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How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days《十日拍拖手冊》精講之五
[ 2009-10-14 09:39 ]





Ben: Of all the women Spears and Green could have thrown at me, this one is amazing. Hanging with her for ten days is going to be no problem.

Tony: Right, so, it's only nine days longer than you've ever spent with any other chick, huh?

Ben: That's why I didn't go for the gold immediately.

Tony: Oh.

Ben: I'm taking my time. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

Thayer: Ten days is a marathon?

Ben: Okay, so it's more like the 3,000-meter hurdle. The point is, she's already on the ropes, guys.

Thayer: Wow, that-that's a lot of sports analogies.

Tony: That it? That-that's it?

Ben: That's it.

Tony: Have you looked inside?

Ben: No.

Thayer: Do you have an ethical problem with rifling through a woman's purse?

Ben: Uh, yeah, I guess I do.

Tony: Well, it's hardly a purse, dude. It's more like a clutch or something.

Ben: Guys, a woman's purse, all right--it's her secret source of power. All right? There-there are many dark and dangerous things in there that we, the male species, should know nothing about.

Tony: Oh. Unless, of course, she, uh, left it behind intentionally to secure a next-day call back.

Ben: Mm-hmm. She's a very clever minx.

Tony: Oops, I'm sorry.

Ben: Oh, God. Um...Oh, shit, we got to clean that up.

Tony: Yeah, yeah.

Ben: Carefully. Carefully. Oh, what have we here? Let us see, let us see. Oh... Knicks tickets...

Tony: Huh.

Ben: ...for tonight's game.

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days《十日拍拖手冊》精講之五

Girl: Delivery, Andie.

People: Wow, look at those! Oh, who are those for?

Michelle: Andie, oh, my God!

Delivery man: Where do you want these?

People: Who are these to?

Michelle: Wait. "100 times..."...more beautiful..." Wait. "...than 100 roses."

Jeannie: Catchy.

Andie: The guy's in advertising. He can't help it.

Jeannie: So, does this mean he's hooked?

Andie: This means he found the Knicks tickets.

Michelle: You left the tickets in the purse?

Andie: Yeah.

Michelle: You are just on a whole different playing field. Here you go.

Andie: Mm-hmm. Andie Anderson.

Ben: Hey, hey, pretty girl.

Andie: Guess what? I got a really embarrassing display of white roses.

Ben: Well, you are welcome. Listen, I had a wonderful time last night. I have your bag.

Andie: Ah, I know. I can't believe I left it there.

Ben: Yeah, well, you must need it back, what with all the cash, credit cards, and...those Knicks tickets for tonight's game.

Andie: Sounds like you've been peeking through my bag, Ben.

Ben: Oh, absolutely not. Tony, my Art Director, he's an oaf, and he accidentally knocked it over.

Tony: Ow, right! Yeah, I'm a clumsy man.

Andie: All right, I'm sorry, though. I'm going to the game with somebody else.

Ben: Not anymore. Besides, what? You think you left your purse at my place by accident? No. Subconsciously, you are dying to take me to that game. Denying your subconscious desires is extremely dangerous to your health, young lady.

Andie: Does that psycho-babble really work on anybody?

Ben: You tell me.

Michelle: Andie, you're so bad.

Andie: All right, meet me at the 7th Avenue entrance. 7:30. Don't be late.

Ben: You got it. Bye-bye.

Andie: Bye.

Ben: And that's how it's done.

Andie: And that's how it's done.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. sprint: 短距離賽跑。影片中Ben把十天的戀愛比作一場馬拉松,而非短跑。可見Ben之前的戀愛經(jīng)歷都很短。

2. on the ropes: (拳擊時)被擠到拳擊臺的圍繩上。在這里Ben又把談戀愛比作拳擊賽,他認為他的對手Andie已經(jīng)被他逼到了“拳擊臺的圍繩上”,即沒有還手的余地。例如:

have one's opponent on the ropes (把對手逼到拳擊臺的圍繩上)

on the ropes還可以表示“瀕于失敗,即將完蛋,處于困境”。看一下例子:

The right political forces seemed to be on the ropes. 右派政治力量看上去要垮了。

3. rifle through: (尤指抱有不良意圖)迅速翻查。影片中一開始Ben對于翻看女士的包還是有顧慮的。請看例子:

Someone's been rifling through my drawers, there's some money missing.


4. clutch: 即clutch bag,手握袋。

5. secure: 弄到,獲得。影片中Tony慫恿Ben去翻看Andie的包,并說Andie有可能故意把包留下,這樣第二天才能接到Ben的電話。請看例子:

I have at last secured a house. (我終于弄到一所房子了。)

6. minx: 冒失(或輕佻的)的少女。

7. catchy: 容易記住的。Jeannie指白玫瑰里的字條上的話很順口,很好記。例如:a catchy tune(容易上口的調(diào)子)。catchy還可以指“引起注意(或興趣)的”,例如:a catchy title(引人注目的標題)。此外,catchy還可以表示“欺騙性的,難以對付的”,例如:a catchy question(引人上當?shù)膯栴})。

8. peek: 偷看,窺視。請看例子:

They caught him peeking through the hole at what was going on in the room.


9. oaf: 粗笨的人。看一下例子:

The oaf stumbled over the bucket, spilling all the water.


10. psycho-babble: <口>心理囈語(指膚淺地濫用心理學和精神病學概念和術語的言語或?qū)懽鳎?/p>



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