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The Truman show《楚門的世界》精講之二
[ 2008-11-03 19:12 ]


幕后花絮  這個看似荒謬的故事其實富有哲理:人們的偷窺心理在現(xiàn)代社會中憑借著日新月異的科技得到升級和滿足。

考考你 小試牛刀




Truman’s mother: It doesn't sound insane at all, Truman. I see him ten times a week in 100 different places. I almost hugged a perfect stranger in the salon last Thursday.

Truman: It was Dad, I swear. Dressed like a homeless man. And you know what else was strange? A businessman and a woman with a little dog came out of nowhere and forced him onto a bus.

Truman’s mother: Well, it’s about time they cleaned up the trash downtown before we become just like the rest of the country.

Truman: They never found Dad's body. Maybe somehow…

Truman’s mother: God!

Truman: I’m telling you if it wasn't him, it was his twin! Did Dad have a brother?

Truman’s mother: Truman, you know perfectly well that your father was an only child. Just like you. Now Sweetie, you're just feeling bad because of what happened. You sailing off into that storm. But I’ve never blamed you, Truman. And I don't blame you now.


1. perfect stranger

“完全陌生的人”,這里的perfect 是“complete; thorough; utter 徹底的,完全的,全然的”意思,比如,a perfect fool 是指“十足的傻瓜”,可不是“完美的傻瓜”。

2. come out of nowhere

這個片語也寫作 out of nowhere,意思是“suddenly, unexpectedly突然地,出乎意料地”,比如:Their team came out of nowhere and won the state championship. 他們的隊伍不知從哪里冒出來的,還贏得了州冠軍。

3. clean up the trash

Trash 是指“垃圾,廢物”,clean up the trash 就是“清理垃圾、廢物”。可是要注意一下,Truman 的老媽這里指的 trash可是“人”,所以這里就可以引申為“清理那些影響市容的東西(包括流浪漢、乞丐什么的)”,我想也可以用這個表達來描述我們“城管整理市容”的工作吧。

4. only child



幕后花絮  這個看似荒謬的故事其實富有哲理:人們的偷窺心理在現(xiàn)代社會中憑借著日新月異的科技得到升級和滿足。


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