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The Spy Next Door《鄰家特工》精講之一

[ 2010-07-05 13:26]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009




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Nora: Mom! Jethro's eating my underwear! Here, piggy, piggy, piggy. Jethro.

Ian: Mom, before she starts, there isn't a shred of evidence to support her allegations.

Farren: Gillian, your son is a psycho. He booby-trapped my hair dryer.

Ian: Nice hypothesis, but you can't prove it.

Farren: Yeah, but I can hurt you. Mom! Mom! She needs to be medicated.

Nora: Come on, Jethro. Come here.

Farren: I hate this family. Come here.

Nora: Jethro, you're getting a time out.

Gillian: Come on, guys. Backpack.

Farren: What? It's in style.

Gillian: It's inappropriate. Go put on some jeans. And spit out the gum. So, what color do you want to wear today? Red? Blue? Purple?

Nora: Pink, Momma, pink.

Gillian: Farren.

Farren: What? You said jeans.

Gillian: I meant in your size. Come on, guys. Come on. We don't want to be late. There you go. Come on, sweetie.

Farren: No! Get out!

Gillian: No fighting.

Bob: Allow me.

Gillian: Hi. Are we still on for dinner?

Bob: I'll be there.

Gillian: We have an audience.

Farren: Yuck. I'm going to vomit.

Ian: He is such a loser.

Nora: I like Bob. He's nice.

Farren: He's a boring pen importer. He does the same routine every day. He's like a robot.

Ian: That's 'cause he is a robot. A cyborg, sent from the future, to destroy humanity. Starting with us.

Gillian: Well, it's been three months. Happy anniversary. What is it?

Bob: I have to tell you about my job. This might shock you, but you should know everything before this relationship goes further.

Gillian: Don't, Bob.

Bob: What?

Gillian: I'm very happy when I'm with you. No one has ever made me laugh like you do, and if I were a single woman, I could see a real future for us. But I'm a package deal.

Bob: What do you mean?

Gillian: My kids are my priority and... How can I put this gently?

Bob: They hate me.

Gillian: Yeah.

Bob: I can make them like me. See?

Gillian: See? You can't make kids like you, not mine or anyone's. My kids have been through a lot, and... I don't think we should take the next step until they warm up to you.

Bob: Doesn't your happiness count? Excuse me. Sorry, I gotta go. Emergency at work.

Gillian: No ink?

Bob: It's much bigger. Sorry, really. I will explain everything tomorrow.

Gillian: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用

1. a shred of evidence:絲毫的證據(jù)。也可以說成是a shred of truth,not a shred of evidence就是說“沒有絲毫的證據(jù)表明……”。

2. psycho:神經(jīng)病。法倫在這里是說“你兒子發(fā)什么神經(jīng)?”

3. booby-trap:設(shè)陷阱,布置機關(guān)。也可以指安放餌雷。例如: The car had been booby-trapped by terrorists.(恐怖分子在那輛汽車里安放了餌雷。)

4. time out:工作中的休息時間,也可以指比賽時的暫停。而out of time則用來表示“不合時宜”,例如:He is born out of time.(他生不逢時。)

5. backpack:背包,背包旅行。背著旅行包去長途旅行的驢友就稱為backpacker(背包客),這種旅行方式也稱為go backpacking。登山者或遠足者使用的背包、旅行包就是rucksack。

6. in style:時髦,別具風(fēng)格

此外,in style還可以表示“很成功”,或者場面非常“豪華、隆重”,常用in great/grand style來形容。例如:If ever she gives a party she likes to do it in style.(她每舉辦舞會,總喜歡搞得很排場。)

7. We have an audience:吉莉安在這里的意思是“孩子們正盯著我們”。

8. cyborg:科幻故事中的電子人、半機械人。

9. package deal:一攬子交易,整批處理。吉莉安在這里是說“我還有幫小不點”。

此外,package deal還可以表示“成套服務(wù)”,例如:I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.(我需要一個成套服務(wù),包括機票和住宿。)

10.warm up to someone/something: to become more fervent and earnest toward someone, something, or a group; to become more responsive and receptive to someone, a group, or something.(對某人、某事或某團體更加熱情、真摯,更容易接受)

例如:After we talked, he began to warm up to us a little. (在我們交談后,他開始有些接受我了。)

11.no ink: 無語了,沒話說了。



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