
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Higher education needs reform 2006-09-07
As schools open for the new semester and the 20th Teachers' Day arrives in three days, the news media are drumming up a lot more about what's going on in schools nowadays.

Address issue of unemployment 2006-09-05
Enterprises should actively relocate and absorb redundant employees during their reorganization, says a signed article in China Business Times.

Better managing migrants 2006-09-04
How many cards does a Chinese citizen need to verify their identity in their own land?

Let kids enjoy holidays 2006-09-01
With school starting today - except in Southwest China's Chongqing, where scorching heat has delayed school until September 5 - parents are shoving their children back through the school gates.

Wage hike a positive step for migrants 2006-09-01
With the latest round of wage hikes in Guangdong, it seems to be payback time for the 23 million migrant workers who have toiled for decades to earn the province the sobriquet of "the world's factory."

Straighten out student loans 2006-08-31
Guarantees from both local and central governments are important to the healthy operation of student loan system, says a signed article in Yanzhao Metropolis Daily.

Tuition becomes parents' burden 2006-08-25
Parents' sleeping in the open reminds us to reflect on the high cost of schooling, says a signed article in Beijing Youth Daily.

Private schools may provide an alternative 2006-08-25
Private tutorial schools are illegal under the country's Compulsory Education Law, as an official from the Ministry of Education was quoted as saying on Wednesday.

Do not leave migrants out 2006-08-22
It is a responsibility of the government to prevent the marginalization of migrant workers, says a signed article in Guangzhou Daily.

Stop random collection of education fees 2006-08-10
The random charging of fees in the educational sector tests the authorities' working abilities, according to an article in Southern Daily.

Officials have responsibility to provide aid 2006-08-10
Wang Yi has struggled to improve the New Century School for children of migrant workers ever since he founded it in 1999.

Damaging enthusiasm 2006-07-31
The clamour and debate surrounding competition for top students between Hong Kong and mainland universities is finally dying down as these institutions finalize their recruitment work.

Protect workers' rights with law 2006-07-28
It is vitally important to use the law to protect migrant workers' rights and interests, says a signed article in Dazhong Daily.

Unreal employment rate 2006-07-24
Some universities are reportedly refusing to issue diplomas to graduates unless they provide a certificate from their employer to prove they have landed a job.

More action required on jobs 2006-07-20
The government should make more efforts to promote employment, says a signed article in People's Daily.

Take care of intellectuals 2006-07-18
The latest report by China's top research institute on the nation's skilled personnel shows that China still has much to do in order to properly utilize its high-calibre human resources.

Stop defaulted payments 2006-07-17
More efforts should be made to resolve the issue of migrant construction workers' defaulted wages, says a commentary in People's Daily.

Good service for migrants 2006-07-14
Efforts should be made to let more migrant workers become bank card users, says a signed article in People's Daily.

Stop excessive overtime work 2006-07-14
Law enforcement should be enhanced and employment expanded to prevent workers from being forced to work overtime, says a signed article in People's Daily.

HK seeks to lure brightest young minds 2006-07-14
TGlobalization of higher education and a surge in the number of mainland students looking southwards for tertiary studies has prompted the Hong Kong government to establish a steering committee to promote the city as a regional education hub.

Vital cultural ambassador 2006-07-07
A conference was held yesterday for deans or presidents and experts from host countries of Confucius Institutes, giving them an opportunity to swap experiences on the development of this special type of Chinese language school.

Wake-up call for colleges 2006-07-07
Hong Kong universities' mounting, and increasingly successful, efforts to recruit bright students across China have reminded their prestigious mainland counterparts that their status as the country's mecca for higher education may not be as secure as they used to believe.

A worthwhile investment 2006-07-04
A State-financed programme of boarding school construction in remote areas has entered its third year with central government departments distributing the budgeted 3 billion yuan (US$370 million) for 2006 late last month.

Clarity required on education law 2006-06-30
Free compulsory education can only become a reality with better management and an improved funding mechanism, says a signed article in the Changsha-based Xiaoxiang Morning Post.

Fair rankings required 2006-06-29
The authorities should enhance their regulation of institutes releasing university rankings, urges a commentary in Beijing Youth Daily.

Fair play for students 2006-06-28
The annual university enrolment begins today. This process, lasting two months, involves millions of graduates from senior high schools who have passed the college entrance exam.

Right to refuse dangerous work 2006-06-21
Strict enforcement of the law guarantees workers the right to refuse undertaking risky assignments, says a signed article in People's Daily.

Questionable exam 2006-06-21
Cheating is reported to be rampant in the annual College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 (CET-4 and CET-6) exams. This year's tests were held nationwide last week.

Protect workers' rights 2006-06-20
A Ministry of Labour and Social Security official was recently quoted as saying that excessive overtime is rife in many enterprises, a practice that infringes the labour law and constitutes a serious abuse of workers' rights.

Equal access to important exam 2006-06-16
The State should try to improve the emergency management of the national college entrance examination to ensure every student has equal access to the exam, says a commentary in Beijing News.

Quality teaching vital 2006-06-07
Today is the start of the country's national college entrance examination, arguably the most important day in a student's life.

Fair play for all students 2006-06-06
Nearly 10 million students will sit the national college entrance examination tomorrow.

First step on wage rises 2006-06-05
The latest sharp rise in minimum wage rates in Shenzhen is more than a piece of good news for migrant workers who are trying hard to make a living in the coastal city.

Let's make learning fun 2006-06-01
Chinese parents tend to believe that higher education is the only ladder to high echelons and a higher salary.

More efforts to protect workers 2006-05-29
Companies should do more to protect the interests of their employees, says a signed article in Workers' Daily.

Higher pay, a bad signal 2006-05-19
The unusually high salaries of employees in monopolized industries are a bad signal for the market economy, says a signed article in China Economic Times.

Equalize migrant workers 2006-05-18
A series of policies are needed to properly handle the problems concerning nearly 200 million farmer-turned workers in the coming five years, a senior official from the Ministry of Construction said on Tuesday.

Pave way for students with disabilities 2006-05-18
In early January, three third-year senior high students from the Beijing School for the Visually Impaired told the Beijing Youth News that they wanted to participate in the annual national College entrance examination.

Put brakes on enrolment 2006-05-12
Expanding enrolment of students in higher learning institutions needs to be reasonably controlled, a State Council conference decided on Wednesday.

Pre-schools need attention 2006-05-11
Rural pre-school education should get more attention, says a commentary in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Do not blame China for job losses in the US 2006-05-09
Many Americans, influenced by US media, believe that their jobs are being stolen by competitors from China.

Raise quality of students 2006-04-28
Twenty-eight students pursuing doctorate degrees at Nankai University in North China's Tianjin were given only diplomas to certify that they have completed their courses, but were denied the certificates for their degrees because they did not meet requirements.

Inexpensive labour 2006-04-17
Inexpensive labour is an advantage as well as a bottleneck for China's economic development, says a signed article in the Oriental Morning Post. An excerpt follows:

Private school failure must serve as a lesson 2006-04-05
The demise of a group of private schools covering 10 cities, reportedly a leading brand in the country's non-governmental education, is pitiful. It shows how difficult, and chaotic, the development of private education is.

Treat substitute teachers properly 2006-03-31
As substitute teachers are phased out, these dedicated workers should be treated fairly, says a signed article in Beijing Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

English craze is baffling 2006-03-31
The country should end its damaging English learning craze, says a signed article in Qilu Evening News. An excerpt follows:

Wage system protects migrant worker rights 2006-03-29
The State Council's new call to increase protection of migrant workers' rights is all-inclusive and of far-reaching significance. Better protection of migrant workers will not only facilitate the construction of a new countryside but also help realize social harmony across the country.

Make education costs public 2006-03-27
Making educational costs public is the only way to wipe out overcharging, say a signed article in Dazhong Daily. An excerpt follows:

Education not a cheap suit 2006-03-14
Education is a public good, not a business, says a commentary on the www.rednet.com.cn. An excerpt follows:

Protection 'needed' for migrant workers 2006-03-14
The top legislature should urgently create a law to protect migrant workers' rights, a deputy to the National People's Congress has said.

Cheap labour is nothing to brag about 2006-03-07
In a popular television talk show on business strategy, a panellist picked the acquisition of Thompson by TCL to illustrate the culture clash that usually poses the most daunting challenge to Chinese buyers of foreign companies.

Get children off the streets into school 2006-03-03
As dusk fell on the northern Chinese city of Zhengzhou, a 13-year-old boy huddled against the February cold on a steam grate, waiting for another aimless day to break. Without a place to call home, Zhou Ning made a bed out of a cotton quilt spread out on the pavement in front of the Henan provincial capital's railway station.

Harmful 'key school' system must be ended 2006-02-27
At long last, we are close to a legislative response to one of the most glaring examples of State-sponsored inequality.

Pressured children face testing times 2006-02-21
As primary and middle school children return to school for the new term, Shanghai Education Bureau has vowed to reduce the pressure on students. This vow is nothing new: pledges of this kind in other cities have been heard dozens of times before.

Growth pattern key to higher job creation 2006-02-20
University graduates will not be alone in facing the pressure of finding a job this year.

Rural education reform requires funding rethink 2006-02-13
The current financing system underpinning rural education cannot pay for a free nine-year compulsory education. The system must be reformed to ensure adequate funding for the economically underdeveloped countryside.

Stop discrimination in job recruitment 2006-02-10
If a person were denied a job opportunity because of his or her height, gender or blood type, who would be held responsible?

Int'l division of labour offers opportunities 2006-02-10
The international division of labour is undergoing reorganization as economic globalization gathers pace.  The question that arises for China is how it can take the initiative in this process.

What they are saying 2006-02-09
Migrant workers deserve their rights

Cultural exchanges foster understanding 2006-01-23
The Year of Italy in China was unveiled over the weekend with a fabulous concert, the opening of an exhibition of Renaissance paintings and a dream-like outdoor gala show at the Millennium Monument in Beijing.

Spending on education soaks up spare cash 2006-01-16
Being one of the largest national monopolies, education is competing with other cultural services like a superpower against small poor countries, and is pushing them into a helpless state.

Share school resources 2005-12-30
The government should balance resources among all schools that provide compulsory education, says an article in Oriental Morning Post. An excerpt follows:

Cheap labour cannot last 2005-12-08
As Chinese labour costs keep rising, some foreign investors and manufacturers have begun to look elsewhere for more profitable business opportunities.

Higher education: successful or not? 2005-09-27
University education has always been a focus of public concern in China. Opinions remain divided on China's present education system. The views of Chen Ning Yang, the prominent physicist and the first Chinese American to win a Nobel Prize, triggered another widespread debate about China's current higher education system.

Recruiters must not bar older job applicants 2005-09-19
The management of a famous newspaper has done a terrible thing.
It is something that could result in a court case. That no one is taking any legal action against it now is only because laws still do not exist in that particular area in China. It is job-related discrimination.

Battle against illiteracy continues 2005-09-08
My friend, a Swiss journalist posted in Beijing, enjoys going to small Chinese restaurants. Apart from the temptation of good food at low prices, another thing fascinates him seeing how the waiters and waitresses take his orders.

More public funds for compulsory education 2005-08-23
China's nine-year compulsory education system deserves applause if we consider the fact that it has been run with chronic funding shortages.

Protect rights of workers 2005-08-19
The proper handling of the migrant workers' back payment has a direct bearing on our efforts to build a harmonious society, says an article in People's Daily. An excerpt follows:

No permanent PhD posts 2005-07-19
Graduate schools should begin their reform drives by scrapping lifelong tenures for doctorate-granting units, says an article in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Less funds for luxury schools 2005-07-11
Scarce educational funds should not be squandered on building extravagant campuses, says an article in China Economic Times. An excerpt follows:

Quality comes before size 2005-06-28
Big campuses and large numbers of students are not things that should be boasted about by universities, which should focus more on teaching quality, says an article in the China Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

Increase input in education 2005-06-28
The government should work harder to make nine-year compulsory education in rural areas universal, says an article in the South China News. An excerpt follows:

Help children enjoy full life 2005-06-22
Too much pampering, pressure and unreasonable expectations mean children nowadays do not get a proper childhood, says an article in the Guangming Daily. An excerpt follows:

English learners need to speak out 2005-06-16
As soon as the National College Entrance Examination ended on June 9, a local newspaper in Hubei Province's Wuhan city invited five foreigners, including three native English speakers, to take the English section of the exam. None of them completed the test and their average mark was a disappointing 79 out of a possible 100.

Reform curriculum to help graduates find jobs 2005-06-03
Next week, the national college entrance examination begins which will find 4.75 million college students. But based on the current situation, many of them may have serious trouble finding a job after four years' study.

Stop abusing public resources 2005-05-24
To guarantee each child's access to education, the abuse of public education resources must be stopped, says an article in Shandong-based Qilu Evening News. An excerpt follows:

Revamping doctoral education 2005-04-26
China's doctoral-level education has developed quickly in recent decades. But an emphasis on expanding the number of doctoral students has brought some problems, which demand a change in the management style of our educational policy.

Let's protect migrant workers 2005-04-04
They are impressive in numbers. They are the backbone of China's manufacturing and construction industries.

Chinese workers set foot on global market 2005-04-01
Editor's note: Chinese workers have so far set foot in more than 180 countries and regions across the globe. Earlier this year, the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) issued its 2004 Report of Overseas Chinese Labour.

Narrowing the digital divide 2005-03-25
Recent government efforts to prevent children from being addicted to the Internet remind us of the problem of the digital divide.Some children become "mouse potatoes," while others have never even seen a computer.

New jobs result from new ideas 2005-03-04
For two decades, China's economic reforms have sometimes been compared to trying to cross a river by feeling the stones under the water. Now, in the reform of our employment policies and practices, it is fair to say that China has already stepped to the other side of the river, though it has yet to completely dry itself.

Policies needed to create jobs 2004-12-10
In the last two decades, China's economic growth has been unprecedented. In the same period, however, the same cannot be said of employment rates.

Increasing the price of labour 2004-10-12
The sluggish or even negative pay rise may be behind the recent shortage of migrant workers plaguing some regions of the country.

Sound private schools deserve equal treatment 2004-09-13
China's private education system has not received enough benefits from the nation's Law to Promote Private Education, even though the legislation was enacted more than a year ago.

Heeding labour shortage 2004-09-09
There have been of late many widely published reports that several regions of China, including the Pearl River Delta area, are experiencing a shortage of migrant workers.

More should be done to create more jobs 2004-09-08
The latest statistics announced by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security are better, if not rosy.

Rein in collection of rampant school fees 2004-08-20
As the autumn school season draws nearer, a string of public hearings on compulsory schooling fees have been or are being held across the country.

Opening up helps publications sector 2004-08-20
Further opening-up will help adapt China's book, newspaper and periodical wholesale and retail sectors to cutting-edge technological changes reshaping such markets around the world.

Levering pay for fairness 2004-07-06
It is necessary for the government to conduct macro-adjustments on improper wage increases, according to an article in the Workers' Daily. An excerpt follows:

Brokerages need reforms 2004-06-08
Securities authorities should take more aggressive steps to push forward reforms in the domestic market, according to an article in Beijing-based Caijing magazine. An excerpt follows:

Measure to protect nation's young people 2004-05-14
A document setting out requirements for the dressing of TV presenters is by no means intended to limit people's free choice of their clothes, but a necessary step to avoid negative influences on the country's youth.

Employment expansion needs to be a priority 2004-04-30
Chinese citizens have long been proud of the country's robust economic development over the past few decades. It has enabled people to enjoy a better life and permitted the country to have a stronger voice on the world stage.

Employment vital for people's life, state stability: vice premier 2004-04-29
The government and all quarters of society in China are dedicated to economic growth and job creation, and they have made useful exploration and scored salient achievements, said Vice Premier Huang Ju here Wednesday.

China publishes white paper on employment for first time 2004-04-27
The Information Office of the State Council, or the central government, for the first time published a White Paper on China's Employment Situation and Policies here Monday, setting forth the objectives for handling the country's unemployment problem in the coming two decades.

Education system needs injection of funding 2004-04-22
At a high-profile forum held on Tuesday at the Great Hall of the People, State Councillor Chen Zhili renewed the government's commitment for more funding for education.

Only positives can come from ban of violence 2004-04-21
The deputy director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Zhao Shi, announced on Saturday that films and teleplays depicting violence and murder will be banned during prime time TV. A circular along those lines is expected to be issued soon.

More funding for education 2004-04-16
The requirement by the State Council that county-level governments should oversee the investment into local nine-year compulsory education and school management should be adjusted in line with each county's financial condition, according to an article in People's Daily. An excerpt follows:

Workers should be free to move 2004-04-13
Securing employment in non-agricultural sectors within urban environments plays an important role in increasing the income of rural labourers. But research indicates the institutional contradiction of transferring employment without transferring population is harmful to China's development.

Teaching base equips children with traffic safety knowledge 2004-04-09
Bu Wei, a researcher on children's right to protection, supports fostering children's independent character, but nonetheless says, if she had a child, she would always try to accompany him or her to and from school, just as most Chinese parents do.

Experts urge returned students to be "rational" in seeking jobs 2004-03-29
Yang Qihua, a Chinese student who just graduated after studying abroad for the past three years, finds himself in a quite difficult situation when applying for a good job in Chinese domestic enterprises, and so far, he hasn't even received a first-round interview notice from the companies he is interested in.

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