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Wen: Chen Shui-bian's move 'dangerous, deceptive'
Premier rules out RMB one-off surprise rise
Minister: China risks environmental disaster
Spring thawing not to repollute Songhua river
Conditions not ripe for China to abolish death penalty: spokesman
Nation confident on 2020 innovation target
Corruption in mining investment faces action
Official: Reform land acquisition system
40 years and 7% GDP growth needed for well-off target
6.5m migrant workers to join trade unions
Loss of arable land threatens China's grain production
Japan leaders must correct mistakes: FM
Foreign minister: China exports helping US
FM urges Japanese PM to stop shrine visit
Putin to visit China this month: FM
Don't politicize Sino-US trade relations: FM
Vatican told not intervene with China's internal affairs
US told: Don't send wrong message to Taiwan secessionist
China urges Iran to fully cooperate with IAEA
China calls for early resumption of six-party talks: FM
Official: China's economy set for strong 2006
China building depots for strategic oil reserve
Defense budget for 2006 rises 14.7% to $35.1b
Beijing beefs up security for NPC, CPPCC sessions
Vice premier Huang Ju hospitalized, recovers
2,000 journalists to cover NPC, CPPCC
CPPCC spokesman to hold press conference March 2

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