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中國日報(bào)網(wǎng) 2017-03-10 15:58





1945年,第二次世界大戰(zhàn)接近尾聲,作為邪惡軸心重要成員的日本,其囂張態(tài)勢已成強(qiáng)弩之末。是年,決定戰(zhàn)局走向的沖繩島戰(zhàn)役拉開序幕,成千上萬斗志昂揚(yáng)的美國大兵被派往沖繩,等待他們的則是敵軍重兵防守、兇險(xiǎn)異常的鋼鋸嶺。在這群人中間,卻有一個(gè)不愿拿起武器的軍醫(yī)。他名叫戴斯蒙德·道斯(安德魯·加菲爾德 Andrew Garfield 飾),來自美國的弗吉尼亞。太平洋戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)之際,瘦弱的戴斯蒙德志愿成為救死扶傷的軍醫(yī)而應(yīng)征入伍。可因童年和家庭的原因,他始終不愿拿起槍支操練,為此寧愿背上拒服兵役的罪名被送上軍事法庭。幾經(jīng)周折,戴斯蒙德最終和戰(zhàn)友來到了鋼鋸嶺。槍林彈雨,轉(zhuǎn)瞬之間無數(shù)人應(yīng)聲倒地。在信仰和信念的支持下,戴斯蒙德僅憑一己之力拯救了數(shù)十條瀕死的生命……



1. Wait up. 你等等。

2. Go sleep it off, Tom. 去睡一覺消消氣吧,湯姆。

3. You staying with us? 你還清醒嗎?

4. Stay with us, okay? 堅(jiān)持住,好嗎?

5. It's pretty corny. 好土氣。

6. I'm just saying how snappy Artie looked in his uniform. 我只是說阿蒂穿著軍裝很帥氣。

7. No, I won't be able to live with myself if I don't. 不去的話才會無法面對自己。

8. Come on, fellas, shake a leg. Uncle Sam's got you now. 大家出發(fā)吧,你們現(xiàn)在是國家的人了。

9. Hey, beanpole, what did you say your name was? 喂,瘦子,你剛說你叫什么?

10. That's Walker and Pinnick over there pretending they're card sharks. 那邊是沃克和平尼克在假裝他們是打牌老手。

11. Pipe down, Grease, all right? 安靜點(diǎn),格雷斯,好嗎?

12. What is your animal spirit? 你的動物圖騰是什么?

13. Are you screwing with me, Doss? 你在耍我玩嗎,多斯?

14. He will not even deign to touch a weapon. 他甚至不屑摸槍。

15. Sometimes men just get cold feet. 有時(shí)男人會臨陣退縮。

16. Let's get these men some chow. 給他們拿些吃的。

17. I think they can see us, smart ass! 他們能看見我們,自作聰明。

18. You keep that tight, you're going to be right as rain. 抓緊點(diǎn),你會完好如初。

19. Fall back, fall back! 撤退,撤退!

20. And what you did on that ridge, it's nothing short of a miracle. 你在山嶺上做的事,完全就是神跡。



Sarge: You are a very strange-looking individual if you don't mind me saying so, Private. Name?

Ghoul: Andy Walker.

Sarge: How long have you been dead, son?

Ghoul: Sir?

Sarge: I am not "Sir"! I am Sergeant Howell or Sarge. "Sir" you save for useless people. The name is "Ghoul," you say?

Ghoul: Walker, Sergeant!

Sarge: Ghoul it is.

Ghoul: Yes, Sergeant!

[Hollywood breathing heavily]

[Smitty groaning softly]

Sarge: There's something off in your presentation, Private. Can't place it. Is it your hair? Is it the wrinkle in your trousers?

Smitty: I have a knife in my foot, Sergeant.

Sarge: Oh, yes, of course, that's it. The knife. What is your name, soldier?

Smitty: Smitty Ryker.

Sarge: No, your name is Private Idiot. Do you know why?

Smitty: Because I have a knife in my foot.

Sarge: Who placed the knife there, Private?

Smitty: It was an accident, Sarge. We were playing Stretch.

Sarge: I am heartened by the knowledge you did not place it there with intention. Who threw the knife?

Kirzinski: I did, Sergeant. Private Kirzinski.

Sarge: You look part Indian. To what tribe do you belong, son?

Kirzinski: No, I'm Polish.

Sarge: Wrong. I believe you must have Cherokee or Shawnee blood in you.

Kirzinski: No, Sergeant.

Sarge: Are you contradicting me, you wagon-burning son of a bitch?

Kirzinski: No, Sergeant!

Sarge: Let me see your Indian war cry, son.

Kirzinski: I don't...

[Sergeant imitating war cry]

[Both imitating war cry]

Sarge: Louder! Let me see it.

[Kirzinski imitates war cry louder]

Sarge: What is your animal spirit? Are you a garter snake?

Kirzinski: No, Sergeant!

Sarge: Are you a chipmunk?

Kirzinski: No, Sergeant!

Sarge: Are you a dancing reindeer?

Kirzinski: No, Sergeant!

Sarge: Are you contradicting me, Private?

Kirzinski: No, Sergeant!

Sarge: Good. Then I shall henceforth call you "Chief" as a sign of great respect to your people.

Kirzinski: Thank you, Sergeant!

[Doss chuckling]

Sarge: Are you grinning at me, boy, or is that your natural state?

Doss: No, Sergeant.

Sarge: Name, Private?

Doss: Desmond Doss.

Sarge: I have seen stalks of corn with better physiques. Makes me want to pull an ear off, Private. Can you carry your weight?

Doss: Yes, Sergeant!

Sarge: Should be easy for you, then. Corporal.

Corporal: Sergeant.

Sarge: Make sure you keep this man away from strong winds.

Corporal: Yes, Sergeant.

Sarge: Private Idiot.

Smitty: [straining] Yes, Sergeant.

Sarge: Raise your foot. Higher.

[Smitty grunts]

Sarge: Everyone outside. Now! Move it. I said move it.

Hollywood: All right. Just getting in my uniform, Sarge.

Sarge: Did I ask him to, Corporal?

Corporal: No memory of it, Sarge.

Sarge: I believe any man who takes such pride in his natural naked state will surely enjoy the brisk of the outdoors. Now move your privates, Private Parts! Move it! You son of an exhibitionist!


Sarge: I am going to teach you how to tie a bowline knot, so you can get your sorry asses down from a height, so I may then kick them! Create a loop. This is the rabbit hole. The rabbit comes out of his hole, runs around the tree, goes back into the hole. All right, let's go! Very good, Tex. Keep struggling, Teach. Have you ever roped a goat, Hollywood?

Hollywood: No, Sarge.

Sarge: Have you ever looked into a goat's eyes?

Hollywood: No, Sarge.

Sarge: Good, that would be unnatural. You know if you don't breathe, you'll die.

Lucky Ford: Mmm-hmm.

Sarge: Good, Private Idiot. Congratulations, Greaseball, you just fell 50 feet and broke your neck! Brilliant, Private Vito Rinnelli. You strangled yourself, numb nuts! Are you a fan of Benito?

Vito: No, Sergeant.

Sarge: A bit taller. If you were American, you'd be taller. What've we got here, Doss, one for each titty? You were tying a bowline, boy, not building a bra!

[Doss chuckles]

Sarge: What is so funny, Corporal?

Corporal: Couldn't tell you, Sergeant.


(中國日報(bào)網(wǎng)英語點(diǎn)津 陳丹妮)



















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