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A Walk in the Clouds《云中漫步》(精講之三)
[ 2007-05-18 17:26 ]

影片獨(dú)白  Alberto: Don't you have chocolates to sell? Paul: Family comes first.


Las Nubes --- Napa Valley 北加州的納帕山谷

Las Nubes 是西班牙語(yǔ),意思是 the clouds。影片中的 Las Nubes 就如同一個(gè)夢(mèng)幻中的葡萄園,當(dāng)

Napa Valley contains many vineyards, such as this one.

得起 the clouds 的美名。據(jù)說(shuō)為了尋找一個(gè)帶有夢(mèng)幻般色彩的葡萄園,導(dǎo)演曾經(jīng)親赴歐洲、澳洲和南美各地挑選,最后才終于選定了美國(guó)加州的納帕山谷。它的美麗也確實(shí)在影片中展現(xiàn)無(wú)疑。在納帕山谷中,無(wú)論清晨還是傍晚,山坡上都會(huì)出現(xiàn)陣陣薄霧,使人有如臨夢(mèng)幻之感。而片中導(dǎo)演那夢(mèng)幻與現(xiàn)實(shí)相結(jié)合的拍攝方法,更是使影片充滿了拉美夢(mèng)幻現(xiàn)實(shí)主義的浪漫風(fēng)情和韻味。

Napa Valley is widely considered one of the top wine regions in California, and all of the United States with a history dating back
Fruity grapes in one of the vineyards of Napa Valley
to the nineteenth century. The Mediterranean climate and geography of the valley along with the surrounding hills and mountains are conducive to growing wine grapes. Several microclimates exist within the area due to various weather and geographical influences. The open southern end of the valley floor is cooler during the growing season due to the proximity of San Pablo Bay while the sheltered, closed northern end is often much warmer. The valley floor is flanked by the Mayacamas Mountain Range on the western and northern sides while the Vaca Mountain Range is on the eastern side. Several smaller valleys also exist within these two ranges. The floor of the main valley gradually rises from sea level at the southern end to 362 feet above sea level at the northern end in Calistoga at the foot of Mount St. Helena. The eastern side of the valley tends to be more arid due to the fact that winter storms tend to drop much more precipitation on the western mountains and hills. The soil in the southern end of the valley consists mainly of sediments deposited by earlier advances and retreats of San Pablo Bay while the soil at the northern end of the valley contains a large volume of volcanic lava and ash. Several of the small hills that emerge from the middle of the valley floor near Yountville are indicators of the region's volcanic past.









A Walk in the Clouds《云中漫步》(精講之二)考考你 參考答案

He was tied down by his work.

Bob and Mary broke up last month.

I didn't really mean my associate is a snake; it was just a figure of speech.


The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之一)
The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之二)
The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之三)
The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之四)
The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之五)
The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之六)

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