

Anti-graft campaign to receive key boost

By AN BAIJIE ( China Daily ) Updated: 2013-12-26 01:16:07

Party maps out guideline to help check spread of corruption in next five years

The Party vowed on Wednesday to fight corruption firmly and to maintain its "high-handed posture" in the next five years.

"Corruption is still widespread. The soil that nourishes corruption still exists, and the situation remains critical and complicated," according to a five-year plan (2013-17) aimed at setting up a system to punish and prevent corruption.

The plan was issued by the Party's Central Committee.

Vice public security minister removed from posts

It noted that if corruption is not checked, it will critically harm the Party, and "threaten the survival of the Party or nation".

In the plan, the Party reiterates its resolve to fight both the "tigers" and the "flies", a reference to senior and low-ranking officials.

All cases must be investigated and culprits punished more severely to deter others, the plan states, while vowing to resolutely halt the momentum of extensive corruption.

Supervision of officials will be enhanced, according to the guidelines, while officials at ministerial and provincial levels will have to submit a clean-governance report to the central authorities annually.

The authorities will also expand pilot projects that require newly nominated officials to disclose their private assets.

A regulation will be drawn up and applied to officials whose spouses have migrated.

The plan states that the Party faces tests in governing, reform and opening-up and risks from being too distant from the people as well as danger from corruption.

It must "deepen the struggle for Party governance and clean government and fight corruption to ensure that it always maintains the firmness of its core leadership".

The plan outlines areas that will receive particular attention, such as protests and accidents like mine disasters that occur because of corrupt officials.

It also said the Party will pay particular attention to corruption that happens during economic reforms, including the reorganization of powerful State-owned industries.

"Commercial bribery will be handled sternly and probed, and punishments for giving bribes will be harsher," it said.

Li Xueqin, head of the research division of the Party's top disciplinary body, suggests that "leading officials should be punished if major scandals are exposed in areas under their control".

The Party has enhanced the anti-corruption campaign since the new leadership came to power in November last year. At least 15 officials at, and above, ministerial level have been investigated since then.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, held last month, anti-graft authorities have taken unprecedented measures against corruption, and at least three ministerial-level officials have been investigated this month.

In the latest case, Li Dongsheng, former vice-minister of public security, was removed from various posts, an official circular stated on Wednesday.

Li, also former deputy head of a central leading group for the prevention and handling of cult-related issues, was sacked for "suspected serious disciplinary violations," according to a statement released by the Party's top personnel agency.

A week ago, Tong Ming-qian, vice-chairman of the political advisory body for Hunan province, was investigated for suspected serious law and discipline violations.

Jiang Ming'an, a law professor at Peking University, said lack of supervision is the main reason behind corruption.

"The people's congress (or the legislative bodies) at all levels should supervise the government more effectively," he added.

Xinhua and agencies contributed to this story.



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