
  April 30,2002  
CHINAGATE.OPINION.Social security    
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Respect personal privacy 2006-09-04
Nowadays the seemingly omnipresent "electronic eyes" are meant to protect us from hazardous happenings, but we may feel uncomfortable by the idea that we are being secretly watched every day.

Social security skimming 2006-08-29
The central government has sent a team of more than 100 to probe into misappropriation from the social security fund in Shanghai.

Hospitals must be more open 2006-07-13
Instead of criticizing the media, health departments and medical institutions should improve their image themselves by actively co-operate with media and revealing information without reservations, says a signed article in Nanfang Daily.

Invest in basic public services 2006-07-11
More money should be invested in public services, says a signed article in China Economic Daily.

Adjust retirement policy 2006-07-11
The average retirement age in China has in reality been reduced to about 53 while its pension system is designed to serve retirees at or over 60 years old, creating a huge payment gap for pension funds.

Plan promotes TCM 2006-07-06
The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly announced on Tuesday a plan for international co-operation on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Unified price won't cure all 2006-07-04
Setting a unified price for drugs in different hospitals would not substantially promote the interests of patients, says a signed article in China Economic Times.

Time to tackle nation's growing wealth divide 2006-07-04
The People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, recently published its report on China's regional financial operations in 2005.

Offer young professionals a true sense of security 2006-06-12
The Chinese-language press has been reporting over the past couple of weeks that the buying and selling of housing has come to a standstill in the nation's large cities.

Non-smoking culture needed 2006-06-02
The current campaign to curb the use of tobacco should be stepped up and measures should be taken to make smoking a less acceptable practice, says a signed article in Shanghai-based Wenhui News.

Drug companies must abide by rules 2006-05-26
The primary conclusion has been reached in the Qiqihar No 2 Pharmaceutical Co fake drug case, which has so far claimed nine lives.

Defend fairness in drug prices 2006-05-22
To conduct successful drug price reform, the pricing mechanism should consider the interests of both manufacturers and consumers. And the sharing and checking of power are fundamental to guarantee effective supervision.

Find loophole in drug process 2006-05-19
Besides finding and punishing the people responsible for producing bogus drugs, a more important task is to enhance the quality control for medicine, says a signed article in Workers'Daily.

Agencies can help lower cost of medical treatment 2006-04-06
The issues that were high on the agenda of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) sessions, which ended in mid-March, are often what the people care most about and seek answers to. Medical care is indisputably one of them.

Charity funds need better management 2006-04-03
The Chinese press frequently points to the scanty resources for charity programmes as an embarrassment to this country, given there are still so many people who have difficulty just obtaining the basic means for survival.

Time to make people happy 2006-03-15
People's sense of happiness should be fully considered during the pursuit of economic development, says a signed article in Guangzhou Daily. An excerpt follows:

Medical woes need co-ordinated efforts 2006-03-13
The national campaign against commercial bribery can help bring down drug prices by checking for irregularities during medicine sales. This is good news for a public that has been complaining loudly about soaring healthcare costs.

Improving social security system 'a must' in development 2006-03-09
China must improve its social security system and develop welfare and charity projects to better help the people with the most need, a political adviser has proposed.

Elderly must contribute in ageing society 2006-03-02
We Chinese have a tradition of comparing people of different ages to the sun at different hours. Late Chairman Mao Zedong likened the youths to the morning sun between seven and eight o'clock.

Healthcare hopes rest on community centres 2006-02-28
If you do not live in an area with a community health centre, when you come down with a minor illness like flu you will have to go to a big State-owned hospital for treatment.

Safety in workplace remains top concern 2006-02-17
Injuries are unavoidable in high-risk industries, but there is a limit to how much suffering workers should be made to shoulder.

Pension coverage poses challenge for farmers 2006-02-15
Trial pension schemes were launched in the 1980s in the context of a huge rural population just getting by on little money.

As we get wealthier, do we get happier ? 2006-02-10
Since life for most is no longer a daily struggle for basic necessities to meet physical needs, topics of public discourse are beginning to touch on aspects of life we have seldom addressed before.

Tobacco cons worse than economic perks 2006-02-09
In the abundance of ethical dilemmas that threaten to subvert our regular sense of right and wrong, tobacco remains trickier than most.

'Fair-price' hospitals won't solve the disorder 2006-02-08
As part of its efforts to "build harmonious society," the government has taken initiatives to establish "fair-price hospitals."

AIDS battle requires informed citizenry 2006-01-27
The latest official figures show the AIDS transmission pattern in China has changed.

Human role in spread of flu must be faced 2006-01-26
Evidence is accumulating that migratory birds may have played a role in getting domestic fowl infected with bird flu.

Put consumers before boosting consumption 2006-01-24
By insisting on maintaining the seven-year-old golden week holiday system the authorities have not come up with a productive response to public complaints about terrible overcrowding during Spring Festival.

Concerted efforts can contain bird flu virus 2006-01-19
The curtain fell yesterday on the International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Influenza, with a Beijing Declaration to express the will of participating countries and organizations for joint efforts against bird flu.

Consider pain caused by economic growth 2006-01-06
The top work safety supervisor announced a plan earlier this week that could force local officials to take the human cost of economic growth more seriously.

Citizens must reflect on future of reforms 2005-12-23
Heated discussions about reforms have taken place across the country this year.
Critics say some reforms, such as of the medical care system, were failures, while others, such as those in the real estate sector, were flawed.

Better prepared to ensure water security 2005-11-23
What do we do without water? What happens when a city is unable to pump water for its residents? It seems an unlikely scenario for those of us who do not have to give a second thought to getting running water either at home or work.

First step taken in crucial pension reform 2005-11-17
The Chinese Government's decision to replenish individual pension accounts with employees' contributions is a bold step at resolving the country's ballooning pension fund deficit.

Time to put economy housing in order 2005-06-23
Low-priced housing was once seen as a boon for China's low-income earners. But now the policy risks going awry.

Hope to build on 2005-05-27
Rong Meiling has long dreamt of buying a new, less-expensive home. Now, the central government's macro-control measures might make her dream a reality.

Pensions offer major role for capital market 2005-03-28
As the world's most populous nation, and one that is also ageing rapidly, China is working hard to reform its pension system, and those changes are closely linked to the capital market.

Move heating reform slowly 2004-11-19
The commercialization of the heating supply system is urged to make a smooth transition, the Yanzhao Metropolis News reported. An excerpt follows:

Migrant workers deserve equality 2004-08-25
During the process of China's urbanization, millions of rural residents have moved to urban areas and gradually have become a major work force in shaping our modern cities.

Tackling rural health problems 2004-06-21
Intensifying public health programmes and medical relief are the most feasible options for reducing health vulnerability of poor families in China's less-developed rural regions.

Moulding a new mentality 2004-06-04
Chinese people should develop awareness and responsibility about helping others to improve social welfare, according to an article in China News Week. An excerpt follows:

Ensuring food safety must be a priority 2004-05-24
When Zheng Xiaoyu, head of the State Food and Drug Administration, confessed in a CCTV interview that he worries when enjoying food, we know he was neither joking nor making alarmist talk.

Risk avoidance is priority for welfare fund 2004-04-12
Social security expenditure is never a small figure for the country with the world's biggest population.

Nation witnesses progress in human rights Foreword 2004-03-31
The year 2003 was an important and unusual year in China's development. It was also a year of great, landmark significance for progress in human rights in the country.

Better awareness required for public safety 2004-03-15
In the wake of a recent spate of incidents that have killed hundreds, the issue of public safety has been one of the hot topics at the national meeting of legislators and political advisers in China.

System beefed up to help people who have a beef 2004-03-01
Ou Weidong, an official at the Statistics Bureau of Guangdong Province, has recently been promoted to the level of deputy director - but before he settles into his new office, he will take a detour.

Growing farmers' income crucial 2004-02-24
The policy of making agriculture a top priority in China's economic development is not a new concept. The central government in recent years has issued scores of documents dealing with the subject.

Attaching a price to safety in workplace 2004-02-19
Economic considerations should not be perceived as a cure-all to ensure workplace safety nationwide.

Fire frequency requires new efforts 2004-02-18
Prompted by the recent catastrophic fires, top fire control authorities yesterday urged fire prevention departments around the nation to take instant steps to quell fires.

Fair shake for migrant workers 2004-02-09
Reform of the rural-urban separation system from a strategic height is the best way to protect the rights and interests of migrant rural workers.

AIDS in the spotlight 2003-11-13
Although AIDS is no longer a taboo subject in China today, discussion largely remains confined to the medical community or the press.

More action needed on AIDS 2003-11-11
China needs a national headquarters with real power, modelled on the SARS campaign, to co-ordinate the fight against HIV/AIDS, a top health official said yesterday.

China's public welfare to be expanded, says minister 2003-11-09
China will cultivate more non- governmental organizations (NGOs), offer preferential support for enterprises entering China's social welfare system and learn from the world in a bid to expand public welfare, a government minister said Sunday.

Pay workers on time, every time 2003-10-30
The Xinhua report that Premier Wen Jiabao personally intervened to help Xiong Deming, a farmer in Southwest China's Chongqing, get back her family's unpaid wages of 2,240 yuan (US$270) for work on a construction site provides some food for thought.

Safeguards needed for migrant workers 2003-10-21
China urgently needs to safeguard the interests of temporary labourers employed without fixed hours or workplaces, according to members of China's top advisory body.

Reforming income distribution mechanism 2003-10-13
China's income distribution system needs to be adjusted to be more fair, efficient and comprehensive,said an article in the Beijing-based magazine Outlook weekly.

Training to benefit migrant workers 2003-10-03
Millions of Chinese migrant workers and their children will benefit from an ambitious training programme and education policy under the leadership of the central government.

Trade unions try hard to help laid-off workers find new jobs 2003-09-24
China's trade unions have played a major role in the re-employment of redundant factory staff, and in the past five years, over 4,000 trade union-run job centers have helped more than 3 million find new jobs.

Public security key to China's "golden" week-long holiday 2003-09-24
Public security was highlighted on Wednesday by Luo Gan, a Chinese senior leader, to guarantee a safe environment for the country's approaching week-long National Day holiday, which falls on Oct. 1.

Better protecting personal interests 2003-09-24
A farmer setting himself on fire in Beijing last week has sounded the alarm to local authorities in charge of relocating residents for construction projects.
Zhu Zhengliang, 45, from a county in East China's Anhui Province, set himself alight last Monday in Beijing.

War on AIDS a top priority 2003-09-24
UNITED NATIONS: China has always attached great importance to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and is willing to contribute to the global fight against the deadly affliction, a senior Chinese health official said on Monday.

Gov't reaching out to workers 2003-09-12
The central government is preparing to develop a regular communications platform with trade unions in an effort to better safeguard the interests of workers.

Move to strengthen social security net 2003-08-20
China's social security system has been drawing increasing attention as the central government attempts to reduce the number of unemployed people in the country.
And to strengthen its push, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has announced a series of priorities.

Jobs to get same priority as growth 2003-08-19
Top leaders have urged all areas of China to make the issue of unemployment one of their top priorities, warning that failure to tackle the problem could lead to social instability and damage the country's modernization drive.

Re-employment higher on agenda of Chinese government 2003-08-18
Top Chinese leaders have urged all areas of China to make the issue of unemployment one of their top priorities, warning that failure to tackle the problem could lead to social instability and damage the country's modernization drive.

Needy Tibetan lamas get basic living expenses from government 2003-08-05
One hundred and fourteen poor lamas from Lhasa's monasteries Tuesday got their basic living expenses valued at 38,000 yuan (4578 US dollars) from the local government, sources with the local government said.

Pension fund needs time in market 2003-07-21
China's social security fund formally entered the stock markets last month after prolonged bickering among fund owners, academics and market professionals.

Holding law reform right way 2003-07-04
The end of the holding and relocation system may lead to temporary pressure on the work to maintain social order and safeguard social security, but this should not be cited as an excuse to continue the regulation at the expense of personal freedom.

Chinese government more concerned with living standards 2003-06-28
Shen Zhanglin was fearful for his  family's financial security when he was made redundant from a  clothing factory in east China's Anhui Province, but government  allowances helped to ease the strain of unemployment.

China reports progress in human rights 2003-04-02
China has made tremendous progress in its human rights cause over the past 13 years, said the "Human Rights" magazine launched by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, in an article.

Creating jobs is top priority 2003-02-19
The issue of jobs will be given top priority in Premier Zhu Rongji's government work report to be delivered to the National People's Congress in early March, an official source said yesterday.

Big job in hand 2003-01-21
Jobs. And more jobs. That will be the focus of the central government's economic restructuring this year as it seeks to generate more employment.

Farmers' pension in pipeline 2002-10-15
A new system to provide individual farmers with a pension is now being drawn up. Once in place, they will transform lives of China's retired agricultural workers, claimed Yang Yansui of the Centre for Employment and Security at the Tsinghua University.

Creating jobs for laid-off workers 2002-09-25
To help millions of China's laid-off workers quickly find new jobs, local governments and State-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been resorting to a variety of means to promote the creation of jobs suitable for laid-off workers.

Opinion: Safeguarding social security 2002-07-11
After the country halted the selling of State shares in domestically listed firms late last month, the payment ability of the social security fund has become a focus of attention.

Doji Cering: Elderly's quality of life to improve 2002-06-28
A senior civil affairs official yesterday said that more efforts will be taken to improve the quality of life the country's 130 million elderly citizens, a figure greater than that for any other country in the world.

Looking after China's jobless 2001-06-26
While China endures the painful process of developing a comprehensive unemployment insurance system, experts have begun to question whether the insurance system will be able to sustain the large number of expected jobless people.

Welfare law to guard benefits 2001-04-27
China is set to draft a new social security law in the next few years, which will be the biggest legal step ever made covering medical insurance, pensions and unemployment benefits. It will cover workers in State-owned firms, which are undergoing major restructuring schemes to help them meet global competition.

Social security reform a giant task 2001-02-09
Reform of the social security system will be speeded up this year, affecting the elderly and those who rely on the government for medical and employment insurance, according to an article in Beijing-based Outlook Weekly.

Reform urged to let all enjoy welfare 2001-01-16
China should update its endowment insurance system, extending welfare to all its citizens instead of only urban employees, as at present, said an article in International Finance News.

Pension problems probed 2000-08-06
China's pension system reform has entered a critical stage. Various officials and experts report that it is very important to model the new system carefully to ensure the success of the social security system.

Rural pensions need even hand 2000-07-25
To ensure adequate support for older people in rural areas, we need consistent government policies across the country and good management of pension funds.

Developing the west requires more health care facilities 2000-06-15
As China develops its western regions, China should change its medical and health care policy to better serve farmers, the majority of the population in the west.

China's pension fund needs overhaul 2000-06-14
As the world's most populous country grows older, China must estab- lish an efficient management system to operate its pension fund, urged a recent article in the International Finance Daily.

Sound social security vital to build confidence 2000-05-17
As State subsidies are diminishing with the ongoing reform to build a market economy, China should establish a more viable social security system to bolster consumer confidence so as to sustain economic growth, said an article in the China Economic Times.

Nation's poor slip through safety nets 2000-05-11
China should establish a systematic mechanism to fulfil the poverty-re lief task at the beginning of the 21st century, urged a recent article in Beijing-based Outlook weekly.

Pension funds needed 2000-04-16
China could raise billions of yuan by liquidating some State assets to finance its huge shortfall in pension funding.

Pension problem shadows nation 2000-04-08
China will likely confront a huge shortfall in pension funds that could undermine its pension system when its elderly population is expected to peak in 30 years.

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