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Take Away English 隨身英語
UK Students Abroad 英國學(xué)生在海外
[ 2007-05-29 08:00 ]

Gap year students see many wonderful sights

Most students in the UK leave school orsixth-form collegeat the age of 18 and go to study for three years in a University, but in recent years many students have chosen to take a one-year break between finishing school and starting university.

This period is called agap yearand is a time when British students canbroaden their horizonsby visiting foreign countries.

Tens of thousands of gap-year travellers leave Britain every year, with Australia as the most popular destination. While some volunteer forcharity workindeveloping countries, others will enjoy eco-tourismor simplybackpackthrough many countries.

Many other gap year travellerstry their handat teaching English to thelocalsin the countries they visit.

Students who take a gap year often say the experience helps them get a betterperspectiveon the world and broadens theircultural awareness.

An important part of any gap year is learning about the culture and society of other peoples. It can be very important to learn aboutlocal normsin order to avoid aculture clash, such as when Westerners wear clothes that are seen as unacceptable in moreconservative countries.

Developments in communications technology mean it is easier than ever tokeep in touchwith friends and family at home. Many gap year students maintain atravel blogor upload theirsnapstophoto-sharing websitesso that others can see their adventures.

China is becoming an increasingly popular destination for British students. Gap year programmes in China might includecoaching sportsin Chinese schools, learningkung fuor even teaching English.

Who knows? Perhaps you’ll meet some British gap year travellers in your home town soon. Don't forget to practice your English with them!

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