
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Face the rise of yuan 2006-09-06
Chinese textile exporters' wafer-thin profit margin could be further sliced off if the renminbi continues to rise as rapidly as it recently has.

Investment efficiency is key to sustainable growth 2006-09-01
Macroeconomic figures for the first half of this year show that controlling runaway investment has become an urgent task for policy-makers.

Interest rate rise won't push up RMB's value 2006-08-31
The People's Bank of China's interest-rate hike, which took effect on August 19, has not produced a big bang as the one in October 2004 did.

Cure for loan defaulters 2006-08-23
Twenty people in Hangzhou, all defaulting businesspeople and professionals, were made famous recently in a way few of them would have preferred.

Don't go soft on offenders who profit from crime 2006-08-23
When I read the news on the front page of yesterday's China Daily about the punishment of a company for sending massive amounts of junk mail

Interest rate hike a plus, but more should follow 2006-08-23
The People's Bank of China has decided to revise upward the bank interest rate, effective August 19.

Rate rise warranted 2006-08-21
Just four days after introducing a measure to curb lending growth, the central bank took another bold step.

Big-ticket bankers need better eye for the details 2006-08-21
China's economy saw two significant symbols of change last week.

Curb reckless investment 2006-08-18
The unusual tone of the State Council in issuing its punishment for several senior Inner Mongolian officials signals the central government's unbending determination to crack down on unauthorized investment.

Another tightening signal 2006-08-15
Plenty of liquidity will surely help cushion most Chinese banks against the impact of the reserve ratio hike today.

IPO quality not quantity 2006-08-14
More blue chips are definitely needed to both help stabilize the Chinese stock market and accelerate its expansion.

Punish misuse of gov't money 2006-08-11
Responsible officials should be punished to prevent the misuse of public money, says an article in Market News.

New rules add clarity 2006-08-11
Six government departments jointly published a much-anticipated set of rules on foreign investors' takeover of Chinese enterprises earlier this week.

Let the market decide 2006-08-08
The retirement of a government-backed conglomerate's chairman has triggered a chain reaction in the banking sector.

A co-operative move 2006-08-07
Co-operation and co-ordination among the three northeastern provinces in formulating rules and regulations have started in earnest.

Better tap foreign funds 2006-08-07
As a developing country that has benefited hugely by opening-up to the outside world over the past quarter of a century

Rely on market measures 2006-08-04
A new administrative drive to tame run-away investment growth is under way.

Higher interest rates not the only option 2006-08-04
Many economists and financial market players wrongly blame the relatively fixed RMB exchange rate for China's "runaway" economic growth and for attracting "hot money" in anticipation of what they think is inevitable RMB appreciation.

Tax policy affects market 2006-07-28
The release of the detailed rules to collect tax on the net income from second-hand housing transactions shows that the taxation authorities are taking real action to help cool down the property market.

Dichotomy of a revalued renminbi 2006-07-28
Something unprecedented happened last week. But with the world's attention focused on the Middle East crisis, it passed off almost unnoticed.

Let bank customers decide 2006-07-26
Commercial banks should give the right to opt out from buying housing loan insurance back to their customers, says a signed article in China Youth Daily.

Hong Kong's tax base must not expand 2006-07-25
It's too bad that we have to repeatedly visit this goods and services, or sales, tax issue. Don't you get it?

Nation needs to further rein in investment 2006-07-24
Fixed-asset investment has picked up considerably in the first five months of this year.

Firms' poor performance will slow stock market 2006-07-21
Listed companies' poor performance and the government's tightening monetary policy will slow China's soaring stock market in the second half of this year.

Progress of forex reform 2006-07-21
One full year into a managed floating exchange-rate regime, China has become more confident about gradually introducing flexibility in pricing its currency, the renminbi.

Exchange rate reform is a gradual process 2006-07-21
The debate on changes to the renminbi exchange rate has continued for many years.

Check investment mania 2006-07-20
Persistently high investment growth in the second quarter of the year will certainly make the country's top decision-makers ponder new cooling measures.

China's relations with G8 raise body's status 2006-07-14
The three-day Group of Eight (G8) Summit opens on Saturday in S t. Petersburg, with Russia hosting the meeting for the first time.

IPO will assist overall reform of banking sector 2006-07-12
On July 5, when the Bank of China (BOC) launched its initial public offering (IPO) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the market reacted warmly and pushed its stock prices high above its original price.

Use law to check monopoly 2006-07-11
The People's Congress system can become a strong weapon to challenge industrial monopoly,says a signed opinion piece on the website of China Radio International.

Vitally important debut 2006-07-06
The trading debut of shares of Bank of China (BOC), one of the country's "big four" State commercial banks, gave a big shot in the arm to China's stock market after years of sluggish trading.

Better fund management 2006-06-30
Auditor-General Li Jinhua revealed in his audit report that more than half of 773.3 billion yuan (US$96.7 billion) in central transfer payments were not recorded in local governments' budget books.

No let-up in auditing 2006-06-29
Auditor-General Li Jinhua has made a name for himself for his courage to air the government's dirty laundry in public.

Step up bank reforms 2006-06-28
The irregularities that the National Audit Office uncovered in the Agricultural Bank of China's (ABC) 2004 accounts point to a growing need to speed up and deepen the reform of Chinese banks.

Change tax policy to diversify nation's exports 2006-06-28
Officials from the State Administration of Taxation have been quoted in the media as saying that the country's export tax rebate policy would soon be comprehensively modified.

Economic measures pay off 2006-06-27
The Chinese economy steamed ahead in the first half of the year.

SCO offers model of effective co-operation 2006-06-26
The declaration and joint communique released by the Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO) Summit, which was convened on June 15 in Shanghai, offer guidelines for a fresh model of regional co-operation.

Build a sound domestic market 2006-06-21
Significant improvements are required on the domestic stock market before major Chinese companies get listed on it, says a signed article in People's Daily.

Tightening to slow growth continues 2006-06-20
China's central bank showed no hesitation in further tightening credit over the weekend by raising reserve requirements for commercial banks. And that might be followed by more stringent action in the second half of the year if the tightening measures do not achieve the desired results.

Call a halt to easy credit 2006-06-19
The central bank's decision last Friday to raise reserve requirements for commercial banks was meant to drive home the monetary authorities' resolution to rein in excessive lending and fixed-asset investment.

Rein in excessive growth 2006-06-16
Last month's rapid rise in bank loans makes it necessary to take more steps to rein in excessive investment growth in overheated sectors such as the real estate industry.

Prioritize bank reforms 2006-06-14
Efforts to cut costs are needed to transform Chinese banks into competitive commercial lenders.

Be alert on high personal debt 2006-06-09
Decision-makers must take action over the alarmingly high levels of debt among average city dwellers, says a signed article in Xiaoxiang Morning News.

Readjust tax system 2006-06-09
The government should adjust the current tax system, says a signed article in Beijing News.

A sober approach to tax 2006-06-07
The long face China's Vice-Finance Minister Lou Jiwei put on at a recent economic summit seemed to bear no relation to his announcement.

No free lunch for banks 2006-06-06
In stark contrast to their eagerness to woo investors, particularly those from overseas, Chinese banks' indifference to domestic customers goes beyond our comprehension.

Follow flow of funds 2006-06-05
Li Jinhua, the nation's top auditor, revealed last Saturday that just 344.4 billion yuan (US$43 billion) of the 773.3 billion yuan (US$96.7 billion) allocated in 2005 by the central governments for various types of local government projects could actually be found in the budgets of those local governments.

Mortgage loan dangers 2006-06-02
The first-quarter financial report released on Wednesday by the People's Bank of China revealed that the acreage of newly developed and finished commercial houses keeps rising

Return of domestic IPOs 2006-05-26
A week after the newly revised regulations on initial public offerings (IPO) came into effect, China promptly resumed IPO trading, bringing the share-merger reform to its final phase.

Irresponsible stakeholder 2006-05-25
By imposing groundless limits on the use of Lenovo computers, the US Government took a further step away from what it has urged China to do  be a responsible stakeholder.

Keep the lid on bad loans 2006-05-18
The new guideline on corporate governance and regulation of State-owned commercial banks is badly needed to boost Chinese banks' cautiousness regarding potential bad loans.

Public should be included 2006-05-15
Ordinary citizens should be included in government decision-making to avoid the squandering of funds, said a signed article in the Workers' Daily.

Markets on right track 2006-05-09
China's stock regulator has allowed firms to resume fund-raising on domestic stock markets as announced on Sunday.

Push for financial co-op 2006-05-08
Despite the frosty political relations between Japan and its East Asian neighbours, the three economic powerhouses of the region have managed to keep intergovernmental financial co-operation on track.

Interest rate hike fair 2006-04-29
The central bank announced an interest rate hike on Thursday evening, less than two weeks after the release of its first-quarter economic figures.

Apology does little 2006-04-25
China Unionpay, the Shanghai-based operator of the country's integrated system for bankcard payment, acted with lightning speed to apologize for the nine-hour breakdown of its network on April 20.

Banks need competition 2006-04-11
Prudence is a virtue for China's banking regulators.

Tap into forex reserves 2006-04-07
Allowing Chinese businesses to hold more foreign currency is a desirable move. It can both help raise their awareness of the currency risk and facilitate their overseas expansion.

Action on special tax 2006-04-06
If the special tax imposed by the government on crude oil is to work wonders with distorted prices, the Ministry of Finance must speed up its plans to subsidize disadvantaged groups.

Savings will be let loose if life pressure is eased 2006-04-05
Information and statistics from various sources paint a strange economic landscape. Insufficient consumption demand is dragging at the country's economic growth while bank savings have reached the astronomic figure of 14 trillion yuan (US$1.7 trillion).

Share-merger reform enters crucial period 2006-03-27
The State Council recently listed complete stock merger reform as one of its key tasks this year. The country can no longer afford a split share structure.

US must grasp reality of China forex policy 2006-03-23
United States senators Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham are in China to obtain first-hand knowledge about China's foreign exchange policy.

Monopoly days are over 2006-03-14
Monopolies have harmed the economy and public interests for too long, says a signed article in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Poor internal control slowing bank reform 2006-03-10
Opening up has long been deemed a practical way to drive reform in domestic industries. The banking sector is no exception.

Unified corporate tax has multiple benefits 2006-03-09
The logic behind a new law that will unify income tax rates for all companies lies in the country's urgent need for a level-playing field to underpin sound and sustainable economic growth.

Allies needed in battle of commercial bribery 2006-03-06
By singling out commercial bribery as a main target, policy makers have tugged on one of the main roots of corruption among government officials.

Corporate responsibility can enhance credibility 2006-03-02
Three very different stories I heard recently have impressed me deeply for the same reason: the understandings of corporate responsibility they contained.

Banks need to lend rural sector support 2006-03-01
The financial support needed for building a "new countryside" involves more than just public funding. A functioning financial sector that can better serve the rural economy is a must as well.

Don't change winning HK tax formula 2006-02-28
The Hong Kong government budget has been widely labelled as "unimaginative" or "lacking of vision" by the local press. Many economists and social analysts have expressed their disappointment at the small tax concession to the middle class when the economy is showing definite signs of a sustained recovery.

Investment tax could rein in house prices 2006-02-17
Originally adopted by banks for new customers wishing to open accounts, the practice of proving one's identity using official documents has been widely applied in other situations.

State funding will keep trains chugging along 2006-02-17
Some economists and government officials have claimed that in the process of reforming the railway industry, State capital should be removed from competitive fields and gradually taken out of non-competitive ventures.

People hate corruption, not wealth 2006-02-13
Chinese media have a bad habit of sticking incorrect labels to people and events. They are making that mistake again right now, when they report people's complaints as a "hatred of wealth," or of wealthy people.

Monetary policy needs fine-tuning 2006-02-07
Last year the macro economy fared well, with its gross domestic product (GDP) growing to 18.2 trillion yuan (US$2.2 trillion), up 9.9 per cent year-on-year.

Taxation on non-Beijingers contrary to nation's system 2006-01-23
Is Beijing the exclusive domain of Beijingers or capital of the whole nation?

Improve student loans system 2005-12-30
The government should try to reduce risk in the student loans system, says an article in Beijing Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

Grip on assembly work share must be tightened 2005-12-28
The revaluation of the renminbi on July 21 triggered extensive discussions among domestic economists, as well as their overseas counterparts. But some misunderstandings about the economic basis of the yuan still exist.

Performance key to judging reform 2005-12-07
The high-profile responses the Chinese banking authorities have made to domestic complaints about shares in State banks being sold cheaply have underscored the importance of the ongoing banking reform programme.

Sound fiscal discipline crucial to tax system 2005-11-16
As the mainland government is moving to reform the nation's outdated tax system, many discussions have focused on examples in the United States and Hong Kong, representing the opposite extremes of fiscal philosophy.

More reforms should follow tax revision 2005-10-28
China has decided to set 1,600 yuan (US$197) per month as the new threshold above which residents must pay personal income tax, raising the cut-off from 800 yuan (US$99).

Public opinion helps tax policy drafting 2005-09-28
The first-ever legislative hearing held by China's top legislature yesterday was a step towards enhancing transparency in the policy process.

Currency meddling not solution to deficits 2005-09-23
Twenty years ago yesterday, finance ministers from the world's then biggest economies - the United States, Japan, West Germany, France and Britain - announced the Plaza Accord.

Taxation system must be more accountable 2005-09-21
What people are curious about the lengthy and enthusiastic discussions on personal income tax is the silence from financial officials.

Tax unification needed to achieve fairness 2005-09-13
Differentiated rates of tax imposed on varying taxpayers are usually meant to achieve de facto fairness.

Refinancing will hurt small investors 2005-09-07
High hopes have been pinned on the share-merger reform, with expectations to see mutual benefits for large and small shareholders, and more pressure on mainland-listed companies to focus more on their performance.

Tax change first step to equality 2005-08-25
Updating the personal income tax system is a good first step in the drive to achieve wealth equality, says an article in Beijing Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:
The pending revision of the personal income tax code has attracted overwhelming public attention.

Stock market reforms suggest future success 2005-08-23
With the last two companies getting the nod from shareholders last Friday, the 42 pilot firms selected for the second round of share-merger reform have all seen their plans approved.

New tax law needed to narrow income gap 2005-08-01
The draft amendment to the personal income tax law the State Council has in principle approved is a belated but important step towards updating one of the country's obsolete laws.

Focus needed for efficient stock reform 2005-07-29
The authorities' eagerness to reform the split share structure, a prime drag on the development of the domestic stock market, is unmistakable.

Stop issuing fresh bad loans 2005-07-26
The best way to dispose of renewed non-performing loans is not to issue funds time and time again to defaulting institutions but to prevent new cases from re-emerging.

Exchange rate not a choice between good and evil 2005-07-11
The RMB exchange rate has, once again, become one of the focuses of China-US relations.

Mainland shares rally as gov't pushes reforms 2005-06-22
China's shares rallied yesterday as investors were cheered by the government's expanded efforts to push the ongoing state share sale reform.

A show of strength by minority shareholders 2005-06-14
No wonder the longest face in China's stock market last week belonged to Rong Yonglin, chairman of Tsinghua Tongfang Co Ltd.

Ailing market needs strong pill 2005-06-09
One day in the early 1990s, two managers of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) met while applying to issue shares to the public.

Diversified financing helps boost growth 2005-05-27
The People's Bank of China called for a correct understanding of the supplementary role of private financing in its latest report on the country's regional financial operations in 2004.

Golden times for jewellery makers 2005-05-24
China's gold demand is likely to surge tremendously in coming years, with market liberalization and increasing popularity of jewellery.

Finger-pointing does more harm than good 2005-05-24
The United States has taken another pop at China's foreign exchange regime in a misleading attempt to appease its domestic trade protectionists.

Legal protection for stockholders 2005-04-30
The amendments to Securities Law were finally tabled at the 15th session of the 10th National People's Congress Standing Committee that ended on Wednesday.

Mainland stock market marginalized 2005-04-18
As the country's stock market has been sluggish for quite a while, many Chinese enterprises have been rushing to get listed on overseas stock markets.

Pilot fund management scheme underway 2005-04-18
China's long-practised segregated regulatory scheme for the banking, securities and insurance sectors is being shaken by the expected launch of fund management companies by a few pilot commercial banks.

Banks should go personal 2005-04-15
Domestic banks should develop more financial service products to meet market demand, says an article in Guangzhou Daily.

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