
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Children need creativity and fun in TV cartoons 2006-08-15
Chinese children seem to be in more need of good cartoons than their peers in many other countries.

Mind disposal of e-waste 2006-08-10
In the galloping information age, used electronic products are more and more likely to be thrown away as new, state-of-the-art models crop up.

Build clean gov't online 2006-07-20
The construction of better on-line public services will help build a cleaner and more efficient government, says a signed article in Procuratorial Daily.

Tech control disappointing 2006-07-12
Despite its ostensible effort to facilitate high-tech trade between China and the United States, the US Government's latest move indicated that Washington wishes to guard the country's technology exports to China as tightly as ever.

Catch up with HK colleges 2006-07-06
Mainland higher educational institutions should reflect on their educational systems and find ways to attract top students, says a signed article in Yanzhao Metropolis Daily.

Better online government 2006-06-14
A consensus has been reached among government officials that a well-operated e-government network will benefit both the government and the public.

Day reminds us to take care of cultural heritage 2006-06-12
Starting from last Saturday, China has had one more important day  Cultural Heritage Day.

Protect academic values 2006-06-07
The fact that all top leaders of the country attended the opening ceremony of the conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) sends a message that science and technology occupy a special position in the national development strategy.

Build innovative society 2006-05-24
The attendance of China's central leadership at the nation's top science conference yesterday is a sign of its recognition of the achievements of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) as well as the importance the government attaches to a development philosophy based on science and technology.

A real digitalized society 2006-05-10
The central government on Monday published the National Digitalization Development Strategy for 2006-20

Technological progress 2006-04-25
The idea of trading market access for technologies has contributed greatly to China's rise as the world's most popular destination for foreign direct investments, which in turn has fuelled our robust growth over the past more than two decades.

Enforcement crucial to IPR improvement 2006-03-28
Piracy victims in China have long been complaining that punishments are not severe enough. Instances of intellectual property right (IPR) violators receiving sentences from courts used to be rare.

We need to create a culture of innovation 2006-02-23
Creativity and innovation have become two of the most popular catchwords nowadays in China.

E-commerce needs safe payment system 2006-02-21
Chinese netizens for the first time last year out-shopped their East Asian counterparts in percentage terms, good news for Chinese Internet companies.

R&D vital to growth along sustainable path 2006-02-15
The National Guideline on Medium and Long-term Programme for Science and Technology Development (2006-20) issued by the State Council last week outlines the nation's R&D strategy for improving the efficiency of energy and natural resources consumption to ensure more sustainable economic and social development.

Make spending on R&D enough and efficient 2006-02-13
For a developing country like China to raise its scientific prowess, it is important to invest a larger share of its wealth on research and development (R&D) and to allocate these funds in a cost-effective way.

Make innovation new growth engine 2006-01-10
With the Fourth National Conference on Science and Technology, which opened yesterday in Beijing, China started a new march towards transforming itself into a nation of innovation.

Website links public with central officials 2006-01-05
The rocketing popularity of China's central government website, which now ranks second only to the Canadian equivalent among major government Internet sites, is surely a cause for rejoicing.

Better statistics help sound policy-making 2005-12-30
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is pondering a range of technical and managerial reforms, according to China's top statistician.

Space projects need private input 2005-12-20
As innovation has become the latest catchphrase of official rhetoric, Shenzhou VI, China's first ever multi-astronaut and multi-day space mission, has become a proud symbol of technological development at home.

China's high-tech industry faces four major challenges, official 2005-05-27

Electronic waste poses mounting challenge 2005-04-06
China will soon have its first regulation to deal with the mounting problem of electronic waste.

Flash memory disk market under fire 2005-02-28
The growth of China's flash memory disk market has brought not only enormous business opportunities, but patent disputes to manufacturers.

Survey shows popularity of e-commerce 2004-12-24
Editor's note: E-commerce gained growth momentum among Chinese companies a decade ago. The Ministry of Commerce recently issued a report reviewing the application of e-commerce in local business. The following excerpts talk about the use of e-commerce in enterprises involved import-export business.

China's IT sector back on fast track 2004-12-21
China's information technology (IT) sector, which was affected by a slowdown in recent years, is back on the fast track, indicates a Beijing-based research house.

China holds most promise for growth 2004-11-11

Steps to become global player 2004-08-04
Although China's information technology sector may be progressing by leaps and bounds, it is another matter as to whether the industry can become a real global player in the face of intense international competition.

Research is the pressing priority 2004-08-02
A recent report by Chinalabs, a domestic IT counselling firm, has shed much needed light on the necessity to sort out China's standards policy.

Telecom competition crucial 2004-07-29
The draft law on telecommunications is set to be submitted for review to the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council.

China should build on R&D potential 2004-07-19
Nobel Prize laureates and leading overseas Chinese scientists who visited China recently talk to Cui Ning and Fu Jing about ways to improve China's basic research programmes and technological development.

Improving science management 2004-06-07
China should fundamentally reform its dysfunctional science and technology management mechanism before mapping out medium and long-term strategies for science and technology development.

Transparent data speaks volumes 2004-06-02
Let the data speak for itself -- Chinese enterprises listed both home and abroad are advised to upgrade new technology to improve their capability in preparing data for information disclosure requirements and internal control needs, according to experts.

Experts: Don't let IPv6 biz slip away 2004-04-20
China cannot afford to delay the implementation of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), and domestic network equipment vendors, in particular, should speed up research and development (R&D) on IPv6-enabled products to seize the golden opportunity in which they can catch up with and even, overtake world-leading counterparts, suggest experts.

Experts: Save youth from tobacco ad harm 2004-04-12
Chinese experts have urged in Beijing that more should be done to prevent residents, especially young people, from becoming hooked on tobacco.

Tapping online chat biz potential 2004-04-07
The dispute with US Internet giant AOL three years ago seemed to be an overwhelming blow to Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd.

Bright prospects ahead for technicians 2004-04-02
According to economists, China is evolving into a huge manufacturing base for the whole world and desperately needs more "graycollar" workers - a euphemism for trained technicians.

Tech firms keen on brand building 2004-03-30
Haier, Huawei, TCL, ZTE and SMIC.
These names sound more like obscure crossword puzzle clues than major brands, showing China's pre-eminent technology firms have a long way until they are recognized by consumers.

Some epidemics don't make the front page 2004-02-16
China's epidemic of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) which last spring captured so much of the international spotlight, is now being overshadowed by the equally lethal avian flu virus.

Pushing high-tech key to nation's exports growth 2004-01-07
China is gearing up to increase high-tech content in its exports as officials from eight administrations under the State Council met yesterday to discuss how best to increase competitiveness.

China's space feat surprises world 2003-12-30
It was one small step for space exploration, but one giant leap for China.

Don't let hopes go to the clouds 2003-11-14
Then a country suddenly makes a great achievement, people are often too carried away to be clearly aware of the concrete position their country stays in.
This is particularly the case when it comes to China's successful launch of manned space flight.

China's success of manned spaceflight encourages developing world 2003-10-17
China's success in sending and returning to earth its first spaceman broke the monopoly of Russia and the United States in manned spaceflight, which has greatly encouraged other developing countries, a senior Brazilian official said here Friday.

Science in developing world needs co-operation 2003-10-20
Developing countries need to change their strategies if they want to close the gap with the developed world in terms of scientific advances, a respected Asian chemist said yesterday in Beijing.

A triumph of high technology 2003-10-17
When Shenzhou V safely returned astronaut Yang Liwei to China yesterday following his historic 21-hour space flight, the entire nation erupted in a mood of proud celebration.

New chapter in space history 2003-10-16
Congratulations on the excellent work of all involved with the Shenzhou-V mission.
The Shenzhou-V, or "Divine Ship," has carried the first Chinese into orbit and the country into the prestigious space club pioneered four decades ago by the former Soviet Union and the United States .

High-tech industries become new money-spinners 2003-09-17
China is creating an attractive climate for investment in its growing high-tech industry sector, Science and Technology Minister Xu Guanhua said yesterday in Beijing.

High-tech helping weathermen better serve the people 2003-08-14
Eight am is the regular time for the daily videophone weather teleconference. Local forecasters all over the country can view the weather predictions made by their counterparts in the Central Meteorological Observatory (CMO) and listen to their analysis.

Focus on basics 2003-07-03
A national forum on long-term scientific and technological development, held last week in Beijing, marked the launch of China's strategy on the issue for the next 15 years.

Learning lessons from a sheep 2003-02-08
The recent death of the world's most famous sheep - Dolly the clone - has not dampened the enthusiasm of Chinese scientists, who are working hard to make more breakthroughs in clone technology.

Foreigners allowed to tap 863 Program 2002-12-24
Foreign players are no doubt cheering once again as they extend their penetration into the Chinese market: Earlier this year they were allowed, for the first time, to get involved with the National High Technology Research and Development Program.

Technology companies urged to improve services 2002-12-03
The Ministry of Science and Technology is calling for more qualified intermediate agencies to speed up application of scientific research results.

Developing self-owned IPR 2002-11-30
When taking a new road to industrialization, science and technology should be developed as the primary productive force.

Sciences breathe new life into IT 2002-05-08
Information technology (IT), after being widely applied to the domains of telecoms, finance and education, is expected to expand to a new area - the life sciences.

Building top-notch universities 2002-04-24
Relying on science and education to rejuvenate the nation has been adopted as one of China's crucial strategies for development in the 21st century.

E-commerce outlook encouraging for Asia 2002-04-23
Despite the recent global economic downturn and the harsh blow brought by the burst of the dotcom bubble, e-commerce continues to defy its skeptics and prove itself a potential source of opportunities with plenty to offer Asian markets, according to an Accenture study on the state of e-commerce in the region.

E-commerce just the business 2002-04-19
E-business will help China become a hub for global commerce, attendants of yesterday's China Business Summit 2002 agreed.

Software business still hurting 2002-01-29
NEW YORK: The software business is showing signs of life again, after a disastrous fall that left some tech companies among the walking wounded.

China to buck global tech downturn trend 2002-01-08
China's information industry is geared to leapfrog this year, whetting an even greater appetite of global giants with dynamic projections amid a global technology slump, according to Wu Jichuan, Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII).

Nation to handle GM tech carefully 2001-03-09
China has a prudent attitude towards the application of genetic modification (GM) technology and is opposed to the cloning of people on Chinese territory, but cloning technology could be used for some reasonable kinds of research, top scientists said at a press conference held by the Fourth Session of the National Committee of the Ninth Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) yesterday.

Calls mount to overhaul TV sector 2001-08-28
Chinese TV makers are under increasing pressure to accelerate shake-up to upgrade technologies and to extricate themselves from price wars.

TV industry's price war has no winners 2001-08-14
A fierce price war is leading domestic television makers down a dead end.

Reform in store for science sector 2001-04-25
The Ministry of Science and Technology has vowed to speed up the process of restructuring China's science and technology sector during the current Five-Year Plan (2001-05) period.

Sci-tech innovation central to SOE reform 2000-12-06
Scientific and technological innovation should propel the reform of State-owned enterprises (SOEs), said a recent article in China Economic Times.

IPR characteristics confusing 2000-11-29
While the explosive registration of Chinese character Internet domain names continues, figuring out how to defend intellectual property rights (IPRs) remains puzzling.

IPR characteristics confusing 2000-11-26
While the explosive registration of Chinese character Internet domain names continues, figuring out how to defend intellectual property rights (IPRs) remains puzzling.

China's space industry flying high 2000-11-23
The Information Office of the State Council yesterday published a white paper entitled "China's Space Activities." Below is the full text of the white paper:

Science and technology need more funds to grow 2000-10-18
The key to improving China's competitive edge in science and technology lies in deepening its scientific reforms, putting more money into the development of science and technology and allowing scientific research results to be commercialized.

Project revitalizes nation's endeavours 2000-09-11
Genetic therapy, intelligent robots, high-yield crops ... the discoveries of high-tech and basic sciences have greatly contributed to China's economic growth and the improvement of people's living standards.

Bandwidths hinder Internet 2000-06-11
More than 10 million people were routinely accessing the Internet in China by the end of last month, official sources said.

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