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27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之六
[ 2009-09-25 10:00 ]


考考你 小試牛刀


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Girl: Oh, my... No way! No freaking way! You're the girl from the article. What-What are you doing here?

Jane: Um, well- Okay. Long story short. There's this guy.

Girl: Oh! Okay. Tell me more. Tell me more. - Um-

Jane: Kevin? Kevin Doyle?

Doyle: Oh, my God.

Girl: There he is. There he is. Come on. You can do it. Say it.

Jane: Okay. Uh, I just wanted to say that you were right about me, about all of it. I just didn't want to hear it, especially not from you.

Girl: Can we get a follow spot?

jane: There you are. Uh, Kevin, I've been waiting my whole life for the right guy to come along and then you showed up. And you are nothing like the man I imagined. You're cynical and cranky and impossible. But the truth is, fighting with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I think there's a very good chance that I'm falling in love with you. So... that's it. That's all I had to say. So... I'll go now. Excuse me. Sorry. Kevin, I just really, um-

27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之六

Doyle: Get over here.

Man: Tell me, what do you think makes this wedding special?

Casey: Who are you?

Man: I write the Commitments column for the journal. Maybe I could buy you a drink later.

Casey: It's an open bar. Maybe I'll buy you a drink.

Woman: Hi.

Tess: Thank you.

Redro: God, look at how hot Tess looks. Think she'd go for me? I am a year older.

George: I don't know. I'll put in the good word for you, big guy. All right? Hello.

Tess: Hi. Um, I'm the maid of honor. I, um, live in Williamsburg with a roommate and I just started designing my own line of deeply fabulous handbags. And I'm completely broke. But that's okay. I eat a hamburger a day, and my idea of a pet is a rock.

George: Well, it's very nice to meet you.

Tess: Tess.

George: Tess. Got it.

Tess: Well, wait until you see the bride. She looks gorgeous.

Casey: Ready? Everything's perfect. And this dress- the best thing is I can shorten it and wear it again.

jane: Definitely. So true.

Tess: All right.

27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之六

jane: Okay.

Father: Okay. Ready?

Jane: Yes. That day, I woke up and put on my 28th dress. I went to a wedding where no one asked me to hold the bouquet, fold a place card or hold their dress while they peed. Everything was perfect. And I didn't care. Because right then, the only thing that mattered was the person waiting for me at the end of the aisle. And he was looking at me the way I'd always hoped.

Doyle: So is this moment everything you hoped for?

Jane: No. It's more. It's much more.

Pastor: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Jane Nichols and Kevin Doyle in holy matrimony. Marriage is a cause for celebration.

Jane: It turns out I was right about one thing. I knew they'd all be there for me someday.

妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用

1. freaking: 非常,十分,用以加強(qiáng)語氣。

No way的意思是“不可能,沒門”。這位新娘在這里說 "No freaking way,You're the girl from the article." 意思就是“我沒看錯(cuò)吧,你就是報(bào)紙上那位伴娘?”

平時(shí)我們還常用freak out來表示“情緒失控”。例如:The party last night was a real freak-out.(昨晚的舞會(huì)真是一場胡鬧。)

2. long story short: 長話短說。

例如:To cut a long story short, I decide to stay.(簡而言之,我決定留下。)

3. follow spot: 跟蹤聚光燈,追光燈。

在晚會(huì)時(shí),我們還常用到velarium light(天/地排燈)、controller panel(燈控臺(tái))、reflect spotlight(回光燈)、laser light(激光燈)等等。

4. cynical: 憤世嫉俗的。

例如:His cynical attitude gave us a surprise.(他那憤世嫉俗的態(tài)度讓我們驚奇。)

此外,cynical還可以表示“只顧自己不顧他人的;見利忘義的”,例如這是一種a cynical disregard for others' safety(只顧自己不顧他人安危的可恥行為。)

5. cranky: 古怪的,脾氣壞的。

例如:Grandpa is really cranky if he doesn't have his afternoon nap.(祖父如果沒睡午覺就會(huì)脾氣很暴躁。)

6. open bar: (婚禮或大型慶祝活動(dòng)提供的)免費(fèi)酒吧。

If you've been to a wedding or other large celebratory event, chances are you were able to take advantage of an open bar. An open bar allows all guests to drink freely without having to pay.

7. go for: 被…所吸引;(更)喜歡某人(或某事物)。Redro的意思是:“我又大了一歲,Tess會(huì)更喜歡我嗎?”

8. put in the/a good word for someone: 為某人說好話,替某人美言、說情,有時(shí)也說成是to put in a good say for someone.

例如:She was so unpopular that on one could be found to put in a word for her.(她太不得人心了,沒有一個(gè)人肯替她說情。)

9. maid of honor: 伴娘,也稱為bridesmaid。

10.bouquet: 花束。“一束花”就可以用a bouquet of flowers來表示。

此外,bouquet還可以表示“酒的香味、芬芳”,例如:This brandy has a fine bouquet.(這種白蘭地酒芳香撲鼻。)

11.place card:(標(biāo)有客人姓名的)席次牌。

A place card is a small card with a person's name on it which is put on a table at a formal meal to indicate where that person is to sit.


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