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THE WEEK Sept 16, 2011

Updated: 2011-09-16 20:55
By THE WEEK (chinadaily.com.cn)

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Controversial coloring book

Millions of people around the world remembered on Sunday the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. But causing a controversy over the past few weeks has been a children's coloring book, which depicts images of the falling World Trade Center towers and a soldier shooting a gun at former Al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

Schweddy Balls ice cream

The popular ice cream brand Ben & Jerry's is known for its deliciously creative names, like New York Super Fudge Crunch, Imagine Whirled Peace, and Karamel Sutra. But a new flavor name released this week may leave some people feeling disgusted. It refers to a classic Saturday Night Live skit featuring Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin who makes delicious pastries called Schweddy Balls.

Panda poop tea

A college teacher in China's Sichuan province patented his idea to grow green tea leaves using panda poop as fertilizer. He says green tea contains an ingredient which combats caner. And bamboo, a panda's staple food, contains the same ingredient. With twice the amount of cancer-fighting components, the teacher says the price of poop tea should be ten times that of normal tea.

Europe: Eat bugs!

A team of researchers in Europe may have found a way to avoid a possible food shortage crisis. After rigorous testing, the group found that eating insects – like scorpions and other creepy crawlers – can provide as much protein and calcium as the meats people are used to eating today. As a result, the European Commission contributed ?2.6million (more than $4million) for a campaign to promote a diet of insects. The Week's correspondent Clark Cahill went to Beijing's Wangfujing Snack Street to see what the "buzz" is all about.

This Wacky World!

Unhappy Chinese lovers can go online to hire a break up expert. For 300 yuan, or less than $50, you can let a random person break a heart for you.

Scientists genetically engineered cats to glow in the dark to help prevent HIV. Glowing cats is good news for all of the scared mice out there.

A 20-year-old orangutan named Shirley is being forced to quit her smoking habit. It started when zoo patrons began tossing cigarettes into the ape's enclosure.

The 2012 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records was released this week. It includes records such as the world's largest naturally grown afro, a new record for the world's longest fingernails and the world's longest tongue.

THE WEEK Sept 16, 2011

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THE WEEK Sept 16, 2011

Director: Lin Hanqing Editor: Lin Hanqing & Ariel Huang

Graphic Design: Zhang Xiao Fauxtographer: Wu Chuanjing

Producer: Chris Clark & Clark Cahill

Managing Producer: Christie Lee Executive Producer: Flora Yue

THE WEEK Sept 16, 2011
