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Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精講之五)
[ 2007-07-11 17:24 ]

文化面面觀  電影中 Samantha 提到 Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt,這個(gè)說法其實(shí)大有來歷。

思想火花  女人應(yīng)該用身體去換取奢華的生活嗎?這一集中的交際花Amalita 周旋于富有的男人中間,用付出身體的代價(jià),換得金碧輝煌的生活……

考考你  趁熱打鐵


Carrie: While at home, all the English I seemed to encounter was "bills, bills, bills." I envied Amalita. Her life was a blur of rich men, designer clothes and glamorous resorts. She didn't actually work for a living, yet possessed a dazzling sexual power that she exploited to her full advantage. Which presented a certain conundrum: Where's the line between professional girlfriend and just plain professional?

Samantha: Women have the right to use every meansat their disposalto achieve power.

Miranda: Short of sleeping their way to the top.

Samantha: Not if that's what it takes to compete.

Charlotte: But that's exploitation!

Samantha: Of men-- which is perfectly legal.

Carrie: Saturday night. In an effort to save money and maybe even pick up a few extra bucks, I invited the girls over for poker.

Charlotte:I'll buy two.

Carrie:I'm in for three.So you advocate a double standard. Women can use their sexuality to get ahead whenever possible, but men should not be allowed to take advantage of it?

Samantha: No. I'm just saying that men and women are equal-opportunity exploiters.

Miranda: Ifold.

Charlotte: What if you sense that someone is giving you a professional advantage because they find you charming?

Miranda: Charming?

Samantha: This I gotta hear.

Charlotte: Well, a few days ago, Neville Morgan, the notoriously reclusive painter paid a visit to the gallery.

Carrie: Neville was making his yearly pilgrimage to Manhattan to check out what was new and hot on the art scene. And he found it--Charlotte. It was only a matter of moments before he invited her to his farm upstate to view his latest work.

Charlotte: So, if I could get him to show at the gallery, it would be an incredible coup. But what if he wants me to, you know.

Carrie: Hold his brush?

Miranda: If he so much as suggests what she's suggesting you give me a call and we'llsue the hell out ofhim. That's the only proper way to trade sex for power.

Samantha: I can't believe what I'm hearing. You're like the Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt.

Miranda: It's Skipper. I told him I was here. He insisted on picking me up, but he's not supposed to be here till 11:00.

Carrie: He's like a sweet little seal pup.

Miranda: That you sometimes want to club. You're an hour early.

Skipper: Oh, I can wait in the hall.

Carrie: No, Skipper, come in.

Miranda: It's all right. I'm leaving anyway. You guys havecleaned me out. Good night, ladies. Charlotte,keep me posted.

Carrie: A couple of hours later, I was looking forward tocalling it an early night, when-- Hello?

Amalita: Carrie, you bitch! What are you doing?

Carrie: Actually I'm getting ready to go to sleep.

Amalita: Why don't you come and join us? We are at Balzac, and there is someone here Iam dying foryou to meet.

Carrie: I'd love to, but I'm really trying tocut back. You know, pinch a few pennies.

Amalita: You are crazy, you know that? Why don't you just come down here and be your fabulous self?

Carrie: The truth was I could barely afford that either. But I rationalized that my new shoes shouldn't be punished just because I can't budget.


1. At someone's disposal

意為"由某人做主,聽某人之便,受其管理,由其支配",例如:They put their car at our disposal for our entire stay.

2. Fold
這里的fold 特指玩游戲時(shí)的一種行為--收回:在失利時(shí)收回(手),如把牌面朝下放在桌上。
上文中Charlotte 提到"I'll buy two.",Carrie 提到" I'm in for three. "均指玩牌時(shí)賭的錢數(shù)。

3. Sue the hell out of

"Hell" here is simply a swear word used for emphasis. "Sue"指得是"訴訟",意思是"(打官司)讓某人輸?shù)靡粩⊥康?。

4. Clean out

意思是"to drive out by force",例如:The new CEO tried to get away with cleaning out all employees over the age of 60.


文化面面觀  電影中 Samantha 提到 Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt,這個(gè)說法其實(shí)大有來歷。

思想火花  女人應(yīng)該用身體去換取奢華的生活嗎?這一集中的交際花Amalita 周旋于富有的男人中間,用付出身體的代價(jià),換得金碧輝煌的生活……

考考你  趁熱打鐵

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