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The Simpsons movie《辛普森一家》精講之一
[ 2008-01-21 19:42 ]


文化面面觀  The Simpsons Movie & Green Day

考考你   一展身手




Man: Excuse me. My heinie is dipping.

Band player 1: All right, well, thanks a lot for coming. We've been playing for three and a half hours. Now we'd like just a minute of your time to say something about the environment.

Crowd: You suck!

Crowd: Shut up and play!

Crowd: Preachy!

Band player 1: We're not being preachy.

Band player 2: But the pollution in your lake, it's dissolving our barge.

Lisa: I thought they touched on a vital issue.

Man: I beg to differ.

Band player 1: Gentlemen, it's been an honor playing with you tonight.

Priest: For the latest rock band to die in our town. Lord, hear our prayer.

Crowd: Lord, hear our prayer.


1. My heinie is dipping.

這句話的意思是“我想大便”。Heinie 在俚語(yǔ)中指“屁股”。

2. You suck!


說(shuō)Somebody/Something sucks! 就是說(shuō)“某人/某事真差勁,糟透了!”有很多情況下可以用到這個(gè)詞:

a. 昨天晚上你看了一場(chǎng)電影,如果朋友問(wèn)你:"How was the movie? (電影怎么樣?)",你覺(jué)得那部片子真是拍得不怎么地,你就可以說(shuō):"It sucked!",而且可以特別使勁地,強(qiáng)調(diào)一下"sucked",強(qiáng)烈表示你的不滿。

b. 你有朋友今晚要向他心愛(ài)的女生表白,如果明天你問(wèn)起他事情進(jìn)行得如何,他告訴你他最終還是臨陣打了退堂鼓,你可以笑他真是沒(méi)出息,然后趕緊加一句:"You totally sucked!"(你可真沒(méi)用。)

c. 你們?nèi)ペs公共汽車,但是剛好錯(cuò)過(guò)沒(méi)趕上,下一班車還要很久才會(huì)來(lái),這時(shí)候:

A: Guess what? We've just now missed the bus, and the next one won't come for another 45 minutes. 知道嗎,我們剛好錯(cuò)過(guò)公車了,下一班還要過(guò)四十五分鐘才會(huì)來(lái)。

B: That sucks. 真遜!

反正,如果你不喜歡某人或是某事,或是表示很失望,說(shuō)他/她/它 "suck"就對(duì)了!但是要注意時(shí)態(tài)的用法啊!

3. Preachy

這個(gè)詞的意思是“愛(ài)說(shuō)教的,愛(ài)嘮叨的”,如果有人在你耳邊喋喋不休,或是總是教你什么該做什么不該做,就可以說(shuō)他/她是 preachy。

4. Touch on

這個(gè)片語(yǔ)的意思是“提起,談到”,例如:In his lecture he touched on the major aspects of the controversy. 他在講座中提到爭(zhēng)議的主要方面。

5. I beg to differ/disagree

這是一個(gè)正式用語(yǔ),是一種禮貌地表示不同意別人意見(jiàn)的說(shuō)法,可以翻譯為“恕不同意”,比如:I beg to differ with Mr Lee's final assertion. 恕我不能同意李先生的最后斷言。


文化面面觀  The Simpsons Movie & Green Day

考考你   一展身手

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