan and construction in the second and third phases, the areas open to the public have been largely increased. A new bridge over the Luosuo River and the affiliated garden has been erected. A new visiting system has been introduced. All these make XTBG an attractive tourism destination and play a better leading role in tourism industry in Xishuangbanna, meanwhile contribute to the “Second Creation of Tourism” in Yunnan Province. Moreover, by developing tourism, XTBG provides about 500 job opportunities for local ethnic youth each year.

XTBG has been making contributions to local social and economic development. Among the 34 selected economic plant species, 14 have been under pilot experiment, and 12 have rewarded phased achievements. Such economic plants as Alstonia scholaris, Dracaena cochinchinensis, Piper hispidenervum and Tectona grandis have been industrialized, with promotion area of more than 600, 000 mu (about 4,000ha) in total. The research of energy plant physic nut (Jatropha curcas L) tree plays a leading role in China. By setting up joint Poverty Alleviation Fund and providing Science & Technology support, XTBG has been actively participating in the local social economic development and poverty relief. XTBG is concerned with the changes of regional environment and diversity, closely cooperating with local governments, Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau, and Nabanhe National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau to promote biodiversity conservation. The proposal of setting up Bulong Nature Reserve at Prefecture level has been approved. At the same time, XTBG has been keeping good cooperation ties with Simao Normal College, cultivating about 100 students in tropical horticulture and economic plants annually. As an Occupational Skill Testing Authority, XTBG hosts training course on gardening and horticulture each year, with about 100 local people participating.

XTBG has been paying great attention to international cooperation, especially with Southeastern Asian countries. Over the past 10 years, XTBG has successfully organized and held several international workshops, cultivated master degree students for Southeast Asian countries. As an important partnership agency with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), XTBG has made great progress in the “Greater Mekong Subregion Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative”. A proposal for the establishment of Cambodian National Botanical Garden has drawn central government' attention. All these continually enhance XTBG's influence on Southeast Asian biodiversity conservation.

In its roles as “National-level Education Base for Science”, “National Science and Technology Education Base for Adolescents”, “National Top-Level Tourist Scenic Spot” and “National Patriotism Education Base”, XTBG receives 600,000 visitors each year. The Tropical Rainforest Ethnic Culture Museum receives about 300, 000 visits annually. The newly constructed gardens are ideal places for science popularization. XTBG also serves as an internship base for undergraduate students from many universities such as University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Beijing Institute of Technology, Yunnan University, etc. Furthermore, XTBG has organized several exhibitions with local governments and departments in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, displaying ethnic cultures and popularizing knowledge on conservation.

Greater progress has been made in team building. In 1998, there were only 2 Ph.D holders and 8 research groups. Up to now, 46 staff members are Ph.D holders, the number of research groups has increased to 20. XTBG has been authorized to award Ph.D degrees, and as a workstation for postdoctoral research on biology. About 200 doctoral and master’s degree candidates, 10 postdocs and visiting scholars are researching here. 10 XTBG professors assume positions in international academic organizations or sit on editorial boards of international peer-reviewed journals. At the same time, XTBG has recruited 6 full-time foreign research fellows and enrolled 10 foreign students and postdoctoral researchers.

IV. Looking ahead to Greater Adventures, Embracing a Harmonious and Unified New Era

All creatures become moist in life-giving spring breeze and rain. 50 years’ glorious achievements become history.

Today, in the XTBG's spirit recognized as “responsibility, reality, sincerity and harmony”, XTBG is working hard without being pushed and has set its grand development goal as:

By 2020, becoming world-class botanical garden, and a thriving research center for plant biodiversity conservation and ecology. XTBG will be: ?The most beautiful botanical garden in the world; ?One of the regional conservation leaders; ?An internationally recognized research institute; ?A research and conservation base for national strategic tropical plant resources.

In order to thoroughly improve the scientific facilities and better functional areas within the Garden, XTBG is constructing a new scientific research center. The residence campus will be moved outside of the Garden to the township. The Garden will be rearranged as different functional areas, such as living collection and plant display in the west part and research area in its east part.

XTBG is the only CAS institution located in a remote township. Meanwhile, it is intimately connected with nature, with a stretch of natural tropical rainforest well preserved within the Garden. XTBG has been making the best use of the advantages and bypassing the disadvantages, and thus seek for a specific roadmap for its steadfast development.

“Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron, with firm strides we are crossing its summit.” With a 50 years’ brilliant history, XTBG is never daunted by repeated setbacks. We are filled with confidence to write a glorious chapter on the new journey, making greater adventures and embracing a harmonious and unified new era.

At last, let’s bid farewell to the old and usher in the new. On this festive occasion, I’d like to extend my sincere New Year greetings to all of you. Wish you good health!

Thank you.

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