
Europe and Asia committed to responsible ties

Updated: 2014-10-16 08:03

By Herman Van Rompuy and Jose Manuel Barroso (China Daily)

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Asia matters - for Europe. And Europe matters - for Asia. That is why the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) was created in 1996. That is why it has become the key forum for dialogue and cooperation between Europe and Asia. And that is why in just a few days, we will meet in Milan with 51 Heads of state and government from European and Asian partners to reaffirm our commitment to this vital relationship, based on equal partnership, mutual respect and shared benefits.

The rise of Asia is one of the trends shaping our world today. Asia is home to the world's fastest growing economies, with millions of people already lifted out of poverty; it is experiencing rapidly changing politics and its global significance and influence has grown exponentially.

In economic terms, Asia has surpassed the North American Free Trade Area to become the EU's main trading partner, with more than 26 percent of EU outward investment going to Asia. The EU remains the largest economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of 25, 000 for its 500 million consumers, so Asia's future growth depends on access to European markets.

At the same time, Europe's growth also depends on a prosperous and stable Asia. Together, ASEM members represent half of the world's GDP, more than 60 percent of the world's population and around 60 percent of global trade. Europe needs a strong alliance with and commitment from its Asian partners to help tackle global challenges such as climate change, poverty, terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illegal migration, human trafficking and maritime security.

More and more, Asia recognizes the EU's relevance as a reliable player in the regional security equation. We offer a useful model for political and economic cooperation and regional integration and have a good track record of innovative strategies to handle the new security threats increasingly dominating the international agenda.

For all these reasons, it makes perfect sense for the EU and Asia to build on their engagement. We all have a responsibility to do so.

The theme of this summit, "Responsible Partnership for Sustainable Growth and Security", reflects the growing scope of the EU-Asia relationship. Every word has a deeper significance:

Responsible - in addressing regional or global challenges, both Europe and Asia should respect our joint commitments to international law, environmental protection, social dialogue, the eradication of poverty, and the promotion and protection of human rights;

Partnership - this must reach right across the board, so that we can address jointly these challenges and seize new opportunities;

Sustainable Growth - we must all strengthen our economies and pursue structural reforms to underpin economic growth. We are committed to strengthening mutual trade and investment;

Security - growth and development are impossible in the absence of security: maritime, non-traditional security, social security, food or nuclear security. The EU will emphasize its wish to play a constructive and consistent role in the evolving regional security architecture.

The meeting offers us a huge chance to underline our commitment to Asia. We hope that Asia-Europe connectivity in its broadest sense, a key element of the Summit agenda, will be a concept that helps us to take our cooperation further.

The growing number of participants confirms the attractiveness of the ASEM process. Having started with 26 partners, we now have 51 around the table. Croatia, which entered the EU last year, and Kazakhstan as the first Central Asian country, will formally join ASEM at the Milan summit.

ASEM is much more than a big official meeting. Yes, the summit provides an opportunity for its leaders to meet together in one room. It also allows for leaders to get together one-on-one. But it is also about bringing our peoples together. Aside from the meeting of leaders, three other ASEM fora taking place on the sidelines will unite representatives of parliaments, citizens and civil society organizations, as well as business. This is also an encounter of people, projects and ideas.

The European Union's aim in Asia is to be a super partner rather than a super power. Trust, mutual understanding and tolerance are fundamental to our relationship. The Asia-Europe Meeting serves to highlight the significance of our interdependency - going far beyond economic ties - and the connectivity between our continents, for our mutual prosperity, sustainable development and security.

Herman Van Rompuy is President of the European Council and Jose Manuel Barroso is President of the European Commission.

(China Daily 10/16/2014 page9)
