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27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之四
[ 2009-09-22 10:18 ]


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Woman: Oh, Jane. You look wonderful. Good for you. Oh, honey, it must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

Jane: Yes. Yes, it is. But then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers, and I feel so much better. Enjoy the party.

Casey: Whoo! You clean up good. I might even be into you.

Jane: Okay. It's on the desktop under "Tess and George."

Casey: You okay?

27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之四

Jane: Yep.

Casey: That's not water. Okay. Okay.

Jane: Hi.

George: Jane, thank you so much for doing all this. It's great.

Jane: Sure.

Waiter: Hors d'oeuvre?

Jane: Yeah. Oh, look. Pigs in a blanket. Want one, Tess?

Tess: No. I don't eat that stuff, Jane.

Jane: Right. That's right. Got it. Well, I'm gonna go do the slide show.

Tess: Jane. You're only gonna say what I wrote, right?

Jane: Of course. The perfect bridesmaid always does what she's asked.

Father: Not getting cold feet, are you?

Tess: What was that? With this one? Never.

Jane: Hey, everybody. In case you haven't already read, I have been to my fair share of weddings. So, to start things off, I thought you should all know the truth about Tess and George. Tess and George are a perfect couple. No, a divine couple. A couple whose love is the stuff of myths. Their compatibility is so exact that it can only be described as having been designed by the gods. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I put together a slide show so you can all see for yourselves. From the very beginning, Tess and George were destined for each other. George and Tess have always shared a love of God's furry creatures. As they grew up, they both shared the same level of dedication and commitment: To their education.

George: Nice.

Jane: And civic responsibility. He was interested in international affairs. And so was she. And today, Tess and George still share the same values. Their love is based on a deep understanding. and acceptance of who the other person really is. The love of two true soul mates. Tess and George. So here's to the most perfect couple brought together by destiny. I'm so proud of you, Baby Sister.

Casey: Okay: Okay. All right. Well, that was-Yeah: So, um. To keep the merriment going, um, George's "little brother" Pedro wanted to say a few words. Redro.

George: So, safe to say you're not a vegetarian.

Tess: George, that was taken a really long time ago.

George: Why exactly were you wearing your engagement ring then?

Redro: Thank you. As all you know, George is my big brother. But he's more than that. He's my best friend. And now George has Tess, who's- who's really-really, really cool. 'Cause she's gonna help me start my own cleaning business. Oh: Tess told me not to tell you, George. But I'm so excited: So I'm only doing George's place right now. But if anyone is in the market for a really good cleaning service, please see me in the lobby. Thank you.

27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之四

George: That's great.

Tess: No, it's- it's not. George. George, wait, please. Let me explain.

Casey: So what happened?

Jane: He needed to know the truth.

Casey: You could've told him face-to-face. I mean, I know that my moral compass doesn't exactly point due north, but if I say something's wrong, something's wrong.

Jane: You're the one who is always telling me to stand up for myself.

Casey: Yeah. But that's not what you did. What you did was unleash 20 years of repressed feelings in one night. It was entertaining, don't get me wrong, but if it was the right thing to do, you'd feel better right now. Do you feel better right now?

Tess: The wedding's off. I hope you're happy.

妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用

1. clean up: 整理,打掃。Casey在這里的意思是“你打扮得不錯(cuò)”。

此外,clean up用在口語中還可以表示“賺錢,發(fā)財(cái)”,例如Jim昨天買彩票,he cleaned up ten thousand pounds(賺到一萬英鎊)。

2. be into: 給迷住,對(duì)……深感興趣。例如:A lot of people in my age are into comic books.(一些像我這么大的人很喜歡看漫畫書)。

3. Hors d'oeuvre:(正餐前的)開胃食品。這個(gè)詞原本是法文,指的是招待會(huì)或晚餐前吃的小點(diǎn)心。

例如:You should have been at the French Embassy reception last night. The hors d'oeuvres were so tasty.(你昨晚真應(yīng)該去參加法國使館的招待會(huì)。他們的點(diǎn)心真好吃。)

4. slide show: 幻燈片。為了讓來賓了解George和Tess相處的真相,Jane put together a slide show(制作了一張幻燈片)。

例如:With everything in place, she started the slide show.(一切就緒,她開始放幻燈片)。

5. get cold feet: 臨陣退縮。

例如:I really need to get my teeth fixed, but every time I start to phone the dentist, I think about the sound of that drill and right away I get cold feet.(我實(shí)在應(yīng)該去牙大夫那兒看牙了。但是,每當(dāng)我拿起電話想和大夫預(yù)約的時(shí)候,我就好像聽到那鉆牙的聲音,一下子,我就害怕起來了。)

6. A picture is worth a thousand words: 百聞不如一見,畫意能達(dá)萬言。

例如:Oh, boy. It's true what they say: "A picture is worth a thousand words."(哦天哪,他們說:“照片勝過千言萬語”,這話不假。)

7. soul mates: 性格相投的人,心心相印的伙伴(尤指異性),通常也被稱為“靈魂伴侶”。

現(xiàn)代社會(huì)常常會(huì)聽到一些人對(duì)自己的婚姻做這樣的判斷:I wouldn't marry anyone until I run into a soul mate of mine.他們的態(tài)度就是“碰不到性情相同的人決不結(jié)婚。看來人們對(duì)婚姻的質(zhì)量要求越來越高了。

8. safe to say: 這樣說沒什么不妥,可以這樣說。

例如:It's safe to say that British people always talk about the weather when they meet.(可以這樣會(huì)說,英國人見面總談?wù)撎鞖猓?/p>

9. vegetarian: 素食主義者。素食主義是一種飲食文化,實(shí)踐這種飲食文化的人稱為素食主義者,這些人不食用來自動(dòng)物身上各部分所制成的食物,包括動(dòng)物油、動(dòng)物膠。世界各國或不同文化下的素食主義有所不同,有些素食主義者可食用蜂蜜、奶類和蛋類,有些則否。

10.engagement ring:訂婚戒指。

Engagement在這里指“訂婚、婚約”。而“毀約”則用break out the engagement來表示。

例如:John has broken off his engagement to Mary.(約翰已經(jīng)毀了和瑪麗的婚約。)

11.compass: 羅盤,指南針。


12.stand up for:支持,擁護(hù)。

例如:He stands up for women's rights(他支持婦女權(quán)益。)

13.Don't get me wrong:不要誤會(huì)我。

例如:Don't get me wrong I just want to look.(不要誤會(huì)我,我只想看看)。


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