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中國日?qǐng)?bào)網(wǎng) 2017-03-24 16:35





斯特蘭奇博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 飾)是一名外科手術(shù)醫(yī)生,他擁有著高超的智商和精湛的技藝,是醫(yī)院乃至整個(gè)醫(yī)學(xué)界的傳奇人物。某一日,斯特蘭奇博士遭遇了一場(chǎng)可怕的車禍,盡管保住了雙手,但這雙手傷痕累累不住顫抖,這也就意味著,他再也不能拿起手術(shù)刀,站在無影燈下了。

斯特蘭奇博士的生活就此失去了意義,陷入了絕望之中,他決定遠(yuǎn)赴尼泊爾,尋找傳說中能夠治愈他雙手的神秘力量。在尼泊爾,風(fēng)塵仆仆的斯特蘭奇博士拜入了神秘的古一法師(蒂爾達(dá)·斯文頓 飾)門下,成為了其弟子,與此同時(shí),古一法師曾經(jīng)的弟子卡西利亞斯(麥斯·米科爾森 飾)亦在虎視眈眈,企圖完成他獲得永生的大業(yè)。


1. Still want to harvest his organs? 還要取他的器官嗎?

2. This section is for masters only, but at my discretion, others may use it. 這個(gè)區(qū)域只對(duì)法師開放,不過我同意的話,其他人也可以來看。

3. You cannot beat a river into submission. 抽刀斷水水更流。

4. Books on astral projection. 關(guān)于靈魂出竅的書。

5. I've got a photographic memory. 我有過目不忘的能力。

6. He feeds off it. 他靠這個(gè)活著。

7. Measure your next words very carefully, doctor. 我提醒你注意接下來的措辭,醫(yī)生。

8. You lack a spine. 是你毫無勇氣。

9. The bill comes due. 是時(shí)候付出代價(jià)了。

10. Because I see, at long last, what's wrong with the world. 因?yàn)槲医K于發(fā)現(xiàn)了世界的癥結(jié)所在。


Dr. Strange: And thank you. Uh, thank you, Ancient One...for... seeing me...

The Ancient One: You're very welcome.

Mordo: The Ancient One.

The Ancient One: Thank you, Master Mordo. Thank you, Master Hamir! Mr. Strange!

Dr. Strange: Doctor, actually.

The Ancient One: Well, no. Not anymore, surely. Isn't that why you're here? You've undergone many procedures. Seven, right?

Dr. Strange: Yeah... It’s good tea.

The Ancient One: Yes.

Dr. Strange: Did you heal a man named Pangborn? A paralyzed man.

The Ancient One: In a way.

Dr. Strange: You helped him to walk again.

The Ancient One: Yes.

Dr. Strange: How do you correct a complete C7-C8 spinal cord injury?

The Ancient One: Oh, I didn't correct it. He couldn't walk; I convinced him that he could.

Dr. Strange: You're not suggesting it was psychosomatic?

The Ancient One: When you reattach a severed nerve, is it you who heals it back together or the body?

Dr. Strange: It's the cells.

The Ancient One: And the cells are only programmed to put themselves back together in very specific ways.

Dr. Strange: Right.

The Ancient One: What if I told you that your own body could be convinced to put itself back together in all sorts of ways?

Dr. Strange: You're talking about cellular regeneration. That's…bleeding-edge medical tech. Is that why you're working here, without a governing medical board? I mean... just how experimental is your treatment?

The Ancient One: Quite.

Dr. Strange: So, you figured out a way to reprogram nerve cells to self-heal?

The Ancient One: No, Mr. Strange. I know how to reorient the spirit to better heal the body.

Dr. Strange: Spirit... to heal the body. Huh. A... Al... Al... alright. How do we do that? Where do we start?

The Ancient One: Don't like that map?

Dr. Strange: Oh, no. It's... it's very good. It's just...you know, I've seen it before. In gift shops.

The Ancient One: And what about this one?

Dr. Strange: Acupuncture, great.

The Ancient One: Yeah? What about... that one?

Dr. Strange: You're showing me an MRI scan? I cannot believe this.

The Ancient One: Each of those maps was drawn up by someone who could see in part, but not the whole.

Dr. Strange: I spent my last dollar getting here on a one-way ticket, and you're talking to me about healing through belief?

The Ancient One: You're a man who's looking at the world through a keyhole, and you spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole. To see more, to know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened in ways you can't imagine, you reject the possibility?

Dr. Strange: No, I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras, or energy, or the power of belief. There is no such thing as spirit! We are made of matter, and nothing more. We're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe.

The Ancient One: You think too little of yourself.

Dr. Strange: Oh, you think you see through me, do you? Well, you don't. But I see through you!!! What did you just do to me?!?

The Ancient One: I pushed your astral form out of your physical form.

Dr. Strange: What's in that tea? Psilocybin? LSD?

The Ancient One: Just tea. With a little honey.

Dr. Strange: What just happened?

The Ancient One: For a moment, you entered the astral dimension.

Dr. Strange: What??

The Ancient One: A place where the soul exists apart from the body.

Dr. Strange: Why are you doing this to me?

The Ancient One: To show you just how much you don't know. Open your eye.

Dr. Strange: No! No... No! Shit! Oh god! Oh God! Oh god! This isn't real it isn't real it isn't…

Mordo: His heart rate is getting dangerously high.

The Ancient One: He looks alright to me. You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality. This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life-giving; Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places, where powers older than time lie...ravenous... and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse, Mr. Strange? Have you seen that before in a gift shop?

Dr. Strange: Teach me!

The Ancient One: No.

(中國日?qǐng)?bào)網(wǎng)英語點(diǎn)津 陳丹妮)



















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