
  April 30,2002  
CHINAGATE.OPINION.Urban development    
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Redistribute income fairly 2006-09-01
The income distribution system should be further reformed to prevent employees of monopoly enterprises from enjoying unreasonably higher incomes than their counterparts in other sectors, says a signed article in China Youth Daily.

Irreducible drug prices 2006-09-01
Like a modern Sisyphus, China's pricing authorities have been making unremitting efforts to cut down medicine prices.

Higher wage does no harm 2006-08-30
Increasing the minimum wage will not affect China's competitiveness, says a signed article in Beijing News.

Unhelpful naming game 2006-08-30
The National Bureau of Statistics recently insisted that house prices will not be included in the calculation of the consumer price index (CPI) which, as many suspect, has thus been underestimated.

Home-buyers fall into traps of developers 2006-08-29
Hong Kongers take pride in being cool-headed, savvy consumers. But when it comes to buying their homes, the most important purchase a consumer is likely to make in his lifetime, caution and decorum are often thrown to the winds.

Drug producers profit most from AIDS fight 2006-08-29
It is certain that humankind has not yet won the 25-year battle against HIV/AIDS.

Careful urban planning 2006-08-24
The pace of urbanization will accelerate further, as the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10) aims to raise the country's urbanization rate from the present 37 per cent to 45 per cent by the year 2010.

Ministry's inaction 2006-08-24
Beijing's local court ruled that the notorious National Committee for Oral Health (NCOH) violated the law by issuing unauthorized certifications and suggested to the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China and the Ministry of Health (MOH), the committee's organizer, that it be shut down and fined up to 500,000 yuan (US$62,500).

Add project transparency 2006-08-23
The Beijing municipal government's decision to publish information about key projects it finances is an inspiring step towards transparency.

Boosting drug supervision 2006-08-21
Supervision is important to guarantee drug quality and drug administrators should not fail in their duties, says a signed article in Shanghai Securities News.

Care for mental health 2006-08-18
Beijing finished drafting its first ever set of rules on mental health earlier this month.

Tightening drug control 2006-08-17
The State Council has finally decided to launch a year-long campaign to crack down upon fake and poor quality drugs and introduce order to the drug market

Use layers for housing system 2006-08-15
A multi-layered housing security system should be established in China, says a signed article in Oriental Morning Post.

Challenge of cheap tickets 2006-08-14
It is both an opportunity and a test for Beijing to implement a low-price ticket policy in the Olympic Games, says a signed article in Beijing News.

Bold plan needs check-up 2006-08-14
Beijing municipal government issued a document last week saying that a move will be accelerated to turn B and C-level hospitals into community health centres by 2008.

The seesaw of house prices 2006-08-11
The central government has so far taken ample steps to cool China's property market. But as cities take turns leading the increase of house prices, policy-makers should not just wait for new tightening policies to take effect.

Timely information release on drug problems 2006-08-09
Information concerning adverse reactions to drugs should be disclosed in time to benefit the public, according to an article in Beijing News.

Realizing the dream 2006-08-09
The rapid rise of the futuristic "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube," two major Olympic venues in the northern part of Beijing, exemplifies how fast the host city has been progressing on its preparation work.

Homeowners must fulfil obligations 2006-08-08
In the course of editing a four-part property series last month, I was shocked to read how recklessly mainland homebuyers, especially those in Shanghai, could talk about their mortgage commitments.

Building a mega growth alliance in central China 2006-08-07
Wedged between the economically prosperous eastern and southern coastal areas and the relatively backward west

Use-by dates for documents 2006-08-03
Setting validity terms for government documents is a positive step, says a signed article in the Nanning-based Modern Life Daily.

Systems need major work 2006-08-03
Rain may be able to quench Beijing's thirst for water but it can cause serious trouble too.

To buy or to rent a home, that is the question 2006-07-27
Shu Kexin, vice-director of the Ministry of Land Resources' land use department, recently told a macroeconomic development forum that the State should adjust the current policy of promoting house purchases and encourage medium- and low-income earners to rent.

Rein in housing market 2006-07-19
The measure that central ministries are understood to have agreed to regulate foreign real estate investment signals the government's resolve to stabilize house prices

Rid real estate market of overseas speculators 2006-07-18
Real estate prices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities are currently skyrocketing, while large numbers of newly built apartments lie empty.

Private housing poses problems 2006-07-13
The current high rate of privately owned housing is a cause for concern, says a signed article in China Youth Daily.

Local price caps prove unhelpful 2006-07-13
Despite the prolonged protest against rising real estate prices, local administrators seem ready to interfere with the market more than ever before.

'Mortgage slaves' should quit moaning about plight 2006-07-11
Coming from Hong Kong, I find it rather difficult to sympathize with the moaning and groaning of the mainland's "mortgage slaves."

Fragmented statistics 2006-07-05
The Ministry of Construction released the results of its annual survey of real estate sector development in urban areas on Monday.

Time ripe to tackle real estate issues 2006-06-26
A new blow was dealt to the real estate industry last week when Beijing Capital Land announced that its Chairman Liu Xiaoguang was busy "assisting" the authorities in their investigation of the city's former Vice-Mayor Liu Zhihua.

Land controls tightened 2006-06-21
The nation is strengthening its control of the land market, which may hopefully bring an end to the many irregularities cropping up in land deals.

Take residents into account 2006-06-19
While making itself more attractive to investors, Beijing should also take steps to ensure it is a decent city to live in, says a signed article in Beijing News.

Preserve Beijing's image 2006-06-16
The image of Beijing was the subject of the essay for the city's students sitting  this year's college entrance exam.

Stop illegal land acquisitions 2006-06-12
The land management system should be strictly implemented in order to stop illegal land acquisitions, says a signed article in Workers' Daily.

Stop illegal land use now 2006-06-08
The Ministry of Land and Resources said on Tuesday that its nationwide land checks found that, in some cities, over 60 per cent of the commercial land acquisitions since September 2004 had been unlawful.

A city of bold reforms 2006-06-08
The Chinese Government's approval for Tianjin's development zone is not only a boon to this port city in North China but also a call for greater national efforts to pursue sustainable development through bold reforms.

Longer-term solutions are required 2006-06-05
For quite some time now, the problems in the real estate market, and the complaints about them, have occupied much space in the Chinese press.

Spending on services rising in big cities 2006-06-05
New statistics have shown that urban Chinese are spending increasing amounts on services and leisure.

Essential steps to tackle widening income gap 2006-06-02
History shows that social and economic disequilibrium occurred in the course of the industrialization of many countries.

Stop abusing public services 2006-06-01
Public resources should not be used to make profits, says a signed article in Beijing News.

Time to kick the habit 2006-05-31
Smoking kills, so on today's World No Tobacco Day we should be asking why more than twice as many cigarettes are being smoked in China than were two decades ago.

Reining in house prices 2006-05-31
The State Council's 15-point regulation issued on Monday is a much-needed set of measures to cool down China's overheated real estate market, but it will not solve all problems related to house prices.

Listen to the public's voices 2006-05-29
City planners should pay greater heed to public opinion when drawing up urban development plans, says a signed article in Beijing News.

Satellite cities may alleviate housing woes 2006-05-29
Beijingers may be moving out of the city in their droves in the next couple of years. So will many businesses, particularly small ones.

Important step towards regulation of real estate 2006-05-24
A State Council executive meeting on May 17 adopted a six-point package of regulatory measures aimed at dealing with the overheating real estate sector.

Housing must not be left solely to the market 2006-05-22
A check of last Saturday morning's Internet BBS columns turned up a large cluster of opinions about the housing market.

Rein in housing prices 2006-05-19
For grumbling consumers, the State Council's latest move to cool the property market is a mixed blessing.

External affairs 2006-05-15
Self-help book "Who Moved My Cheese?" was a huge hit in China last year, but perhaps a better question for Beijingers would be "who bought my house?"

Bring down house prices 2006-05-15
Authorities should make every effort to ease skyrocketing house prices in the interests of home-buyers, said a signed article in the China Economic Times.

End housing sale deceit 2006-05-12
At a time when most homebuyers can only rely on their own feelings to size up the pricing trends, government efforts to check price manipulation by real estate developers are needed more than ever.

Make housing more affordable 2006-05-10
Government efforts, among all the hard work needed to help low-income earners get affordable housing, is of special importance, says a signed article in People's Daily.

House prices dangerous 2006-04-28
Continuous house price increases will lead to a series of crises, says a signed article in Yanzhao Metropolis Daily. An excerpt follows:

Outbound investment serves HK's interests 2006-04-28
Once, the chairman of a listed company was summoned by the security regulatory authority to explain the rapid rise of its share price. "There are more buyers than sellers, gentlemen," he said. The movement of the stock market can only be explained by the flow of funds. When money comes in, the market rises, and when it goes, it falls.

HK hails successful links with mainland 2006-04-27
Connections with the mainland have enhanced the competitiveness of Hong Kong's finance market, Donald Tsang, chief executive of the special administrative region said yesterday.

HK on right track for development 2006-04-25
The debate over Hong Kong's relevance to future economic development on the mainland has continued to rage since the topic was raised a few weeks ago by a number of top government officials and business leaders.

Hong Kong must play to its strengths 2006-04-04
The fear of becoming irrelevant has crept into Hong Kong's psyche. In the past month, two of Hong Kong's paramount leaders, Chief Secretary Raphael Hui and Monetary Authority's Chief Executive Joseph Yam, separately warned that Hong Kong could be rendered irrelevant by the rapid development of various mainland cities in neighbouring Guangdong and beyond.

Urban income gap requires adjustment 2006-02-08
It has been officially acknowledged that the income gap is a bit too big in the country's urban areas.

Firework management ensures fun and safety 2006-02-06
A dozen years after Beijing enacted a ban on firecrackers in the city proper, local residents finally had a raucous Spring Festival full of jubilant explosions and bursts of light.

Access to opportunity eases income inequality 2006-01-20
Since reforms took off in 1978, China has experienced rapid growth and hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. But the fruits of rapid development have not always been equally shared. Indeed, China moved from being a society with relatively equal income distribution in the early 1980s to one that is far less equal today.

Real estate industry expected to make soft landing 2006-01-19
Two years after people began to hear about China's economic "soft landing," now it has finally come about. At least, the buzz word has materialized in the real estate industry, China's most important engine for domestic spending.

Guarding against real estate oligarchy 2005-12-28
I can't agree more with professor Sun Liping on the evil of monopoly he so eloquently exposed in his article in the December 16 edition of China Daily. At the end of his article, the good professor afforded us a chilling glimpse of the rise of the property oligarchies on the mainland.

Watch property froth 2005-11-16
I have kept skimming through accessible newspapers or Internet portals for real estate news almost every day in the past months.

Urbanization exhibits Chinese characteristics 2005-11-07
The progress of China's urbanization drive is inevitably interwoven with the farmer exodus. Without farmers moving to settle in the cities, the rural population will not significantly decrease and the urbanization drive will suffer setbacks.

Fee may help alleviate traffic jams 2005-09-14
Trapped in worsening traffic jams, Chinese cities are set to travel the same road as London did: making motorists pay to drive into their city centres.

Stop extravagant resource consumption 2005-09-05
If time were a bird forever on the wing, it would witness the significant improvement in Chinese people's lifestyle, especially in big cities.

Rethink budget housing project 2005-08-29
Although budget housing has benefited low-income earners, it is not without problems. The government should consider instead a low-priced house rental programme to help the less well off.

Home pre-sale ban reconsidered 2005-08-26
The Ministry of Construction's blunt denial of any attempt to abolish pre-sale of houses was a slap in the face for the central bank.

Home sales policy may counter property risk 2005-08-18
The suggestion made in a central bank report that sales of new houses should not be allowed before construction is complete shows regulators can no longer stand the potential financial risks circulating in the property market.

Gov't should press on with housing policies 2005-07-22
Looming signs of slowing economic growth have fuelled calls for an end to credit tightening, leading to doubts about the government's drive to cool the property market.

Cities need to change development mode 2005-07-22
In 1994, Paul Krugman, a well-known US economist, made a prediction that the economies in the East Asian countries may have trouble soon.

People come first in urbanization 2005-06-10
China's urbanization has moved at an incredibly fast pace in recent years. But there are still problems that risk leading the process awry.

Real estate taxation only a first-step effort 2005-06-02
The new tax on selling on houses does not mean the central government has stopped looking for ways to rein in rocketing house prices in some local property markets. In fact it is not even the end of the beginning.

Better planning saves cost 2005-05-27
The government should take urban planning more seriously, so fewer almost new buildings need to be demolished, says an article in Dahe Daily, a provincial newspaper based in Henan Province. An excerpt follows:

Human factor makes growth sustainable 2005-05-18
People talk about China a lot these days. And one of the subjects that keeps them talking about is how the nation can sustain itself.

Reducing demand for house buying 2005-04-28
Have you noticed that the hottest economic news in China these days is not inflation, not free trade talks, not rising interest rates, but the price of property?

Home, sweet, expensive home 2005-04-12
As China's house prices continue to rise, consumers seem to have little chance to buy inexpensive homes.

Improving urbanization process 2005-03-30
As Premier Wen Jiabao stressed in his government work report on the just-closed annual session of the National People's Congress, solving the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers remains a top priority for the government.

Fears rise over property bubble 2005-02-24
China's real estate market seemed to have got into a strange position in 2004, as the central government issued a series of policies to cool down the sector, but housing prices continued to rise throughout the year.

Experts: Encourage megacities 2004-09-27
China's megacities should be encouraged and developed with people in mind, experts said during a forum yesterday.

Reasons for rocketing real estate prices 2004-09-08
China's residential housing prices rose 10.4 per cent year-on-year to 2,480 yuan (US$299) per square metre in January to July of this year.

Defining the 'public interest' 2004-08-17
In many land abuse cases, local governments are found to have illegally requisitioned land parcels in the name of the "public interest."

Closed book on closed land deals? 2004-08-04
Poorly financed real estate developers across China are dreading the ban on the current, closed contract-based land transactions, to take effect on August 31, even though some analysts suggest it will be impossible to implement the prohibition.

Blue-chip designation builds image 2004-08-03
China's real estate development sector is gradually being dominated by leading developers, but barriers still remain and are blocking the expansion of national conglomerates.

State property sector to reshuffle 2004-07-26
China's State-owned real estate development is to experience a great reshuffle with a new document issued by the biggest boss of China's State-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Fast urbanization drives up temperature in China 2004-07-02
The urbanization following China's rapid economic growth has impacted climate on a scale much larger than people used to think, scientists say.

Guidelines for land allocation 2004-05-25
Excessive reallocation of farmland for other investment purposes and the often consequent wastage must be stopped, but this does not mean that urbanization should not consume any more farmland.

Vehicle market growth poses challenges 2004-05-11
China is increasingly shaking off its reputation as the world's "bicycle kingdom" as automobile ownership continues to accelerate.

Compulsory requisition steeped in controversy 2004-04-22
Land requisition and relocation programmes are probably the most controversial issues in China today.

New urban construction financing system urged 2004-04-15
China should establish a new investment and financing system to ensure a sufficient supply of funds to support the nation's urbanization process.

Security tops labour survey 2004-01-09
Job security, high salaries and opportunities for self-development are the top three factors that Chinese urban residents consider when choosing a job, a survey shows.

Relocation rules need revamping 2003-12-30
Urban development and renovation of old city areas in Beijing has been accelerated in recent years, forcing many residents to move out of their old houses and resettle elsewhere.

History more important than profit 2003-11-20
The Beijing municipal government has decided to halt all projects aimed at the renovation or removal of old and derelict houses in the imperial city zone.

Beijing urged to revise planning 2003-07-08
Beijing authorities have been reminded of the pressing need for town planning, following a trend for people to move out of the city to larger, better equipped suburban housing after the SARS crisis.

Nation needs systematic, unified laws to govern real estate industry 2003-07-07
During urbanization, more collectively owned land, which generally links urban and rural areas, is being zoned for commercial uses.

Healthier buildings on the drawing board for China 2003-07-03
China's building codes should be tightened in the wake of the SARS outbreak to prevent the spread of contagious diseases through substandard construction, experts and officials say.

Barrier removed for farmer babies 2003-04-04
New and bigger cracks emerged in China's rigid household-registration system when an unprecedented reform was implemented on Tuesday in Beijing.

Mining cities face transformation 2002-12-23
Mineral reserves in around 20 per cent of mining cities in China are almost exhausted, sparking job loss fears and an intensive search for alternative investment.

Small towns vital in city planning 2002-11-25
Fostering small townships is a key way to tap economic resources in rural areas.

Foreign developers eye huge market demand from white-collar Chinese 2002-10-14
As local housing developers take an increasing interest in attracting foreign residents, foreign operators of serviced residences have shifted their focus to increasingly well-off Chinese white-collar workers.

Moving away, moving on 2002-07-04
After moving to a new apartment almost two years ago, Xiao Mei, a woman in her 80s, still dearly misses her old house - even though her new apartment on the fourth floor is much bigger than the old one and has a toilet and kitchen.

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