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Tend to, tend to be, it seem to, it seems to be 四個短語的用法

"I am quite confused about the usage of "tend to "or "tend to be" as well as "it seems to" and "it seems to be". Since I want to use these phrases in my conversation and in my writing, I am not sure which is right or wrong in particular area. "


網(wǎng)友 Steven 對 tend to,tend to be,it seems to 和 it seems to be 這四個短語的用法有些疑惑。這幾個短語都有“往往,好象,貌似,似乎”之類的意思,那我們應(yīng)該如何區(qū)分并正確使用這些短語呢?我們將在節(jié)目中通過大量的例句幫助大家理解這幾個短語之間的微妙區(qū)別。在聽完節(jié)目后,看看你是否能正確地選出下面這個問題的答案:

I _____ eat rice at home most evenings.

  • seem to
  • tend to
  • seem to be
  • tend to be

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