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China's exports need repairs2008-12-22
In November Chinese exports witnessed their worst collapse since 1999, and the downward trend is expected to continue due to the expected slowdown of the domestic economy and trade protectionism overseas.

IPR mortgage loans prove beneficial2008-11-03
IPR mortgage loans prove to be an effective financing channel for capital-strapped SMEs and a profit making business for commercial banks.

China VP: China promotes Doha Round talks2008-10-21
Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan told World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy on Monday that China has always actively promoted the Doha Round talks.

Expert: Tariff rise can't cover power plants' losses2008-08-22
The rise in on-grid power tariff which, was introduced on Wednesday, cannot fully offset domestic power producers' losses caused mainly by rising coal prices, industry insiders said.

Games to further boost China's opening-up drive2008-08-22
The success of the Beijing Olympic Games has showcased China's strong capabilities, boosted mutual understanding between the Chinese and foreign citizens, and will surely stimulate its further opening up.

Funding for clean energy in China2008-07-19
The United Nations Environment Programme official predicted a strong and fast growth of clean energy investment in China, with fund flows favoring the wind and solar sectors.

Trade, globalization boosts prosperity, stability2008-07-18
Trade and globalization have brought greater prosperity to hundreds of millions and greater stability among nations, according to a report published by the WTO.

Policy changes in the pipeline2008-07-15
Exports of textile and garment sectors declined by 4.2 percent year-on-year to $15.5 billion in June, representing the slowest increase in five years.

'Hot money' may not be that hot2008-07-15
It is very hard to say how much of the reserve can be considered "hot money", so it makes little sense to suspect that a large part of the reserve comprises "hot money", an economist said.

New market players upset MNCs' old games2008-06-20
It is true that MNCs have widened the income gap between their home countries and their host countries because of their complex internal transfer mechanism and other characteristics.

Exports not to drop sharply2008-06-03
China's central bank on Tuesday rejected as "exaggeration" warnings that the nation's exports are set to drop sharply, leading to an economic hard landing.

WTO: China's GDP-doubling target could be achieved2008-05-22
Given the high growth rate of China's economy, the country's target of doubling its GDP per capita by 2010 compared to the 2000 level appears to be within reach.

Economist: Unjust trade must be countered2008-03-25
The current global trade regime is unfair to developing countries and runs counter to their development, a Nobel prize winning economist said on March 21.

China, US benefit from clean energy2008-01-10
Sino-US collaboration on clean energy technology will set a good example for other countries, US Commerce Assistant Secretary David Bohigian said yesterday. Clean-Energy Forum

US should ease hi-tech export bar2008-01-10
A top Chinese official yesterday said the United States should make its export policy more open to help balance the Sino-US trade gap.

Protecting IPR is key2007-11-02
The protection of intellectual property rights is important to the country's sustainable development and must be enhanced, says an article in Global Times.

Exporters, it's time to clean up your act 2007-08-06
Recalls of toys. Allegations of poisoning. Chinese exporters are under fire. And the recent wave of safety-related accusations in business and global media is raising the question among Chinese: What is this all about? Is it just another round of politically motivated demonization?

An irresponsible stakeholder 2007-06-26
China has taken to heart Robert Zoellick's proposition that the United States and China should behave as responsible stakeholders.

Farm trade deficits: No cause for concern2007-05-16
Consecutive farm trade deficits over the past three years has been the biggest change in the country's agricultural sector after China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).

China must be ready to play the WTO game2007-04-18
China had legitimate grounds for complaint when the US Trade Representative filed two intellectual property right (IPR) cases against China in the World Trade Organization.

Manage trade power 2007-01-12
China's growing strength as a trade power is most pronounced by the 74-percent jump in its trade surplus last year. Yet, to boost the sound development of the Chinese economy, policy makers must step up efforts to balance imports and exports this year.

Tax reform for fair play 2006-12-25
Five years after China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), the much-awaited draft of Corporate Income Tax Law was finally tabled to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, for the first read yesterday.

Confident, committed2006-12-12
Five years into its membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO), China is fully justified to take pride in its stellar performance as an increasingly important growth engine for the global economy.

Nation must 'open its markets?2006-12-11
After five years of being part of the World Trade Organization (WTO), China must continue to open its markets and should keep an open mind in trade negotiations.

Investor schemes play an important role2006-12-08
Monday marks the fifth anniversary of China's entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the end of the five-year transition period.

WTO membership 'big plus for everyone?'2006-12-06
Five years after China signed on to join the World Trade Organization, WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy said that the nation's membership in the global trade body is a "big plus for everyone."

A better approach2006-11-15
Previously, when a US commerce secretary or trade representative visited China, they were expected to deal with a most important task.

China needs to play bigger role in WTO2006-10-30
One of the architects of China's World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement in 2001 said she believes the country must play a bigger role in international trade body.

Unfair protectionism2006-10-09
The anti-dumping duty imposed on China's shoe-making industry by the European Union (EU) is turning out to be a force helping to reshape the industry's competitiveness, however, the EU decision is still unwise.

Asia and Europe forge closer relationships2006-09-08
While it may have gone through a bad economic patch in the past two to three years, Europe seems to be recovering well lately  particularly Germany and France, Europe's two largest economies.

FDI quality under the microscope2006-09-04
Very soon all companies, based on foreign direct investment (FDI), will most likely to go through a crisis  a public relations crisis.

Failure of WTO big six is bad news for everyone2006-08-03
Six key members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) - the United States, the European Union, Japan, Australia, Brazil and India - decided to bring an end to the Doha Round of trade talks on July 24.

Disheartening impasse 2006-07-04
A familiar stand-off between major trading nations has further dampened hopes for real progress in the Doha round of trade talks.

Further opening benefits all2006-06-30
China is opening further by reducing tariffs, says a signed article in People's Daily.

Challenges, opportunities for EU and China2005-09-08
EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson delivered a speech at the Central Party School in Beijing on Tuesday. The following are excerpts:

Broader agreement2005-08-15
It is hard to believe that the trade volume of US$177 billion between China and the European Union (EU) last year was achieved based on a simple four-page document signed in 1985.

Expert calls on new thinking in solving trade disputes 2005-06-09
China needs to rethink its strategy in dealing with increasing trade disputes in the new era after it entered the WTO, said an economist Wednesday here.

'China not to blame' 2005-05-27
The European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said yesterday the European Union was glad to see China's voluntary measures to increase its export tariffs on textiles.

FTA talks may lead to trading bloc2005-04-22
Prospects of free trade in Asia are promising as a dazzlingly complicated network of free trade deals is expanding.

Extra measures needed to cope with anti-dumping cases2004-12-23
Chinese manufacturers have various options to minimize losses resulting from the rising anti-dumping actions against their products, economists and trade experts suggested during a recent forum in Beijing.

Membership has rewards?2004-12-15
As people discuss the benefits and challenges stemming from China's entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO), even three years after China joined the global trade bloc, a puzzling question arises: Has China's WTO membership affected average Chinese and resulted in many changes within the Chinese society?

WTO-entry improves governance2004-12-09
Xue Rongjiu, deputy director of the China Society of WTO Research, has been extremely busy since late October.

Textile heads mull end of quotas2004-11-02
It is sad for company executives to curb business growth themselves. But the curbing of growth is now being hotly debated among Chinese textile producers.

China faces more anti-dumping investigations2004-09-14
China should pay greater attention to trade disputes with Asian and African countries and regions to ensure the sustainable growth in its exports, suggests a senior expert on World Trade Organization (WTO) studies.

Semiconductor sector shake-up 2004-09-08
It was a busy day for Sarina when the news came that China and the United States had reached agreement on eliminating China's value-added tax (VAT) rebate policy on the semiconductor industry.

Analysts say China can take chances to form smaller blocs 2004-08-20
Chinese analysts say that although the newly-signed framework agreement sets out guidelines for the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Doha Round of negotiations, it falls short of striking any substantive global free trade deal for the 147-member organization.

Developing high-tech agriculture sector2004-08-02
Modern agriculture emphasizes high yield, high quality, cost-effectiveness, eco-friendliness and safety. In China, the commodity rate and returns of agriculture are still rather low. It is important to realize high added value in agriculture through developing special agricultural products, cash crops and correspondent processing industries for farm produce.

Foreigners encouraged to invest in West China 2004-07-28
China yesterday set the stage for more foreign investors to enter western and central China.

China firmly pushing forward to full market economy2004-07-09
China is pushing forward to a full market economy at its own schedule despite the European Union refusing to give it MES (market economy status) three days ago.

UK economist: No to China market economy statues a 'tragedy'2004-07-07
It will be a "tragedy" for the world's economy if the European Union (EU) decides not to grant China market economy status (MES), in view of the nation's huge impact on global economic, financial and trade matters, according to a chief economist in Britain, saidJan Randolph, with the London-based World Market Research Centre.

China moves to fight against unfair competitors 2004-07-05
China, which suffers the largest number of anti-dumping cases in the world, is stepping up efforts to better protect its industries and companies from unfair foreign competitors, senior government officials said.

China should keep RMB pegged to dollar2004-06-28

China proposes 4 points to address distortions in int'l trade2004-06-16
Various distortions in the existing international trading system are hampering the development of most developing countries, Chinese Assistant Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun said in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Tuesday.

Protectionism hurts everyone 2004-05-27
The International Trade Commission of the United States decided on May 14 that colour TV sets manufactured in China have caused material harm to US producers.

China deserves market economy status2004-05-17
As expected, Premier Wen Jiabao urged European leaders to recognize China as a market economy during his European trip over the past two weeks.

Market economy status on agenda 2004-04-21
Some 25 years after it launched market-oriented reforms, China has become the world's largest anti-dumping target - largely because it has been labelled a "non-market economy."

PR strategy better than costly 'cure? 2004-04-21
Prevention often makes more economic sense than having to resort to a costly cure.And this rule certainly holds true for Chinese companies suffering from rising trade conflicts.

New law to promote trade2004-04-15
The newly-revised Foreign Trade Law will play a significant role in promoting healthy development of foreign trade, a People's Daily editorial said. An excerpt follows:

China becomes more skilled with int'l trade rules2004-04-09
China passed an amendment to the Foreign Trade Law on Thursday, indicating another step in improving property rights protection.

China not the only beneficiary2004-04-06
Walk along shopping streets in the world's cities known for fashion, like Paris, New York, London and Milan, it is easy to see why the world's producers of apparel and luxury accessories are nervous.

Likely Sino-Indian FTA conducive to nation2004-04-06
China and India formally launched talks to possibly sign a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which analysts say will help China establish a diversified trade system.

Equality in direct selling sector urged2004-04-02
Domestic firms are calling for rules governing the direct sales sector which give them equality with foreign competitors in the soon-to-be-opened industry.

Quota removal will benefit partners2004-03-25
China's major trade partners will benefit rather than be hurt by lowering trade barriers to China's textiles and clothing after the country joins the World Trade Organization (WTO), a study co-ordinated by the World Bank and China's State Council Development Research Centre discovered.

Faulty calculations fuel rebate complaint 2004-03-19
The United States is reportedly poised to complain to the World Trade Organization (WTO) about China's alleged violation of global trade rules by offering tax breaks to domestic producers of semiconductors.

Senator: Trade advances amid problems 2004-03-19
United States Senator Max Baucus of Montana yesterday positively commented on China's performance on its commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO) while noting challenges lie ahead for Sino-US trade relations with new trade tensions simmering.

WTO stresses informal meetings' function to promote trade talks 2004-03-17
The Negotiating Group on Rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) said Tuesday that it would hold a series of informal meetings instead of formal ones to boost the new round of global trade talks stalled last September.

China expresses willingness to further expand trade with US 2004-03-17
Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai said here Tuesday that China is willing to further expand trade with the United States and welcomes US enterprises to participate in Chinese market competition.

Minimize losses with arbitration 2004-03-16
Increasing trade and economic frictions resulting from accelerating globalization and the impact of China's World Trade Organization (WTO) membership mean that Chinese enterprises should learn to hedge operation risks and minimize losses by using arbitration tools, says a senior arbitrator.

US trade policies put in focus2004-03-12
Editor's note: The Institute of American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has released a report commissioned by the Ministry of Commerce on the United States' trade policies, the first time China has compiled an official report assessing US trade policies. The following is an excerpt from the report:

Nation continues to cut tariffs to fulfil promises2004-03-08
The price of imported products will keep dropping this year but not as dramatically as previously, although China continues to slash tariffs according to its World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments.

Wen calls for opening wider to outside world2004-03-05
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Friday called for adapting to the new situation and opening still wider to the outside world, saying that efforts must be made to coordinate domestic development with opening up, fully exploit domestic and foreign markets and resources, and expand development into new areas.

China's exchange rate policy not violate WTO2004-02-26
China's exchange rate policy does not violate the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick said on February 25.

Restrictions on Chinese imports not answer for US unemployment2004-02-25
The US attempt to restrict imports of Chinese products will not help lower its long-standing high unemployment rate, according to an article in the People's Daily. An excerpt follows:

Study of US rules helps Chinese firms2004-02-17
Chinese companies are advised to learn and understand the rules of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the United States, which imposes strict standards on the boards of public companies listed in the United States.

UPS hopes to spread its wings in China 2004-02-17
United Parcel Service (UPS), a keen advocate of global trade, believes China's opening up does not just mean the opening of the nation's express delivery industry, but the entire economy.

Rebate on IC triggers fight 2004-02-17
The United States -- raising the stakes in a simmering row with China over alleged rebates for domestic semiconductor makers -- is threatening to take legal action, through the World Trade Organization (WTO), against China.

Trade: Cause for hope, concern2004-01-19
China's foreign trade continues to gain momentum, alongside the world's strengthening economy and rising trade volume.

Foreign trade growth a double-edged sword2004-01-19
While it is proper to applaud the tremendous growth in China's foreign trade, we must be careful not to become overly optimistic about the accomplishment.The major reason for remaining cautious is the fact China's massive exports generated relatively less wealth for the nation -- and its people -- compared with developed countries and other developing nations.

China not to blame for huge deficit 2004-02-16
The US and Chinese trade officials concluded their talks on quotas Washington has imposed on some Chinese textile products in Beijing on Tuesday. But Sino-US trade rows still linger.

Trade opening squeezes SMEs 2004-01-06
Small and medium-sized domestic trading companies are worried that they are not as well prepared as they should in meeting strong competition as more foreign-invested companies get trading rights this year to conduct import and export business according to the World Trade Organization's schedule.

Closer economic ties benefit Hong Kong trade 2004-01-05
Major mainland cities are taking the lead promoting made-in-Hong Kong goods imported tariff-free under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA).

China's WTO moves heading on right track 2003-12-11
China should get a good mark for its performance on commitments it made to the World Trade Organization (WTO), said Sun Zhenyu, the Chinese ambassador to the global trade body.

WTO tack creates early gains for all 2003-12-11
December 11 marks the second anniversary of China's World Trade Organization (WTO) entry.

China in growing need of WTO-related legal service2003-12-07
Chinese people have become more and more familiar with the words "anti-dumping" and "safeguard" thanks to increasing trade disputes from steel to lighters in recent years.

Experts: TV dumping charges not just a biz spat2003-12-02
What lies behind the recent trade spat involving four Chinese TV makers and their US counterparts is not a simple business brawl which can be solved by simply sending a purchasing delegation.

Non-market WTO clause ups dumping charges 2003-12-02
China's treatment as a non-market economy for the first 15 years of its membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) is having a substantial impact on anti-dumping measures imposed on Chinese products by other countries, experts said.

US needs to be fair with China2003-11-25
Don Evans, US Secretary of Commerce, published an article entitled "America Plays Fair. Does China?" in the Wall Street Journal November 5. It pointed out that "the current absence of parity is the primary source of the friction in the US-China trading relationship."

Trade move is 'poll ploy'2003-11-24
Analysts warned yesterday that the US Government could use trade protectionist measures against China as an electioneering ploy in the run up to next year's presidential polls.

WTO rules should promote open global trade system2003-11-20
Improving the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) should be conducive to advancing an open global trade system, safeguarding trade and investment liberalization as well as balancing development between cargo and service trade, a Chinese trade official said here Wednesday.

WTO entry brings 'wolf' or $ to China? 2003-11-17
Two years have passed since China signed the agreement that secured its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Trading policies must be equitable 2003-11-15
The latest multibillion-dollar contracts China has signed with US companies are undoubtedly meant to lubricate Sino-US trade relations.

Boost sought for 240,000 social groups 2003-11-13
More efforts are needed to support the development of social organizations as their influence, numbers and reach are growing rapidly in China, officials with the Ministry of Civil Affairs urged.

Trade rules need to be revised2003-11-11
A fairer trade environment is disparately needed to assure the progress of financial globalization, economists say.

Wu Yi: China hopes Doha Development Agenda gains balanced result2003-11-10
China hopes the Doha Development Agenda will gain a balanced result, which will benefit the economic growth of World Trade Organization (WTO) members and China's construction of a well-off society, said Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi here Monday.

Barshefsky: Yuan not to blame for US deficit 2003-11-04
China's currency exchange rate is not to blame for the United States' bilateral trade imbalance with China, former US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky said yesterday.

Lack legal courage, lose ground2003-11-04
With the US Commerce Secretary Don Evans' visit to China to smooth over Sino-US business ties, potential trade discords were once again thrust into the spotlight last week.

China has no need to worry about possible trade deficits2003-11-02
A prestigious economist said Sunday that China has no need to worry about its economy if a trade deficit occurs in the near future.

US needs economic reality check 2003-10-30
Efforts by US Commerce Secretary Don Evans to find fault with China's trade policies will not help US economy.During his visit to Beijing, Mr Evans has taken every opportunity to express his government's mounting dissatisfaction over its trade deficit with China.

Nation active to reduce US trade deficit 2003-10-30
China will send a delegation to the United States to explore ways to increase its imports from the United States and reduce Washington's deficit in bilateral trade.

US government says China is not manipulating currency2003-10-30
The US government said Thursday that China is not violating an American law against currency manipulation to gain unfair trade advantages.

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