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Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之橋》精講之二

[ 2010-03-03 16:29]     字號 [] [] []  
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Mrs. Myers: A few ground rules for this classroom. No talking. No chewing gum. No electronic devices. Beforewarned. If you download any essay off the Internet, you'll be downloaded into detention. Let's start the year off on the right foot and all do our own work. I expect you to take notes.

Scott: Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. Know what that is? My loser detector. [Continues beeping]

Mrs. Myers: Jesse Aarons! I got it from your sisters. I certainly do not need it from you.

Jess: Oh, man.

Mrs. Myers: That goes for you as well.

Scott: He hit me.

Jess: [Scoffs]

Gary: You're dead meat.

Mrs. Myers: Scott Hoager and Gary Fulcher, be quiet! Now, back to what we were discussing before we were so rudely interrupted.

Scott: Sweet sneaks, Aarons. You wear your sisters' hand-me-down underwear too?

Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之橋》精講之二

Gary: He asked you a question, twinkle toes.

[Knock on door]

Principal Turner: Good morning, kids. Welcome back. I hope you had a great summer. Mrs. Myers, this is Leslie Burke, who will be joining your class. Leslie, welcome to Lark Creek.

Leslie: Thanks.

Mrs. Myers: Thank you, Principal Turner. [Class whispering]

Mrs. Myers: Well, Leslie, um, you'll sit at my desk this morning, until we can figure out where to squeeze you in.

[Class laughs]

Mrs. Myers: [Exhales] I like to start the year with a little fun. I want you all to write a one-page essay about your favorite hobby.

[Class groans]

Mrs. Myers: Yes?

Madison: Mrs. Myers, when you say one page, did you mean both sides of the paper?

Mrs. Myers: You can do one side, Madison.

Madison: I'll do two.


Janice: Yeah, that's cool.

Girl 1: No way!

Girl 2: It was so amazing.

Girl 3: Can I have this?

Janice: You could have two bucks out of it all. I'm getting most of it, OK?

Leslie: Excuse me.

Janice: Got a dollar?

Leslie: No.

Janice: Then you're gonna have to use your pants.

Leslie: What's your problem?

Janice: You got that backwards, freak. You got the problem.

Girl: That's right, new girl.

Leslie: Nice feet.

Janice: You say something?

Leslie: What I said was, have you ever heard the story about the trolls under the bridges who collect tolls from unlucky travelers?

Girl: Trolls? What is she talking about?


Janice: Nice try, beanpole. [Whispering] It's still a dollar.

Boys: Yeah! Let's do it. Do it.

Teacher: Next grade, line up. Let's do this thing. Come on. Fulcher, Hoager, get in here. Get ready. Come on. Let's get this race started. Come on.

Scott: Beep, beep, beep.

Gary: Dead meat.

Teacher: Back behind the line. You know how it goes. Back behind. Come on.

Scott: Hey, new girl. This is just for guys. Hey, I'm talking to you!

Jess: What's the matter? Afraid a girl's gonna beat you?

Teacher: On your mark. Get set.

Gary: Dead meat.

[All cheering]

Teacher: Go, Hoager! Get in there!

May Belle: Go! Go, Jess, go! Come on! Come on! You can do it! Come on, Jess! Go, Jess, go! Jess, Jess, did you win?

Leslie: Hey, Jess, right?

Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之橋》精講之二

妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用

1. ground rule: 基本原則。

2. forewarn: 預(yù)先警告;事先告誡。請看例子:Forewarned is forearmed.(凡事預(yù)則立。)

3. detention: (處罰學(xué)生的)課后留校。

4. start off on the right foot: 有一個順利的開始。更常見的表達方式是:get off on the right foot(一開頭就順利),反之就是get off on the wrong foot(一開頭就不順利)。請看例子:

I finally got a date with that new girl in class but I sure got off on the wrong foot with her, I had car trouble and got to her place almost two hours late.


5. detector: 探測器。

6. You're dead meat: 你死定了。dead meat有“處境艱難,倒大霉”的意思。

7. hand-me-down: 傳下來的,別人用過的。例如:hand-me-down clothes(別人穿過的舊衣服)。hand-me-down也可以表示“現(xiàn)成而價廉質(zhì)次的”。


He wore his older brother's hand-me-downs until he was 16.


8. You got that backwards: 你把話說反了。

9. troll: (北歐民間傳說中居于地下、洞中、山間的)巨人,巨怪。

10. toll: 通行費。例如:Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll.(過這座橋的人都要付通行費。)影片中Leslie提到的那個傳說其實是在影射欺凌同學(xué)、向同學(xué)收取如廁費的Janice。

11. beanpole: 瘦長之人。本義是“(插在地上供豆莖攀緣的)支竿”。

12. On your mark: (徑賽口令)各就各位。

13. Get set: (徑賽口令)預(yù)備。



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