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· About China Daily

China Daily, established in 1981, is the only national English-language newspaper in China. The average daily circulation is more than 200,000, one-third of which is abroad in more than 150 countries and regions.

· Newspaper Group

As a newspaper group, China Daily also runs China Business Weekly, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, Reports from China, Shanghai Star, Beijing Weekend, 21st Century, 21st Century Teens Senior Edition, 21st Century Teens Junior Edition and the China Daily Web site (m.tzdnjx.com).

· Mission: Voice of China

Committed to helping the world know more about China and the country's integration with the international community, China Daily is regarded as one of the country's most authoritative English media outlets and an important source of information on Chinese politics, economy, society and culture. It is often called the "Voice of China" or "Window to China." China Daily also serves as important source for high-end Chinese readers who want to know more about the world.

· World-wide Readership

Our readers are from all over the world. Domestic readers mainly include foreigners and high-end nationals, for example, diplomats and governmental policy makers. Overseas subscribers are mostly government officials, members of parliaments, staff members of international organizations and multinationals, professors, researchers and students in universities and institutes.

· The Staff & Correspondents

Headquartered in Beijing, China Daily also has branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou and correspondents in all major cities in China. English-speaking staff reporters, correspondents and editors with the newspaper group are known for their professionalism, ethics, enthusiasm and creativity. The newspaper's linguistic standards are reassured by teens of foreign staff members from the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and India.

· A Member of Asia News Network

China Daily is the only representative for China in the Asian News Network (ANN), a non-government media organization consisting of 14 major English-language newspapers, whose total circulation is more than 20 million.

· China Daily CEO Roundtable

China Daily has launched various platforms for exchanges between China and the outside world; and to date, it has hosted dozens of sessions of the China Daily CEO Roundtable (http://ceoroundtable.chinadaily.com.cn/), a high-profile forum for multinationals doing business in China.






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