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Hongqiao T1


P1 parking lot is situated on the eastern side of Terminal 1 (No 699, Yingbin 1st Road). P2 parking lot is situated on the southern side of Terminal 1 (No 399, Konggang 1st Road). Tourists can easily reach the parking lots from the terminal through two passages, which connect several terminals. P1 is for light-duty vehicles only; P2 is for both light-duty and oversized vehicles. There are a total of 613 parking spaces available in P1. There are 33 parking spaces for oversized vehicles and 145 parking spaces for light-duty vehicles in P2.


Parking fees are charged as follows according to the standard charge rate for parking lots in Hongqiao International Airport.

Types of cars

1 hour

2-24 hours


Light-duty vehicle


5 yuan/hour

42 yuan/24 hours

Oversized vehicles


10 yuan/hour

84 yuan/24 hours



1. All vehicles receiving passengers in T1 should follow traffic signs and park in nearby parking spaces.

2. No passage is available between P1 and P2 parking lots, which are on two different sides of the terminal.

3. Parked cars are charged fees and no caretaking service is available.

4. No inflammable, explosive or dangerous goods are allowed to be brought in the parking lots.

5. No fuelling, battery-charging, car repairing, car washing, smoking or naked flames allowed in the parking lots.


1. Four parking spaces for the disabled are available in P1

2. Inflator pumps are available for free in P1

3. Electric cars can be charged for free in P1

4. Service hotline: 15921985176

Hongqiao T2


The parking lots are located on the two sides of the eastern part of the transportation center (No 1500, Shenkun Road), which is connected with the terminal. The parking lots on each side have five floors. Tourists can easily reach the parking lots from terminals through three passages. P6 and P7 parking lots are for light-duty vehicles only (only cars lower than 1.9 meters are allowed in). P5 and P8 parking lots are for oversized vehicles. A total of 2,952 parking spaces are available, with P5 and P8 each offering 130 parking spaces.


Parking fees are charged as follows according to the standard charge rate for parking lots in Hongqiao International Airport. The fees were established by the No (2001) 026 file issued by the Shanghai Administration of Commodity Price.

Types of cars

1-2 hours

2-24 hours

1-24 hours

24-48 hours

Over 48 hours

Light-Duty cars

10 yuan/hour

5 yuan/hour


Maximum: 80yuan

Maximum: 110yuan

Full-sized cars

20 yuan/hour

10 yuan/hour


Maximum: 160yuan

Maximum: 220yuan


1. All vehicles receiving passengers in T1 should follow traffic signs and park in nearby parking spaces.

2. No passage except for pedestrian channels on floors B1 and 2F are available between P6 and P7 parking lots. They are on two different sides of the eastern part of the transportation center. SGML (standard generalized markup language) with animal markups against blue walls in P6 in the north and fruit markups against green walls in P7 can be referred to locate cars.

3. Parked cars are charged fees and no caretaking service is available.

4. No inflammable, explosive or dangerous goods are allowed to be brought in the parking lots.

5. No fuelling, battery-charging, car repairing, car washing, smoking or using naked flames allowed in the parking lots.


1. Fifty-six parking spaces for the disabled are available in the parking lots.

2. Screw jacks are available for free.

3. Electric cars can be charged for free.

4. Inflator pumps are available for free.

5. Guiding cards besides the elevator door are available for free. The cards include bilingual guiding information, including service hotlines and a map of parking lots and markups indicating different floors or parking spaces to help locate parking spaces.

6. Staff in the parking lots will help locate parking spaces based on useful information including numbers, color, types, and arrival time of cars.

7. Travel agencies can contact the control center (34661617) one day in advance to arrange buses to receive tourists. After all tourists have gathered together at the designated receiving point, each with a certificate issued by the control center, the booked buses will come from P5 or P8 to pick up the tourists. If buses are not successfully booked, registration should be completed at the receiving point two hours ahead so that the control center can make adjustments.

8. Service hotline: 34661605

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